This morning Matt headed out to yet another couple meetings out of town. I thought about showering but then remember the chaos that was my day and chose to get started & trudge through with a greasy head. So, with a grungy preschooler in my bed watching Cat in the Hat, I put on a bra {sorry, TMI for some but you mamma's know this is only prep for visitors 😉 } and hustled downstairs. You see, we've been non-stop traveling and I failed to do any of my child's preschool work last week...our "HIPPY lady" was coming today...10 O'Clock to be was 7:30.
I grabbed our new favorite cereal, Berry Berry Kix {thank you WIC}, a handful of bowls, and our HIPPY backpack full of supplies and work. I know, know. My class factor here is on the rise! I dealt the bowls like a deck of cards, chucking piles of cereal in each one Knowing at least one child would decide they didn't like this kind of cereal today. Next, I quickly reading through the entire weeks worth of school work, highlighted directions for quick labor, ready the necessary supplies, and decide what really has to be fill out/done. Don't judge... HIPPY parents, you know you've done this at least once- determine the possible pull sheets and do those first!
I ran back upstairs just in time to her The Cat and his lil friends say they'd see us next time and I click off the TV. Thank you PBS for entertaining my 4 {and now in the bed 3} year old! Like the fancy people we are, I march my kids downstairs still in their PJs after grabbing lil brother out of his crib. Going straight to the table, the excitement and grouching begins. Mags is ecstatic about finally getting to "do school" and guess who complains about the Berry Berry Kix? Iz the Biz! Two of the 3 eat their cereal dry while the particular one selects multigrain Cheerios and asks for milk. Settled now, I began swiftly moving through each day's lesson, markers marking, crayon's coloring, scissors...scissoring. Even with reading silly detailed directions in a couple of places we owned that homework in like 30 minutes! For Real! New personal record 😉 {Sorry Heather...I promise we do the lessons more vigorously every other week I mean... on weeks we're not traveling naw, just some times. We get bored with repetition}
Now that breakfast and school were done, the kids marched happily to the playroom and I began checking email and texts {yeah...I'm bad about keeping up with my phone}. All while doing this my kids started playing a new game they created all by themselves! It was called: How many bad choices can we make in less than 2 hours {bonus points for including as many screaming siblings as possible}. Sounds fun huh! This included but was definitely not limited to slapping, pushing, stealing, running someone else's extremities over with a power wheel scooter, drawing on the table with marker right next to the paper provided, using glue as chapstick, screaming {both fun and out of anger or pain}, as well as getting everyone naked {"suPize" -says Jamin} for pretend "mud" play. I probably missed something fun. I'll find evidence of it somewhere near the pile of hair I ripped out of my head later.
This day only got better with a little
- rushed lunch of leftovers in order to be ready for HIPPY & baby-watching
- bribery with stickers for napping {mainly for the 4-year-old}
- finally did the postponed HIPPY meeting I panicked to get ready for about 2 hours later
- babysitting an adorable 9-month-old {its been a while...} who was so snuggly but I felt awful because he
- was overstimulated by my abundance of littles
- needed to poop
- is teething
- was wicked sleepy {but that just made for more snuggles 😉 }
- and didn't like my mistaken combination of his juice cup & formula {told ya its been a while...}
- amped up kids who apparently need to
- get out more OR
- stay home more... that's a tough one
- hubs who's meeting went longer than I thought
- amped even more with energy when daddy got home
- make-shift of THIS using leftovers
- more playing their new-found game
- 10 minute time out with a tantrum throwing 3-year-old
- waiting out the tornado in a pantry
- after pulling kids from their bath
- staying up past their bed time
- while enjoying a last night snack & extra movie
- aaaaand now I'm
talkingtyping to you about to head to bed {9:45} because the crazy of this week hasn't even begun.
See ya lay-ta! What did your Tuesday look like?

My Tuesday was nowhere near as fun as yours!
Laurie Bostwick recently posted..Homemade Crescent Rolls
FUN? Laurie, I would love for you to hang out here even for just a day. I’m bet’n your a well spring of wisdom! I need some!!!