Lots of ladies have been talking about
"balance" recently.
Every time I hear that word I nervously cringe.
Balance means an even distribution enabling something to remain upright and steady so that it doesn't fall.
In the Christian life I don't think the word balance ever applies. A Christian's life should be toppled over head 1st into all that is Christ! Everything we do should go through the filter of "Is this biblical?" or "Is God asking me to do this?"
There should never be balance between spiritual and physical.
We need to be constantly swimming deep in the reality of the spiritual world we live in.
God does not call us to be stressed. Some times we are living stressed out in a world of good things when God is asking us to illuminate the good things we are busying ourselves with so we can have abundant room for His things! The things He is calling us to do. They're not just the mundane good, moral, there's-nothing-wrong-with-it things but the GREAT, God center, will-of-God things. These look different for everyone. Don't get me wrong. There are rights and wrongs evident by the Bibles teachings but even the good rules of Jews were some times abandoned by Jesus for the will of God.
Balance is a word for Pharisees. Balance assumes there is actually a way for us, by ourselves, to find a way to not fall. To steady ourselves. To remain upright in our own self-righteousness. That there is a means to finding an even distribution of the things in our lives. The opposite is true: We need to be liquid, incapable of balance, cupped safely in our makers hand in this this topsy-turvy world, rocked by the natural winds of sin that can only to be calmed by Christ.
What's your take on a "balance life"?

I sure did need to hear that today!!
Awe, I love that God can use my ramblings 🙂