Why does God want us to be like "little children"?
When my littles were infants, it was almost fun to try and learn them. Which cry meant what. Learning their cues before the crying began. Learning their routine. Learning likes and dislikes. I was their mamma. It was up to me to learn them so I could best take care of them.
On days that were frustrating and I wasn't on my toes, the incessant crying just made me with they could talk. Wish they could tell me what they needed or wanted. Then they started talking.
I ooded and awed over their silly noises and failed attempts at big words. It was adorable and they began learning words that would help them better communicate to me what they needed. Then the questions started.
You know...the ones that don't really {seemingly} matter. "Why?" about everything! Questioning any sort of authority I had going. Making me question every decision I made. "Why do I need to wear clothes? Why am I asking you not to jump off tables? Why? Why? WHY?" Some times its good to set back and ask yourself why; to make sure there's actually purpose in the norm. Double check you've not just fallen into a tradition of doing things without having a reason. Being about to communicate these things in a way a child can understand it makes you have to really know WHY you're doing what you're doing.
I was unsure I wanted my kids talking any more. I didn't like the feeling of insecurity and my brain was so tired of analyzing every move I made. Then came the harder questions. "Why did Mr Incredible lie to his wife about having a job?" "Where is ____ mommy & daddy?" "Why don't we sacrifice goats anymore?" "If _____ is a bad chose then why does _____ do it?"
In my mind, I'm going, "WHY does God want us to be like children?" Lets be honest, they're annoying some times. Constantly questioning those smarter than them. Never trusting a simple command. Always wanting to "learn for themselves". God must be so annoyed by us.
Then I remember, God is the perfect father. Forming my view of God based on my failed parenting is way off kilter. He wants to begin our relationship the same as every family does, infancy. He knows us inside and out better than anyone because He made us. Its almost like He enjoys watching US learn ourselves. God wants us to be able to humble ourselves as little children.
The other cool thing about God is that although He wants to begin our relationship in infancy, He doesn't desire us to stay there.
God is not intimidated by our questioning of his authority. He doesn't shy away from the tough questions. He knows everything and the perfect way of explaining things, if we'll listen.
God is ready to parent us through the awkward elementary ages up into strong willed teenagers, forming us to be more and more like Him. He's not a creepy parent who is attempting to create a "mini me" to secure dreams they missed. God is perfect and what parent wouldn't shoot for perfect in their child's life?
We see maturity begin to form in our children when the tough questions come. They're secured us as an authority of sorts in their life. They trust we have answers, even if they're delayed or imperfect. The questioning changes from a snarky "Why?" into a genuine "I really wanna know why you believe this is the best chose for my life so that I may too understand and live in that."
Maturity. That's what God wants. He doesn't want someone who views themselves as mature and therefore needing no guidance and wisdom. God wants us to be needy to begin with. He wants us to lean on Him. God wants us to ask Why. He wants to be the compass of your life, not our "mature knowledge" we think we have of Him.
Doing life together is the best way to train up our children. Talking at them is not how its supposed to work. God knows this and that's exactly how He created it to work. He knows if we are "doing life" with HIM then we won't just know what the text book says; we will See how He works, lives, moves, behaves, and all that comes with that. Growing up with God as our Father will lead to deeper maturity. Not that we will ever stand on our own but that we will know Him so well, that some days, we won't have to ask Why? We will know and we can walk in His ways confidently knowing His will and His pure heart behind why.

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