So a blogger friend acquaintance of mine {she's got a bazillion readers of which I'm just 1} is starting this really cool link-up series called "My Husband is Awesome" over at the Bohemian Bowmans. I love this because I LOVE my husband and don't get to praise him enough {via the net or in person}. Recently I noticed when reading other blogs {since 2-5 minute blurps are what I read if and when I read} that there are several women talking about marriage stuff/bettering their marriage or their husbands in general. I talk a big game and know that my husband is my best friend, my confidant, my biggest fan, and the person who treats me the most like Jesus. Many days I wish I could write about how-to better your marriage, love your hubs better etc...but I don't. Because...I don't. I'm aweful at 'working on' my marriage. Loveing my hubs in his 'language'. I get stuck in that same rut of kids, house, and my self-involved blogging business. I've always been bad about not trying unless I knew I was going to be successful at something. Even right now, I've been struggling with not trying in a couple areas for fear of failure.Thanks Jess for kicking me off the couch on this. Here's to trying!
Today I'm going to begin posting {at least} weekly updates just about my handsome hubs, Matthew Ray Rothacher!
WARNING: This man has been claimed til death does us part, so no creepers look'n to snag him up. He's mine. Not sure why God blessed me so abundantly, but he did. Sorry Ladies! ;o)
This week kicked off with an 'interview' at 1Church so our new church family can begin getting to know us and our vision for The Valley church plant. Matt rocked this out the house! God's refining him into such an amazing communicator! Just listening to him Sunday reignited the fire to jump on board with what God is planning to do in Vilonia!
Monday morning, we had our normal routine of me and the kids going grocery shopping and Matt heading off to his office {aka the local McDonald's}. He even coordinated a Nanna Day for lil J {since he could do his normal awesomeness in taking him to the office with him for the morning} so shopping would be that much easier. When I returned home we informed me he had good news. SWEET! I like good news! "People are coming to view our house at 6!" Even SWEETER!!! As I began my plan of attack on the house in my head Matt quickly grinned and said, "Well, there goes my afternoon." I love this man! He whooped tail going rabid on the garage. He moved all his boxes from his old church office who had found a temporary home in the garage down to the basement. DANG! Such a hoss! Only breaking for the potty and give me smoochies, he was non-stop until it was amazingly organized.
Did I mention he's looking hotter and hotter every day because he's doing this fun 'couch to 5K' thing and is committed to training/running at least every other day. Oh, and he always plans his runs early in the morning or late at night as to not miss family time.
After the peeps that came to see our house didn't jump on making an offer, I did what every rash person does in my situation... I email the realtor that showed our house. hehe I just let her know I would love some feed back: likes, dislikes, concerns, etc. Sadly, she responded that they liked our house but were concerned with the flat roofed patio above the garage and the old water damage in the garage. When I let Matt know she'd actually responded to my insane plea to sell my house completely normal email correspondence with those concerns his pour face sunk. We both had high hopes of these being the ones! Then, he disappeared.
My man has installed a new drainage system in the floor of our patio! He is also planning to fix the quirks in his amazingly designed system before re-sheet-rocking the ceiling in the garage. Take that dis-satisfied potential home buyers! Oh, and I forgot to mention, he bought me 'new-to-me' patio furniture from Craig's List! 1st patio furniture Every AND I get to pick out new cushions!
These are just the new ways he's found to love me this week, added to the doing breakfast duty so I can shower, helping with my babes, changing ridiculous amounts of poopy diapers {ya know, since he can't smell. For Real}, and doing nightly bath/bed so I can do my 'chores'. I love my man!!!!
I know yours isn't ever gonna be as cool as mine but if ya wanna share anyways, comment below or hit up Jessica's link-up to share with many others!

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