Our laundry room is definitely a multipurpose room!
Not only do we have to do laundry daily, store cleaning tools, as well as keep it presentable for guest who may be welcomed into our home via the “laundry room”.
We finished the laundry aspect of this room as well as the “cleaning tools” both in shelves and on the wall. For storing larger tools, like our inside broom and mop, I stole a tool hanger from the garage that was already here when we moved in. Score! There were two so we still have one available for outdoor tools, like racks and shovels.
We plan to create a mud room on the other end of the laundry room. Of course, this space could have easily been made into a folding station or even a dirty laundry sorting zone but since this is the area where we will be coming in daily from the garage {and possibly bring guest through}, I wanted it to be used to its full extent. I think an organized mud room would be the best way for our family to use the space.
Part of the reason we haven’t completed it yet is because we don’t use the garage 100% of the time AND because I still can’t decide exactly what I want and don’t want in this area.
At first I thought I wanted cubbies. You know, old school kindergarten-esk cubbies with a shelf, hooks, and a bench area all separated into individual slots. After finishing the hanging laundry baskets I realized the room remaining would make for tiny cubbies.
Now I’m thinking I want a single bench with enough room for individual baskets for shoes would be better with just a row of hooks {lower} or a rod to hang coats on. See, I can’t even figure that out. I also think it would be a good idea to have a higher shelf where we could keep keys and items like that so they don’t get lost. Those are currently in a bowl on top of Big Betsy since ½ the time we are still using the front door.
What type of mudroom would work best for your family? I’ve been all over Pinterest for inspiration and am still not motivated to finish this ½ of the room.

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