I love Valentine's Day!
I'm not a big flower and chocolate kinda girl but I love a guaranteed date some time during the week of the "Love Holiday". Matt and I went out Tuesday night. Nothing fancy. We did get to eat at Old Chicago for < $15, just say'n. GREAT legit deal! We relaxed. Talked. Enjoying being ONE for a while rather than five.
I'm a slacker and only got my hubs a couple little cards. This is an odd holiday to buy for...well, I'm learning almost any holiday can be odd to buy a gift for a man. I know some women complain about it but for the most part you could get me anything 'householdy" and I would love it. Men...my man. Not so much into the "man toys." He's not outdoorsy and although he is becoming Mr Fix-it, I don't think he's looking for a drill wrapped in heart paper. Any ways. I've become worse and worse at this gift stuff the longer we've been married and the more kids we have. I love being sneaky but with all these kids and responsibilities floating around, there's not much room for surprise.
Matt on the other hand has taken advantage of my distracted mommy-self. One year he saved for ever and surprised me with a laptop, then a kitchen aid mixer, then tickets to ALUME! He's good!!! For Valentine's Day he bought me clothes. He knows me so well. I hate shopping. I get depressed trying to find modest clothing to fit my short squatty body. I love wearing t-shirts and for years my wardrobe has been youth event Ts. Those have all become extremely worn and there aren't any new one in my near future. Matt hooked me up with TWO new Union28 t-shirts. The brand new "One with my husband" t-shirt and the brown "United In All Times" t-shirt.
We really do "Go Together"!
You know I love this company...I actually already owned 2 shirts and a hat. What can I say. When your wardrobe is t-shirt and jeans, ya got grab up the cute ones, even if they are all from the same place. ;D
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You two are adorable!! 🙂 Glad you got to get away for a date night…I know those don’t come very often with 3 littles running around!
Ashlie recently posted..In which you tell me about YOU!
You are too sweet! I sure do love my man and had a great relaxing time just hanging out with uninterrupted talk {or none at all}!!!