Defend Yourself!?!


When I started this post some time ago. I was planning on heading in a completely different direction. I planned on sharing with you what God has been teaching me about His character {bahaha}. How He wants me to parent in His image.
10 min later I found myself in the middle of an un-anticipated list of questions/statements. I was about to begin responding to the list that ended up being about even more than just parenting. I realized it was all in an attempt to defend myself. To defend my parenting. My lifestyle choses. My convictions. I was out once and for all to prove I. Was. Right. Right?


I deleted my self-righteous list. The list of statement and questions I've heard and memorized. The list swirling around and around in my head. The list I held tight to, breeding hatred. Breeding anger. Breeding this giant attempt at a patronizing slam on any and everyone I've ever come in contact with who wasn't my fan. I left the space where the list was beginning to develop. I wanted to show myself {and confess to others}, not my holiness, but my SIN. Just the beginnings of my sin. Barely the surface of my deep darkness of my sin.

This has been my life as long as I can remember. SIN. Even more so over the past couple years. {more deep breaths} I need not defend myself when in the center of God's will. If He is for me, who can be against me? But more importantly--> There is nothing good in me to defend. There is no defense before a Holly God than the blood of Christ. Anything good in me is Jesus. I have nothing to boast in but Jesus.

Forgive me Lord for thinking I have it all together. Forgive me for slandering others in attempt to seem more worthy of your love, forgiveness, mercy, and compassion. Change my heart!!!!

I need to apologize to you, as readers, friends, and fellow bond-servants of Christ, for thinking I'm any more than a sinner saved with the same blood as anyone else. God did not give me this place to gain glory for myself or to tear other down. All I have is to glorify HIM.

Free Printable: There is Nothing good in ME {let this be our prayer reminder}:

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Real {5 Minute Fridays}: The People Pleaser

{linked up over @ The Gypsy Mama!}

Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking

OK, are you ready? five minutes on:


Me. Right Now...long day of sweety errands

It's hard to be real. I am naturally a people please. No matter how many people remind of of the verse that says, "seek God's approval not mans" my initial instinct is to make people like me.

I am fighting hard to be authentic here, in this space especially. I want my life to be a transparent glimps into the life change that is Christ. I want people to see and honest person, tons of faults and all attempting to glorify God with her life. Being open about my struggles. Open about my convictions. Open about my attempt to grow in my knowledge of and relationship with Christ.

Our purpose in life is to glorify God and praise Him forever. I should not be looking to glorify myself. I should not be seeking praise for myself. Anything possitive in my life is HIM.

Recently I've been struggling with just writing bc I don't want this space to get messy. I don't want to step on toes. I want people to like me. I want Christ to be intising. He Does Not Need My Help. Christ is life changing. Saving. The world is intising. Jesus was constantly running off the crowds with His honesty. My prayer is that I can become for honest with you as readers. In my faults and convictions with out gaurds.



{here spell check, no re-reading, no...editing at all... Deeeeep Breath-Publish}

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Daddy Daughter Date Night {Thoughtful Thursday}

I've talked before about How I LOVE when my husband dates other women but just wanted to make sure everyone knew about Chick-fil-a's Daddy Daught Date Night. They support daddy's setting aside special times to show their daughters what healthy dating should look like.

I helped our daughter get dolled up for their funny night on the town with daddy. They got to pick out one of their fancy dresses, get their hair fixed up and even got to wear some lip gloss! We talked about how fun it can be to have times where we look extra special. While primping we talked about manners, and how much their daddy loves them like Jesus, no matter what and wants to spend time with them, talk with them, get to know them even more and just having some fun.

They had a ball {pun intended}! WHen they got to Chick-fil-a they showed their paper with their printed reservation information on it. They were then seated at a special table that had been decorated just for them with a pink table clothe. One of the employees came to their table to take their orders, took their payment there, and returned with change and their meals just like a 'fancy' restaurant. Chick-fil-a had a balloon and a Rose for each girl. They ate, and talked, ate and talked and then played in the toy.

I knew they were home by the loud commotion when they burst in the door trying to tell me about all that had happened. {swoon}

My hubs takes our girl on dates often. Some times its to run an errand, to a favorite restaurant for ice cream and touch screen games and some times it to Chick-fil-a for a full-blown fancy dancy date. They treasure them all.

Does your husband date your daughter(s)? Do you have any inexpensive date ideas to share?

Today IS thoughtful Thursday so feel free to share ANY helpful hint! Have a fun recipe? A tool you love? Please share by linking up below {linky messed up so add them in the comment section} and then posting the “Thoughtful Thursday” button to your post so other ladies can get lots of thoughtful helps! I know I've been sharing a lot of recipes lately but ANYthing thoughtful is welcome! Consider visiting the link above yours and encouraging them through comments!


More information on: Chick-fil-a's Daddy Daughter Date Night!


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I love Pinterest! No, don't leave. This is a new post. I know I say "I love Pinterest!" a lot but it's true. My poor hubs has to ask, "Did you find this on Pinterest?" I always wanna yell, "NO!" in an annoyed creative voice but I can't...I prolly did find it on Pinterest.

Today's Pinterest find:

Yep, we made our own!!!


We put about 10 chick peas into our plastic eggs. We used empty eggs that came with Playdough in them. {Are you supposed to use those eggs as containers for the Playdough? I wouldn't think that would keep them moist enough...?} Then you cut enough tape to wrap around the spoons and egg. Place the egg between two spoons and wrape tape around. You may want to tape the handle end as well.

Test run:

SUCCESS! This set will be part of a birthday present for a little BFF who will be turning 4 on Cinco De Mayo! {shhhhh}

Have you made your own maracas? What did you use? How did they turn out?

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Community {~5 min Friday}



I could write for hours on community. How to get it all in 5 min...

Since moving 2 years ago, God has given us more community than we could have ever dreamed of. I mean, don't get me wrong. We've been in tiny pockets of community in our past towns but being a "pastor" family, everyone seems to shy away from us as if we're gonna stone'm for saying crap or damn; slap'm if they smoke; report'm if they don't discipline or discipline differently than we do, shun them if they watch "inappropriate shows".

When we moved here and became apart of the Journey Sunday school class we were initiated into COMMUNITY! Community is what the church is supposed to be. Community is Doing Life Together!!! That is what this group of people have become.

We don't just sit in a room together reading a quarterly and announcing prayer request. We "fellowship": share our weeks fun and struggles. Celebrate and cry with one another. Chooooose to hang out together Outside 'class'. Would some days rather have a continuation of "Sunday school" rather than go to 'big church' {shhhh}

We join in the fun of family birthday parties. PACK OUT the McDonald's Playland on a Thursday night while we joke, pass around each others babies, laugh, meet new friends, watch out for each others children, feed each others kids french fries, and watch a kid streeeeeak through the jungle gym while almost bring the McDonald's walls to fall like Jericho with laughter as we watch our friend race to the top of the toy to retrieve her child, his shorts, and diaper. {not rat'n out who ;o)}

I LOVE my community. I love seeing it grow. I love watching as we meet each others needs as well as the ones 'outside' our group who are hurting. I LOVE being the Church with these believers. This is one of the funnest, most meaningful, dedicated to one another, caring, genuine communities I've EVER been in.



Hold you I could talk for hours about community...that was about 10 min instead of 5. hehehehe

I'll have to write later about how much I've had trouble going deeper and how I'm having trouble staying connected with this HUGE transition quickly coming.

Do you know community? Do you struggle to get knee deeps like most of us women do for fear of being hurt? Do you long for community? Share, PLEASE!!!!


More reads on biblical community:

What Part of the Body are You?

Splints and Talents {Body Parts Continued}

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