Treasure These Things

Grocery shopping day are always tough for us and mix up my younger to children's nap times. Iz (almost 2) hadn't been down long but J was super tired. Since they share a room I didn't want him to wake her by putting him down before she was up on her own I rocked him to sleep and held him for ~20 min until she woke up!!!
I know to most people this doesn't sound like a big deal but you have to understand--> we don't rock our kids to sleep! 2 Fold:

  • First of all: Matt and I decided way back when we had our 1st child (3.5 years ago) after reading LOTS on babies and sleep and talking to our pediatrician that is was better to let our babies learn to sooth themselves to sleep. {Leave a comment or inbox me if you have more questions on this}
  • Secondly: It is physically impossible to rock everyone to sleep with 3 under 3.

I haven't held him sleeping in probably 8 months or more. It was such a sweet time! I treasure these moments!

"Mary treasured all these things in her heart and always thought about them."
-Luke 2:19 (God's Word Translation)

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What am I “called” to do?

I just read Sarah Mae's post today {I Reject That I Can Do It All.} and it made me smile! I've been struggling with what I feel God is 'calling' me to. Reading lots of christian mom blogs I've come across the theme that, as a mom, your ministry IS your family and if you are doing 'ministry' or anything outside your home/family then you've missed your 'calling' as a mom.

I've struggled with this since I feel I'm gifted in administration and have always (before children) helped my husband with the organizational side of youth ministry. I've been feeling guilty as though I were neglecting my children for trying to continue in this ministry by getting a sitter to help my husband out with youth events. Many people would tell me that "your season of life is different now" and "this will pass and you can go back to doing some of that someday."

I'm just not sure if ministering only to Your family is really biblical.

I don't want to wish aways this season of life. I don't want to hoard or wait to use my gifting until I'm in a different season of life. If I never work on anything or with anyone outside our home/family won't that lead to ego-centric children who don't know what it looks like to serve others (outside their family)?

I also feel I'm gifted in working with children but hadn't been helping with a church plant/community children's ministry because I might be out past my children's bath/bed time and because it was in a rough part of town I might be putting my family in some kind of danger. BUT about a month ago I decided I wanted to attempt it anyways.

We (as a family) went to the park were the children (infants-teens and some parents) were being fed both physical food but more importantly the Word of God. We ALL fell in love with this ministry.

We are building relationships with people we would have never met. My husband it getting to use his gifts. I am getting to love on more children. My children are learning tons! They are learning a different culture and how to love people who are different from them. They are learning what it looks like to worship corporately.

They are learning to follow directions from another adult. They are mingle with lots of different ages.

They are learning to share their parents. They are learning 1st hand how to, what we call "Love on people".

I encourage all of you stay-at-home, homeschooling mammas to create teachable moments! Find your gifting. Find your family's gifting! USE THEM!

Don't just be hearers of the word, be doers. "

Jesus replied,'But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice.'" Luke 11:28 NLT

Don't just tell your children what Gods Word says, SHOW them.

God allowed me to see that my vision of having an "as you are going, make disciples" kind of family, is well on its way with our learning inside AND outside the home approach. Last night at our churches Trunk or Treat ministry for Halloween my entire family served our community by handing out candy. I know, may not sound like much but let me break this down so you can see why this is my conformation:

We arrived at the church at 5 to set up our van.

We unhooked their car seats, setting them in the floor board of the van. We let them eat hotdogs while watching a movie (HUGE treat). Jamin got to sit in his stroller and enjoy the weather outside while Matt and I decorated the back hatch and loaded it with candy.

By 6pm all of our vehicles were organized into a giant 'safe circle' in our back parking lot, decorated, and loaded with candy to beginTrunk or Treat! From 6 until ~8 my 2 girls, Magdalene (3) and Isabella (2 in January), took turns giving candy to other children.

They were soooo excited to have their 'turn' to place giant handfuls of candy into trick-or-treaters bags. I loved watching their giant smiles. Izzie nearly chased children down in an attempt to give Everyone some candy. They did so good. They never complained that they didn't make the circle to collect candy for themselves. They weren't concerned with how much candy they gave away.

I love ministering not only to my family but with them!

How better to learn to love, worship, and serve than in your mother's lap?


What myths have you been taught about being a mom? What creative ways to you serve Jesus as a family?

*To see more pictures of the children's ministry I talked about, trunk or treat, or other ministries we do as a family Friend me on Facebook!!!

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Pumpkin Patch Tradition

Last year we began one of my favorite family traditions thus far! We went with another couple from church to the local pumpkin patch (~45min away). We had so much fun! The weather was just right. We watched pig races, crawled through hay tunnels, let the kids pet all kinds of farm animals, picked out pumpkins to take home, and ate at a nearby restaurant.

I love having annual thing our children can look forward to every year! Just like in any other tradition, there needs to be a little wiggle room. Ya know, adjustments for a different season {children's ages, interests, abilities, learning capacity, etc}. With Maggie being our oldest (3) this trip is still mainly focused around tangible learning, experiences, and making memories for our kiddos! As my children get older, this tradition can grow with us. We will be able to stay for a longer outing, with that, adding even more teachable moments. Moving from simple "stay near mommy and daddy" obedience to more detailed instructional obedience on where they may go, how they may do it, and for how long; from "can you say pig, goat, pumpkin, watermelon, hay, tractor..." to learning more detailed learning about animals, fruit and vegetables, and farm stuff in general; from "here's the lunch mommy packed for you" to "______, can you make the sandwiches, and serve _______", etc. Making memories is always our main goal! I think we've accomplished that both years.

This year we were ecstatic to return for more adventures with two different couples from church and their children plus my father-in-love. The pumpkin patch was even better than the year before. I wouldn't have guessed it could get better.

Again, the weather was just right! We made our way through a child-sized hay maze.

Watched hilarious pig races. Crawled through an even longer hay tunnel.

{We had the privilege of sharing the day with my Father-in-Love as well. Mom was on a women's retreat.}

Did lots of swinging on tire swings. Let the kids pet a bigger variety of animals.

{Possibly my FAV pic of the day}

Went on the hay ride.

Ate our picnic lunches.

{3 generations of Rothacher Men}

Played in a big corn box (similar to the sand box but for younger children).

{Yep, this one carried 1/2 the corn home with her in her diaper}

Looked at piles of pumpkins before heading home for naps.

We took ~360 pictures of all the fun! Thanks for taking the time to view just some of our memories!
Friend me on Facebook to see more of this adventure and many other.


Tonight we are planning to work on our family costume for a costume party, carve and paint pumkins, and finalize decorations for our van to participate in Trunk or Treat at our church{Post(s) to come}.
What kind of FALL traditions do you have with your family?

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Worship comes in all forms. God has gifted us all in different ways.
I can't wait to see more variety of worship during our "Worship Services"!


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FALL In Love With Your Home

Let’s not allow these things we purchase, store, sprinkle around our home be our treasure. Don’t FALL in love with the items but let the items help set the tone of a time and place that build lasting memories of relationships in the making. Let those effects be the treasure. Let the things aid your house in becoming a home. A memorable place not because of the surrounding adorableness but for the relationships built among the uniqueness. A home where an Eternal impact is made!

On a more practical note, I’ve included pictures of the simple decorations our family has around our home for this season. These were all inexpensive!

Check out the entire post @


Leave a comment and tell us your house's story of becoming a home! Do you have an budget save decor ideas to share?

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