2012’s bringing big new delves

Okay, for the month of January I am taking a hyades to work on asJulesisgoing.2012, 2012

Hoping to have a refreshed professional look ready for February! I'll be using January to get my home running in order, as well as learning to become more disciplined as a blogger, how to monetize on my site {msg if interested ;o)} and work on several series for this site that I have cramped up in my head. I also have a 1st birthday, 2nd birthday, doctors appointments, a Disciple Now, and I'm sure other things to fill my calendar.

In short. I'll be using January to prepare for 2012. I know most people start the year {January} ready to rock. I just can't seem to get it all together amidst the 3 months of holidays, unscheduled travel, and my scattered-ness {not a word}...how do people do it? Anyways. I pray it's a relaxing and productive month ;o)

Don't fret though. I have an AWEmazing guest blogger for the month! Matt Rothacher {the hubs!} of MattRothacher.com will be posting daily {more regular than me}!


The Seeking God Challenge

Join us for a month of Seeking God. With just fifteen minutes a day "The Seek God Challenge" will challenge you to go deeper in your walk with Christ and hopefully establish a pattern of seeking Him that will last beyond this. This is a month long challenge and comes complete with Daily video Devotionals from Matt, as well as a passage of Bible reading with questions to think through concerning that passage, prayer guides and an challenge to put all this into practice. Start today and begin your pursuit of a holy God.


It's simple, each day for 31 days you stop by here and click the Day # you're on, watch the video, read the Word, think about the text by answering the questions, pray concerning the passage and then do the simple challenge for the day.

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Have limited time? Want to begin a regular hang out with God? Interested in the Seek God Challenge? Need something to help kick off your quiet time in 2012? Comment with questions or comments.
IT BEGINS TOMORROW {January 1st, 2012}!!!!

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Clean Home in 2012

We've had a massive amount of sickness floating through the Rothacher family the past few weeks.
Yep, stomach bug 2011 began Christmas Eve and is still showing it's presence in after effects.

I know all to well the importance of not only having a clean and sanitary home but also a tidy one so you can find all the necessities to break out the swat team when a family of 5 goes all "Carriers" on you {gross movie...weird- don't really advise}.

How do you optain a sanitary and well kept home you ask? I have a few ideas but a tool that helped me try and decide what was the most important was "31 days to clean". You can click around at the bottom of this post to see my journey through this book back in May. I plan to do some of this again in January but I'll also be focusing another series {I'll tell you about soon}.
What a better way to begin a new year than with a clean home. If you want to start this in January I do recommend purchasing it before Dec ends so you can flip through it quickly to make sure you have all necessary supplies ;o) You can use the button above to find and purchase the book or use the one on the side bar.

Did I mention it's SUPER CHEAP!!!! I'm a huge fan!

If you've gone through this book, what are some of you favorite days? If you haven't, what are some of your questions?

*Discloser: I do receive a portion of the sales on pdf versions of "31 days to clean" if you purchase it by using the button on my side bar. I do want you to know that I wouldn't recommend something I wouldn't/haven't used and I would LOVE you to refer people buy this book 'through' my blog or purchase it as a gift for someone.

Entire Cleaning Series
Starting a New Challenge     Day 2   Day 3    Day 4   Day 5   Day 6   Day 7   Day 8   Day 9   Day 10  
Day 11 & 12
  Day 13   Day 14   Day 15 & 16 Day 17 & 18   Days 19-21   Days 22-26   Days 27-31

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Advent {Day 24}: Hot Cocoa Recipe

Today I want to focus on mail carriers. They have one of the hardest jobs this holiday season:
Amist the lousy cold weather that produces horrible driving conditions and makes you want to do nothing but snuggle on the couch with a good movie, They make sure we all get our:

  1. Christmas cards to friends and family on time
  2. packages with the must-have Christmas toy to your house before the big day
  3. not to mention all those silly story fliers so we can find the best deals.

Today I'm sharing my last gift idea that fit perfectly into those adorably miniscule formula containers at minimal cost! Something WARM to help those carriers make it through their days a little cozier.

Wanna know How-To Decorating Cans? Click over HERE for step by step instructions.

Filling Cans

Homemade Hot Cocoa Mix:

  1. Make homemade hot cocoa mix
    Today I am sharing my mother-in-love's AWESOME homemade Cocoa Recipe over at the
    homemaker's challenge dot com!
    Go grab it!
  2. Add cocoa mix
  3. Use the formula scoop as a cute touch for serving up the dry cocoa mix
  4. Place bow on top of the lid or printable tag (click  Cocoa Printables for free printable)

These people who serve us weekly can feel your appreciation through these simple gifts! Wouldn't you? Homemade adds that special touch as well.

I would like to challenge you to think of those who make your life  you're thankful for this season and recognize them with a simple gift to warm their spirits!

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Advent {Day 19}: THIS is “Church”

In the New Testament of the Bible, the book of Acts talks about the first church and how it was defined by community.
True community is what makes the church Church--> Doing life together!

Our family is memorizing Acts 2:42-47. To be honest, my husband and 3-year-old were and I hear it so often it's in my head. I want to purposely memorize this with them in an attempt to live out what those 1st "devoted" followers of Christ knew to do so naturally.

42They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. 44All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. 46Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

We are so blessed to be apart of true community through our Sunday school class, Journey, at Central Baptist Church in Pine Bluff, AR.

Our families are learning what it means to devote themselves to the apostles' teachings.

We are already fellowshiping and eating together on a regular basis.

And we are waiting in eager anticipation of many wonders and miraculous signs to be done through us.

We are growing closer together as the body of Christ and we are meeting needs as we see them {having everything in common}.

Many of us would sell our possessions and goods to give to anyone in need and that desire is growing rapidly.

We continue to meet together at our Church and of course more eating with one another in homes with glad and sincere hearts.

We praise God and want to be adding to our number daily with those being saved {not swap'n sheep}!!!

Do you know the Christ that bonds people in community like this? If not, MESSAGE ME! I'd love to introduce you!
If you do know Christ, do you have a community of believers to do life with?

To read more Rothacher's Advent Days click--->
Advent {Day 1}: Cookie Swap

Advent {Day 2}: Dizzie Izzie's
Advent {Day 3}: Giving Christmas Away
Advent {Day 4}: Homemade Gifts
Advent {Day 5}: HIPPY Christmas Party
Advent {Day 6}: The Fridge 
Advent {Day 7}: Sprinkle Joy @ Home
Advent {Day 8}: UpCycle Gift Wrap
Advent {Day 9}: Sugar Cookies (Gift Ideas Series)
Advent {Day 10}: Snack Mix (Gift Idea Series)
Advent {Day 11}: Relentless Christmas Party
Advent {Day 12}: eBook for ANY Woman! (Gift Idea Series)
Advent {Day 13}: A Rock'n Angel Tree Gift
Advent {Day 14}: Packing with Littles
Advent {Day 15}: Cubbie's Christmas Party
Advent {Day 16}: Donner DooDoo (Gift Ideas Series)
Advent {Day 17}: Donner DooDoo (PICTORIAL)
Advent {Day 18}: RACKing

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Advent {Day 18}: RACKing

Replace Santa...give in secret. This should be a concept for Christian's year-round!
Wanted: Santa ClausRandom Acts of Christmas Kindness

We've used several of these ideas but aren't going to tell you which because it's a secret ;o)
Recommended Sites for RACKing ideas :






Have you added RACKing to your Advent season? Share some of your fun ideas...if you wanna ;o)

To read more Rothacher's Advent Days click--->
Advent {Day 1}: Cookie Swap

Advent {Day 2}: Dizzie Izzie's
Advent {Day 3}: Giving Christmas Away
Advent {Day 4}: Homemade Gifts
Advent {Day 5}: HIPPY Christmas Party
Advent {Day 6}: The Fridge 
Advent {Day 7}: Sprinkle Joy @ Home
Advent {Day 8}: UpCycle Gift Wrap
Advent {Day 9}: Sugar Cookies (Gift Ideas Series)
Advent {Day 10}: Snack Mix (Gift Idea Series)
Advent {Day 11}: Relentless Christmas Party
Advent {Day 12}: eBook for ANY Woman! (Gift Idea Series)
Advent {Day 13}: A Rock'n Angel Tree Gift
Advent {Day 14}: Packing with Littles
Advent {Day 15}: Cubbie's Christmas Party
Advent {Day 16}: Donner DooDoo (Gift Ideas Series)
Advent {Day 17}: Donner DooDoo (PICTORIAL)

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