4th of July Party Food Ideas

My oldest little girl was born on June 29th but our summers are crazy full with camps and family living out-of-town so we have made it a tradition to have a family birthday party on the weekend of the 4th of July. Everyone is off work and can travel! I told myself four years ago I never wanted to make her birthday 4th of July themed…yeah. We all know how that one’s gonna end ;o)

I'm sharing the party foods over at the Homemaker's Challenge today.

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Prayer for The Valley

Yesterday was our 1st Sunday attending One Church in Conway, AR. This is the church we will be a part of until our official launch of The Valley in Vilonia, AR. One Church is a fairly new church, having been planted only ~2 years ago. The pastor, Paul will be kind of  disciplining us in church planting and One Church will be a sponsor church when we launch. We really enjoyed being  apart of this part of the body of Christ. They do several things that we plan to do in our church plant. It was refreshing to be there and not "hopping" with the intent to learn what other churches in this area are offering. It was refreshing to be free to wear jeans, flip-flops, a hat, suit, or even shorts if you wanted to. The gospel was preached to those who came as they are.

The prayer request comes from the negatives aspect of the day. Their worship service starts at 9am and "D-groups" {small group bible study} after the service where they discuss together what was just taught. I love that you get to talk application with an accountability group immediately after it being taught. This is an ideal time for our family. It works great for naps. We get out early enough to hit a restaurant before they're crowded and during the time we normally feed out children. We're home in time for naps!

IF....We lived in Vilonia!

Since we still have a home in White Hall we are commuting from White Hall to Conway on Sundays {and for any other ministry opportunity}. It takes about an hour-hour and 1/2 {depending on how many 'potty' breaks we have to take}. That means we have to leave our house by 7:30am on Sundays. Our kids don't normally get up until 7:30. We wake them up early, throw some clothes on them, chunk breakfast in their laps on the car ride through construction.

Today, this combination of extremely fun birthday party weekend and out of routine morning brought melt down in the toddler section of One Church. A nursery worker had to come get us as soon as D-groups started because my kids wouldn't calm down. This has NEVER happened with our kids. I walked into their children's section to find my Izzie sobbing  trying to catch her breath right next to Jamin , who was taking his cues from big sis and crying uncontrollably. Since I'd never been in this situation and it was our 1st Sunday here, I didn't know what to do. I gathered their things, passing content Maggie in the hall eating her snack, only to return to D-group with them and cups of animal crackers. It worked...okay. Matt ended up having to get up with J and walk around so the rest of the D- could hear and discuss. After church, we made it to Burger King with only one other family int he building but when I opened the van door unload my babes, they stared at me with sleepy eyes, unenthusiastic that we were going in to eat lunch. A few short tantrums later, and couple fights about finishing meals, we reloaded to venture out to Vilonia to check our PO Box and then hit the trek home. Everyone passed out less than 5 minutes down the road. They were so tired that they took turns waking up on the way home, screaming and helping the others wake as well.

We are all worn down so much that we had to eliminate our second trip to Conway tonight for a D-group dinner where we were hoping to get to know some friends better. Maybe every weekend won't be like this but today I'm not hopeful. We need God to sell our house. Satan may suck but he's no dummy. He knows that the biggest part of our planting strategy comes in the form of loving our community around us, so why not keep us from actually living in the community where we're called to minister.

Once our house in WH is sold, we can move forward with making an offer/buying a home in Vilonia.

Excepting ANY reasonable offer! {sorry, can't rent}

This is a house we've found a great deal on in Vilonia.

19 Dove Lane, Vilonia AR
If God is nudging any of you to buy it for us I'll take that blessing, hehe ;O)


I am very aware that God is in control, knows what's happening and that His timing is Perfect. I am also very aware that He's called us to that community. Our hearts are so content and joyful when we simply drive through the town. We Need to Be There! Sunday church attendance will be easier on our family. We can begin getting to know the community. We can meet neighbors, get to know them and their needs, and love on them. We can experience life in that area of the state. We can have the basic meetings we need to have with local people in that area to make progress on our church launch. We can have people in our home at THEIR convince. We can be involved in Vilonia stuff.

Please pray with us!

My urgent prayer is that our home will sell.

Not only is the stress of this travel hard but hinders our ability to minister an hour and 1/2 away. We figured up today that it takes us about $30.oo in just gas for every round trip to Vilonia. That's a big speed bump on a church planters hit or miss income. If you have extra change lying around, that would be a huge help in the mean time. You can give to They Valley below OR find things on my sidebar like: AdSense ads- I get commission based on clicks OR other items you can buy and I get {at the most 10- 20%  commission. This is just my way to try and supplement our income during this time. Having a bit more gas money would be a big stress relief during this time of transition!

The Valley Church


Thanks for your prayer and support!


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Summer Splash Park Birthday Party

Yesterday we celebrated our Summer Birthdays at the War Memorial Splash Park!!!

These are just a few of my favorite pictures from the day...I took ~300 ;o)
Maybe I should start a side business? hehe

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Kids & Sleep: “Cry-It-Out”

Today, lets talk about what to do now that we know why children should have a nap schedule, how to chart baby’s routine to figure out when they should nap, and how to set up their environment: methods to get them to learn to sleep on their own.

I know there are tons of different methods to getting your baby to sleep on their own and learn to self-sooth. You can use many different comfort ideas from the environment post but a method that's worked for us is "crying-it-out". Before you go to ranting on me about my inhumanity hear me out.

After you've made sure that baby's needs have been met and your sure of their sleep routine use these steps to help them learn to fall asleep on their own {Make a routine of exactly how you do it}.

There is the original "Cry-It-Out" Method but our pediatrician suggested the 5 minute rule so this is how we do it for nap time:

  • Tell baby/child it's nap time
  • Carry them to their bedroom
  • Turn on ceiling fan and turn off all lights
  • Turn on music
  • Rock and snuggle for just a few seconds
  • Place baby, Still Awake, in the safe and comfortable sleeping environment
  • Provide comfort items that are age appropriate
  • Say "night night" and walk out of the room

IF baby cries:

  • Wait 5 minutes
    {if they're still crying}
  • Go into the room and check to make sure they are safe
  • Have clean diaper
  • Lay them back down if they are standing
  • Cover them with blanket {if they have one}
  • Pat them on the back for a couple seconds
  • Say "night night" and walk out of the room
  • Wait 10 minutes
    {if they're still crying}
  • Do the same routine again {try not to pick up the child or even tough them if possible}
  • Continue this adding 5 minutes each time

We have rarely made it to 15 minutes of them still crying unless they end up having poop or something. This shows the child you are attentive to them but assures them you mean it when you say it's time for nap. I'm not gonna lie: it's super hard!!! But when we were consistent with doing it the crying got less and less and eventually subsided all together. We've tried other methods like rocking. Our kids ALWAYS woke up when we tried to lay them down no matter how long we rocked.

Good luck! Have any of you used this method or a variation of this? Share your successes or even failures with napping.

This is the 3nd in a series I'm doing on Kids & Sleep. You might also want to read

 Why Should Children Have a Nap Schedule,

Charting Baby's Routine, and

Environment .

{These may change a little based on comments and questions as we go}

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Kids & Sleep: Environment

After talking about why our babies need sleep and how to figure out when they need sleep. Lets talk a little about actually getting them TO SLEEP.

Environment plays a huge part in getting your baby to sleep and to stay asleep. Again, I've read and researched tons as well as talked to many friends and pediatricians about sleep environment. Here are the things I've found to help my babes {and many others}:

  • Safety 1st

SIDS {sudden infant death syndrome} is a huge concern. To reduce the risk of SIDS follow these simple steps-

  1. Back is best: always put baby to sleep on his/her back. When they begin rolling over on their own, allow them to but always put them down on their back. Swaddling can provide comfort, warmth, and keep that startle reflex from waking them without sleeping on their tummy.
  2. Use firm sleeping surfaces: a firm mattress is best but even when using a pack-n-play make sure the "extra padding" you may use is tucked securely under a fitted sheet all the way around the pad.
  3. Keep soft objects and loose bedding out of the crib: cutesy bedding and stuffed animals may be super cute for photo time but are not safe for baby's sleep. Even providing your baby with a small blanket should be postponed as long as possible. Bumper pads seem provide cushion for baby's head when snuggling against the railing and keeps that paci from falling out but makes it dangerous for baby to get caught in or to use for baby acrobatics when he/she begins climbing.
  4. No co-sleeping but close sleeping: there's nothing sweeter than snuggling with a sleeping infant but having them in your bed can be one of the most dangerous conditions for baby combining many of the other hazards. Having your baby in their own bed in your room during infancy can make listening for them safer.
  5. Offer a pacifier at nap and bed times: pacifiers are a good source of comfort for baby, help with breathing for infants, and are easier to transition out of using than a thumb.
  6. No bottles in the bed: "Don't feed a child of any age from a bottle while he or she is lying in bed. Lying down while drinking from a bottle can lead to blocked auditory tubes."
  7. Keep the room and baby cool: keeping your home around 70', your baby in comfortable, warm clothing {but not too warm} will help breathing during sleep
  8. Smoke free home: smoke will hinder lung developement and obstruct breathing of everyone in the family and especially baby

More resources on safe sleeping HERE and HERE.

  • Black out room:

"Baby’s circadian rhythms develop over the course of the first 2-4 months. Exposure to natural light helps to set the circadian rhythm early on." At the same time, blocking out light during naps using blackout shade, thick curtains, or even a blanket will help baby know it's time to sleep.

  • Play quiet instrumental music:

classical music is proven to help brain developement in children, quiet music is calming {music with words may encourage play rather than sleep}, and the light noise will help distract from other noise in the home during sleep time

  • Only use the room for sleeping:

avoiding toys in the room will help baby know it's time for nap and minimize play

  • For older children:

  1. A small stuffed animal blanket creature or simple stuffed animal may be a good transition for older children who need a little extra comfort when they are at the age to know they are missing out on something.
  2. Patting or rubbing their back can help calm them. I recommend only doing this for a short time and still allow them to sooth themselves all the way to sleep.
  3. Laying next to him/her is some times the only resort for getting big kids to lay still enough to fall asleep. This is a habit I don't really like but we are currently having to do with our 4-year-old who still desperately needs naps. This is super hard with 2 younger siblings on different nap schedules but gets the job done. DO NOT Co-Sleep! This is a habit you'll regret and will be crazy hard to get out of for both of you. Try transitioning from laying next to them, to sitting next to them, to being in the room, and then eventually right outside the door/outside the room.

I would encourage you to click away in this post. Each blue colored word is a link to another resource. There are so many more out there though. I couldn't get it all in this one post.

Hope this was helpful! Let me know what tricks you've got and please share the ones I didn't have room to include!

This is the 3nd in a series I'm doing on Kids & Sleep. You might also want to read

Why Should Children Have a Nap Schedule,

Charting Baby's Routine, and

"Cry-It-Out" . {These may change a little based on comments and questions as we go}

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