So these are the tables Matt and I have had since we got married back in '04. I like(d) them.
I did however decide it was time for a change. I sold them thinking I wanted something completely different. I bought this lil table at a flea market & gave it a makeover.
I liked it alright...but what I thought I wanted wasn't gonna work. So I sold it. {have more pics of process if anybody really wants to hear/see about how I did the 2-tone table}.
The things I liked about the old tables:
- large- can hold lots of guests' drinks, plates, feet, etc.
- height- the end tables were a great height for setting drinks, remotes, and randomness
- storage- the 2-tear tables allowed you to have decorative items as well as practical things stored on the table
Things I'm moving away from in the old tables:
- uniformity- having bought this living room furniture when I was 19 {yep- married Young}, I feel like I either didn't know what I liked or have changed my taste a lot since then. I've come to find out that I don't like matchy-matchy furniture.
- massiveness- I know I said I liked the size BUT the square tables just felt bulky
- glass/nice wood- we want to LIVE in our home which for me means having tables that don't make people worry about setting a moist glass on
Here are 2 tables we already had at home. Aren't they awesome?!? My husband inherited them from "the queen of end tables" when he bought his 1st home. Out of the gazillion he had, these 2 have made the cut through 4 moves and NOW are getting yet another facelift.
oh, avoid doing this spray paint in 90+ degree least I think that's what caused these bubbles that had to be popped with a needle and squashed down. OR maybe it was because I painted this with a satin-esk paint last time and didn't bother to sand the table down 1st... hmmm
Sorry, not much of a tutorial today. Just my favorite method- SPRAY PAINT! {anybody know where I can get a sponsor for all this paint 😉 }
find other post in this series HERE

Julie… why you no sanding??? you have a palm sander… Or you did at one time 🙂 and yes painting when it is really hot outside causes those bubbles.. they arent fun. As for ways to get spray paint… post whereever you have that you will come pick up any paint that people dont use anymore… or go to the Paint Stores and see if they have any that is damaged or old or i dont know free… lol
Mooney, I DO still have an awesome palm sanders and use it on big projects as well as to do some of my distressing but for projects like this were the wood is already painted, I just save time by using the spray paint with primer in it. Saves a step and they turn out fine.
I love the ideas for getting more paint! Hadn’t thought about damaged or old paint from stores. Do they really give it away free?!?
I know like Sherwin Williams (sp?) used to.. i know Home Depot sells paint that was mixed wrong cheap… and sometimes smaller hardware/paint stores get new brands in and will give free sample away. like pint sized.
love the transformation! Our taste and preferences do grow up after a few years, glad you are finding ways to incorporate what you love.
Stopping over from Homemaker’s Challenge today.
Linda recently posted..28 Days to Hope for Your Home
Linda, thanks for stopping by and I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one who’s taste has changed over the years. I am having lots of fun learning what I love. I think it makes my hubs a lil nervous 😉