I love our Master bedroom. We've gone from small, to tiny, to a little less tiny, to HUGE, and now to "just right". It's right off the living room on the same side of the house as the kids rooms but not connected to the same hall. A lot of people may not like that but for us, it gives enough distance but not too much ground to cover in the middle of the night when someone needs something.
It also has a "hall bath" like feel to the bathroom BUT I like it because it keeps my clutter to a minimum and guest feel comfortable using either our bathroom or the "kids" bathroom which are both easily accessible. I don't like having rooms that are useless space, and for me that means not used daily. I felt wasteful in our last house with certain rooms because even if they were used daily, it was only for either for guest occasionally, a nap or bedtime baths.There are still some things I'd like to finish in this room but for now, we're settled. We sold our comforter set I bought just a couple of years ago when we moved into big blue. I loved the idea of a nice-looking bed spread but after we got it I realized the fabric was NOT comfortable, it was too hot and crunchy to sleep under, and a major hassle to make the bed with the bedding we slept with and then add on top the cutesiness. It rarely got used. Again with the wastefulness.
When we moved here, I decided since we had nothing really to have to match, I would start all over with something simple. Matt has a "no flower" policy in our room as well as nothing else too girly. I chose not to buy and new bedding and stick with the solid white down comforter we already have. I'd been wanting to paint our dark wooden dresser set {from Matt's childhood} for a while now but couldn't commit.
I took the plung after a date night with my hubby where we walked around target talking. I'd fallen in love with what I started calling the "target green color". I'd seen it on a cute picture frame there as well as a couple other random items. When we were parusing I also noticed I was drawn to dark navys. There we have it. I'm going crazy and painted the dressers GREEN!
{furniture & lamp TUTORIALS to come}
I think this is a good compromise: fun but not necessarily masculine or feminine.
Then I took all of our black frames {sets & otherwise} we've collected over years and painted them navy blue along with an old green lamp that was in the girls room. In our last house(s) we decided to only put pictures of Matt & I in our master bedroom. Since our kids, friends and family are plastered everywhere else, we thought it might be sweet to have just us in our room. This also encourages us to take pictures together more often as well. Don't pay attention too close...some of these are OLD. We also chose to make all the pictures black and white to make them feel more uniform. I love it.
I like the idea of having something red in every room and also think red goes well with the navy and green, just not too much of it. I was going to paint a could of the frames red just for fun but after starting...I realized I didn't have enough paint left in the can to finish the 2 I chose... oops. I decided to do the same technician on these as I did the table in Jamin's room. It didn't work as well but its okay for now.
The big mirror on my dresser is one we've had floating around for a long time in different areas of the house. I think I may end up painting it red or navy as well.
Here's our closet organization:
Thanks for taking a tour around our master bedroom!
Here's a side-by-side just for a better idea of the dresser transformation

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