Advent {Day 8}: UpCycle Gift Wrap

Any WIC mamma's out there? Being a WIC mamma myself, I know we have to "buy" those tiny 12.5oz Imfamil Premium formula cans. I end up with piles of these adorable sized cans (7 a month to be exact). Anyone else out there enjoy finding fun new up-cycle crafts for them? I DO!

Last year these became our neighbor, mail carrier, and sanitation department gifts! This year they may even be teacher gifts for our Sunday school and Cubbie teachers as well as nursery workers.

I'd love to share with you several gifts that fit perfectly into these miniscule containers at minimal cost!

Decorating Cans

  1. Always wash cans after emptying/using all the formula
  2. Make sure to wash and save the scoop just in case
  3. Let dry overnight
  4. Choose paper according to your desired theme (scrap wrapping paper, construction paper, etc)
  5. Measure, cut, tape
  6. Add embellishments to the lid
    (bows of any kind, your own homemade tag, or my printables are available in the post series: "Gift Ideas")

Other items you may be able to stock up on fast are baby food jars. If you have babies then they are going through possibly 3 or more jars of food a day(if you're not doing homemade, which we've done before). Those are another great idea for re-purposing!

Decorating Baby Food Jars

  1. Always wash jar after emptying
  2. Make sure to wash and save the lid as well
  3. Let dry overnight
  4. Add embellishments to the side of the jar. This helps cover the left over sticky from the former label and takes away from the fact that its baby food jar. Wrap it all the way around the jar or just make a small 1'' x 1.5'' label. I like using Mod Pog to glue the paper on but tap will work as well.
    (you can make a simple homemade tag, or my printables are available in the post series: "Gift Ideas")
  5. Fill the jar with gift before sealing lid off with embellishments.
  6. Click HERE for ideas to fill your jars.
  7. Choose paper according to your desired theme that will cover the lid.
    (tissue paper seems to work the best but scrap wrapping paper, construction paper, etc will work as well)
  8. Measure, cut, and strap the paper over the lid with ribbon
    (curling ribbon works great and is cheap but any handy ribbon you have will work)

Hope this helps those out there like my family that LOVE giving gifts, fun wrapping, and homemade items!

Anyone else out there have some great up-cycled ideas you would like to share?

To read more Rothacher's Advent Days click--->
Advent {Day 1}: Cookie Swap

Advent {Day 2}: Dizzie Izzie's
Advent {Day 3}: Giving Christmas Away
Advent {Day 4}: Homemade Gifts
Advent {Day 5}: HIPPY Christmas Party
Advent {Day 6}: The Fridge 
Advent {Day 7}: Sprinkle Joy @ Home

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Advent {Day 7}: Sprinkle Joy @ Home

Have you dug out your Christmas "stuff" yet?

Yep, WE HAVE! We actually sprinkled it around our house the weekend before Thanksgiving. My husband LOVES the Christmas season! {Like a little kids in a candy store} Can you tell by the amount of Christmas stuff we own?

The girls were super excited about decorating! We always love to put on some loud Christmas music to dance to while we break it all out and get in the Christmas mood!

We have several Christmas toys but THIS is easily the most played with one {Veggie Tale Nativity Scene}:

We also like to dress up in Christmas-ness!

We like to trade off between our Christmas CD collection, Christmas channel, and our collection of Christmas movies during our marry decorating!

We have sentimental stuff, homemade stuff, just plain cute stuff. Here is how we decided to sprinkle all of it around our house this year:


{Living Room}

{Dinning Room}



Thanks for taking the tour of our winter wonderland!

How are you and your family spending your time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas?

To read more Rothacher's Advent Days click--->
Advent {Day 1}: Cookie Swap

Advent {Day 2}: Dizzie Izzie's
Advent {Day 3}: Giving Christmas Away
Advent {Day 4}: Homemade Gifts
Advent {Day 5}: HIPPY Christmas Party
Advent {Day 6}: The Fridge

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Advent {Day 6}: The Fridge

I know this is not your typical Advent day but it's something that needs to be done in "a time of expectant waiting" of  and "preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas.

Cleaning out and Organizing your refrigerator in precautionary measure that needs to happen in anticipation of the celebratory gifts that need to be stored and/or it's leftovers. As you are cleaning don't forget to Thanks God for all that He has provided!

If your fridge is a disaster right now that's fine! The majority of homes in America are. Here is how I suggest starting the cleaning process:

  1. Take EVERYTHING out placing then on an empty counter
  2. Organize as you pull things out: meats, veggies, fruits, cheeses, entries, trash/expired, condiments, drinks, etc.
  3. Wipe them all down as you pull them out so they won't have that fridge gunk on the bottom when you go to put them back in your clean fridge

Now that you have a nothing but the sticky piles, puddles and dried on yukies Start with your drawers:

  1. Pull all your drawers out
  2. Wash them inside and out with hot water and multi-purpose cleaner over at your sink 
    {or in a bathtub for less splatter clean up or if you have limited counter space}
  3. Let the drawers air dry on a giant bath towel {or over the edge of you tub} while you work on the shelves, trays, and walls
    {you can always hand dry the rest of the way before re-inserting}

Now that those are drying work on the nasty inside:

  1. grab a bow of HOT water, multi-purpose cleaner, dishcloth/spung, and maybe even an old used toothbrush {for the OCD}
  2. spray everything: each shelf, trays in the door, and wall {extra coat for the piles, puddles, and yukies}
  3. start scrubbing from back to front and from the top down {this will help you end up with one giant pile of ... yeah at the end.
  4. Make sure to rinse your dishcloth or spung often keeping the dishcloth warm/hot so it will steam off that cold blah that been growing for a while

WA-LA! Just like new...well, hopefully ;o)

Now here's the fun part...putting things back in an organized manner. WHY?

  1. To help yourself keep it organized {especially with the rapid amount of things that will be coming in this season}
  2. You, your kids and your spouse will know the general area to find things
  3. You'll know when things need to be thrown out!

Hopefully you've got items sorted and wiped down already, if not, do it now. Now that you think you are about to place everything back in, there's one more thing that needs to become a habit when putting ANYTHING into your fridge:

  1. Have a "Throw It Out" rule about how long things can stay in your fridge {mine is ~1  month depending on the item, and the printed expiration date for those that have it}
  2. Label containers with what it contains and the date it was made/stored on the side of the container {easily visible}
    {I like to keep a roll of masking tape and a fun colored pin in the drawer next to the fridge for colorful, handy labeling}
  3. OR Label using the the "TRASH IT" date--> look at the calendar and label the date it needs to be thrown away
    {we usually eat our's before then}
    {*side note: I like to label veggies on top of their lid so can quickly see them when looking down into the drawer}

After everything is sorted, clean and labeled your going to have to decide where the most convenient place is for your most used items OR the best fit:

  1. Some fridge, like mine, already have labeled drawers: "meat", "fruit/vegetable", and "cheese". Use them for that.
  2. This might not work for everybody because you may have way more cheese and meat than the labeled drawers allow. If that's the case and it bothers you to have the wrong labels...relabel if you want.
    {see how having them labeled lets you quickly see what you have and by putting even the veggies in containers into the drawer, you've saved yourself the shelf space}
  3. Place condiments that fit into the door {tallest to shortest}{side note *I like to keep my stick butter in the door so it's closer to room temp when I decide to back since that's the only thing I use if for}
  4. Store other items in the logical space they will fit in. Most fridges have adjustable shelves and trays so move them around and see what works for you.
  5. Large items like milk, juice, or 2 leader bottles fit the best on the top shelf or bottom door tray for us.
  6. Smaller items like eggs can fit under drawers or on shorter shelves.
  7. Make sure to put milk product IN the fridge on a shelf, not in the door for safer temperatures!

How to get rid of left overs:

  1. Leftover lunches! {we do this most days: makes for fast prep!}
  2. Let you Kids choose their meal {let them be creative by making odd combinations-->rice, hotdog, and yogurt}
  3. Use them to help you decide what's for dinner {add a side or entre is easier than making an entire meal}
  4. Snacks
  5. Host more guests for meal times!

I hope these tricks we try to use help you keep that refrigerator rotating in and out yummy food this season!
Have any suggestions to add? Please share in the comment section!

To read more Rothacher's Advent Days click--->
Advent {Day 1}: Cookie Swap

Advent {Day 2}: Dizzie Izzie's
Advent {Day 3}: Giving Christmas Away
Advent {Day 4}: Homemade Gifts
Advent {Day 5}: HIPPY Christmas Party

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Advent {Day 5}: HIPPY Christmas Party

I don't do solo very well....

Tonight was Maggie's HIPPY Christmas party. I told myself when we started doing this program that one of the reasons we were doing it was for her to have another social outlet. Since we are going to homeschool I feel like I need to make this a priority now.


Matt had an Athletic Banquet tonight. Same time.

Today was terribly rainy, windy, yucky! We'd had our typically terrible Wal-Mart trip, short naps, and attempted to do a little of our HIPPY work while incorporating gift making. Ugg

Needless to say, when it came time to pack the car and head out the door for the party I was less than thrilled about the outing. I hadn't even told Mags about it as to not have to hear questioning from the riddler all day. I so wanted to skip. Sitting there trying to decided if it was 'worth' it I decided not only for my childs social needs but for mine as well, we'd headed out on this evening venture.

When pulling out of the driveway at 4:45 I question my memory..."5 or 5:30?" I pulled in and there on the elementary school sign said 5.
I was gonna go grab a hot chocolate.

We loaded the double stroller with a baby and a toddler, diaper bag, cups, camera, gift for our "HIPPY lady" and in we went. {Praising God the rain storm had stopped}

We were early.

It didn't really start until 5:30. I know, some of you are thinking, "Good for you!" and other know exactly the feeling I'm about to tell all you early birds about, "Crap." When a mom of 3 gets somewhere 30 minutes early with minimal support at a new environment, not toddler/baby friendly, and has to wait...........................................................yeah. Things could melt down fast.

I let Mags play with her sweet friend Natally and her big sis who arrived early as well. But the toddler and baby remained in the stroller as long as possible. I fed Jamin his baby food {slowly}, pulled him out of the carseat and propped him up in the stroller seat to eat some cereal. Delaying the "CUP!!!" and "MORE PeeeeeZ!" feasco I gave Izzie some cereal as well while she gazed at the table of snack-like dinner yummies just a few feet away.

And I'm out.

I'd delayed as long as possible. More kids were showing up so I needed Mags to sit with me at the cafeteria table, Izzie was no longer satisfied with the handful of Cheerios and received her cup, and Jamin needed his bottle {my last trick up my sleeve to keep him content in the stroller}. The time now, you ask? 5:25. Actually, if felt like that but I honestly don't know since I was counting babies over and over again like a loon. Mags used the elementary school potty for the 1st time. Izzie's diaper leaked, I changed her in the hallway, and her poor pants were wet the rest of the night. J made it, content with cereal thus far.

5:40- YES! I got kicked off. We got in line {all 4 of us} to grab some lunch meat, diced cheeses, and olives! Headed back to the table where we'd set up camp. Maggie and Izzie sat by me picking at their dinner and chugging their juice cups and J finally got his bottle, shaking milk all over himself, as usual, when he has about an ounce left. I chatted with a few friends and got to relax watching my girls making the normal meal mess all over the table knowing I didn't have to be the one to clean it up.

6ish we went to find Santa and get our picture taken. Surprisingly everyone was okay with that. I think watching all the other kids crawl up there, playing with their friends while waiting and the candy cane at the end were all pieces to the puzzle that is a calm Santa picture! J went straight to him. Izzie didn't want to sit on his lap {she wanted to feel his costume as if he were a doll} but that was probably better {remember wet pants?}. Since Mags saw Izzie didn't want to sit but she knew we all needed to be in the picture she easily let me put her on his knee. Izzie wouldn't stop checking out his suit long enough to turn around and cheese. Oh well.

After grabbing some crafts to take home and loading all of our belongings we made it back in the van by 7ish. Not to shabby. *side note: SCORE! We didn't ruin anyone's Santa belief even though several parents were talking to their children about Santa bringing them gifts and Mags is usually a walking spoiler alert ;o)

How are you Christmas Parties going? Do you have too many? Not enough? Please Share!!!

To read more Rothacher's Advent Days click--->
Advent {Day 1}: Cookie Swap

Advent {Day 2}: Dizzie Izzie's
Advent {Day 3}: Giving Christmas Away
Advent {Day 4}: Homemade Gifts

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Advent {Day 4}: Homemade Gifts

Maggie's turn in the kitchen and as a guest blogger!

Hi, my name is Magdalene Reese! I am 3.5 years old and I love playing mamma! Today I'll be showing you how to make homemade playdough. You can share it like we are going to do if you want to. You can even print the labels my mamma made. Let's start with the recipe. It's the easiest one I've seen but then again...this is my 1st time making playdough.

Homemade Playdough

1 cup flour
1 tablespoon oil
1 teaspoon salt
Lots of teaspoons of Water


Dump flour in a bowl.

Add oil.

Add salt.

Add water until it's doughy consistancy. If it gets too sticky just add some more flour. {I like using a teaspoon or tablespoon to add the water from a larger measuring cup because it feels like I get to put way more ingredients in}

Mix with fork. Using your hands to need the dough gets it more evenly mixed {and it's more fun!}

If you like things that are colorful like me then you might want to add some food coloring to your dough to make it prettier. I was afraid my hands would get stained from the dye so my mommie put plastic bags over my hands and held them on with loose fitting rubber bands.

After I had on my homemade gloves I needed the food coloring into the dough. We added a little water on top of it before needing it and that help spread the color better. We then added a little more flour to make sure it wasn't too sticky and it ended up looking kind of like peppermint! Perfect for Christmas gifts!

We divided up the dough up the dough and then rolled them into little balls to stick down into our jars.

To give all my Sunday school friends a Christmas present we divided the dough into baby food jars and added a playdough poem. We flipped the label upside down, painted with mod podge, then rolled the jar across it {covering the remaining sticky residue from the original label}.

Then we cut tissue paper into little squares and tied them on around the lid with curling ribbon.

Click   Playdough Jar Printable for the printable label that fits baby food jars! Hope my friends like'm!

Thanks for letting me tell you about my 1st time making my own playdough!

What kind of homemade gifts to you like to make/receive?

To read more Rothacher's Advent Days click--->
Advent {Day 1}: Cookie Swap

Advent {Day 2}: Dizzie Izzie's
Advent {Day 3}: Giving Christmas Away

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