We have we been doing 'on our own' for a month now?
Let's play catch up:
Week 1 {May 20st-May 26th}
Sunday- last Sunday at CBC, Awana awards ceremony
Monday- Grocery shopping, Matt- lunch meeting with ABCS Church Starting staff member, CBC Staff "Goodbye" Party
Tuesday- Matt started work at his new 'office' Guy movie night- Avenger's
Wednesday- Last Cubbie night- PJ party
Thursday- Journey class party at the park Friday- Dinner at the Rushing's
Saturday- Friends birthday party at the park, Mom R's birthday dinner in Little Rock
Week 2 {May 27th- June 2nd}
Sunday- Splash Pad in Little Rock as a family
Monday- Memorial Day cookout, Matt and I headed out on an anniversary trip, kids stayed with their Nanna and Papaw
Tuesday- Anniversary Trip
Wednesday- Anniversary Trip
Thursday- Swiming at the Rothacher parents house Friday- Matt- lunch meeting for Super Summer, SAMs Club shopping trip in LR, Dinner meeting with Vilonia friends, My parents, niece and nephew came to visited for the weekend
Saturday- Matt- road trip to video for Super Summer, Family visiting
Week 3 {June 3rd- June 9th}
Sunday- Visited FBC Vilonia, My family headed home, Got new Vilonia phone numbers
Monday- Grocery shopping, moved girls into the same room
Tuesday- Story Time @ the library, Dinner @ the Gabriel'sWednesday- Matt had a meeting with the associational missionary of Faulkner county, Dinner meeting- Super Summer
Thursday- Our Realtor moved agencies leaving our listing up for grabs, Viewed homes in Vilonia, Picnic with new FBC friends in Vilonia
Friday- Swiming at the Rothacher parents house Saturday- El Dorado trip for a Wedding
Week 4 {June 10th- June 16th}
Sunday- Visit Friendship Baptist in Conway, Crazy cleaning to prep for new realtor to take virtual tour pics
Monday- More prep for realtor and a house showing- lunch picnic at the park so we were out of the house, Grocery shopping, Matt- in Stuttgart for Super Summer video editing
Tuesday- Pick up WIC checks, Birthday gift shopping, Story Time @ the library,
Wednesday- {hopefully} NOTHING
Thursday- Matt leaves for Super Summer, Journey pool party
Friday- {hopefully} NOTHING
Saturday- {hopefully} NOTHING
Week 5 {June 17th- June 23rd}
Sunday- Father's Day- visit Matt at Super Summer
Monday- Grocery shopping
So what now? Ugg, it's not slowing down:
Tuesday- Story Time @ the library, {possible} 'Date Night'- just me visiting Matt at Super Summer
Wednesday- Prep for birthday party
Thursday- {hopefully} NOTHING
Friday- Maggie's 4th Birthday- visit Matt at Super Summer for mini party
Saturday- Matt Comes Home!
We are doing so much but I don't feel like we're doing anything. I feel like we're spinning in a hamster wheel. I know we're in God's will. I know we're to wait on him for the next 'step' but I'd really like for it to be moving! Can you see the torn worlds just from our last few weeks happenings?
When I started this post I wanted to tell the story of how broken I felt when the house showing fell through after our stressful morning but it ended up being a vent of my stressful month. God is God, in every season!
Thanks for reading and your prayers during this lifestyle of limbo.