If we are friends on Facebook, you saw me blow'n up your mini feed with TONS of pictures from last week. We had a fun a family of 7 last week, including 2 crazed parents and 5 kids 8 and under. Last week, we got to have my niece and nephew for the entire week before their new school years starts on the 20th. Here are a few highlights from that week:
That was just a taste of the NON-STOP FUN we had! After we said our sad goodbyes Sunday, our little family of only 5 headed home for the unforeseeable: This week, we have all been coocked up in the house being nasty sick. Our bodies must have shut down from all the fun having we did last week ;o)
Wednesday we had to get out, so we headed to Sonic's happy hour {imagine that} and planned to have picnic. After I sliced open my tummy trying to take our middle van seat back out, we settled down on top of our blankets in the floor of the van at Sonic waiting for our order of 2 large tater tots, 2 juice boxes, 1 banana, and a Large Vanilla Dr Pepper... just in time for our newly potty trained Izzie to announce her need for a restroom. Boo We reloaded the car seats, got our snack and rushed back to the house for my Iz. After she'd taken care of business and J went down for nap after his banana, the girls and I sat in the floor of our van in the driveway for our snack picnic and a little fresh air. It was surprisingly relaxing just to be out of the house, although everyone sweating shortened our 'outing' a bit.
Wednesday night Matt returned home riding his white stead bearing the recipe and ingredients to heal his house plagued with sickness {i.e. Chick-fil-a Chicken Noodle Soup!}. I think this recipe yielded enough to feed an entire days worth of CFA customers...anybody else sick and need this magic soup? He also tried to cure my sickness via death. He made a homemade version of Theraflu®; EVIL! {insert toddler version of Jules} I attempted to chug the 1/2 dos of the stuff {1 tall mug full} and ended up yacking 3x in the sink. #FAIL
Today, I think we've all broken our low-grade fevers but still have the snots & stuffiness and a couple of us still have our crabby pants on. All in all, I think we're 'better'. We are planning to hit up everybody's favorite McDs playland tonight!
This simple sickness was WELL worth the week of non-stop fun we had with cousins!
Have you & you're family ever experienced the adrenalin drop off sickness?

It looks like you all had a blast! (Except when you were sick!) I finally got around to doing the Liebster Award… If you are interested in reading my answers to your questions…
We did have a blast! I think I was a bit too optimistic in thinking we were over the sickness. 2 blow outs from my potty training middle child last night In the playland and runny noses all around this morning say we were no so much past it yet.
I would LOVE to read your answers! Thanks for letting me know!