Does the idea of spring cleaning excite you all while making your bones ache with exhaustion? YES! Me too! So, how are we going to get those normal chores done and the “spring cleaning” items we rarely get to handle? Child Labor!
Having four kids, 5-years-old and under, we had to recruit their help early. Here are some of the ways we helped our kids get in on helping keep-up the house with daily little chores that are easy for littles to accomplish. Organization helps you and your child keep on top of the daily so once they’re in the swing of helping with those things on your list, you’ll be free to do those rare spring cleaning items on your bigger list!
Today on the Homemaker's Challenge, I am sharing how we organize our version of "Child Labor" so we can get to the spring cleaning. I'm covering our chore chart, how we rotate and train the littles, as well as our "allowance".
On a side note, look for the upcoming post where I give you some very convincing arguments for why you should never fold your little's laundry again.

[…] is laundry. I never cringe when I think about laundry and I think that is completely because of the system we have in place. It has kind of evolved over the […]