Why does my child like this?

When moving out of my family's home in 2002 and heading to college my access to cable was cut off which carried over into marriage and parenthood. I've never missed it and I think I actually have more fun and accomplish more without it. Don't get me wrong; we often feel out of the loop in silly conversations but we do rent redbox movies, own dvds of favorite flicks and several tv show series we've received as gifts so we're not against sitting and staring. It can be great mind numbing entertainment that requires no though or energy! We also really enjoy no commercials, watching at our own pace and choosing what we view. *exhausting rabbit chasing...

I really wanted to pose the question:
What's the deelio with children's programing? Especially those that call themselves "christian" programing. Today's Saturday mornings cartoons were brought to our family via the ghetto antenna, attached to a converted box, attached to our tv. This is not our customary way of Saturday Morning Cartoons but this morning was one of those audible mornings. Oddly enough, the antenna upstairs and downstairs pick up totally different channels (only 1 of which is worth watching). If we do use the antenna it's in my bedroom as an emergency babysitter (thank you curious george and super why!) while I shower. This morning we chose to use the one in the livingroom...

Now Sunday School Monsters on the other hand...what are we teaching in the precious name of Jesus. Borderline blasphemy. You should NOT be teaching church-isms as biblical principles! Shame on you!!! No wonder we have thousands of drones running around thinking because they are good people who go to church they hold the name Christ follower. Let's stop making modern-day, bible belt pharisees!

Gina's Kids Club- Sorry, I gotta say it, "WIERD!" When was this produced? Why does my child like this? The webpage is pretty 'with it' but the show itself- cheese! Thank you none-the-less for entertaining my children with simple, child-like purity!

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Afternoon Snack

It's odd how bi-polar 2 days in the same week can be with a preschooler.

We are attempting to train our 3-year-old (on the 22nd- tear) to stay in her bed for naps. We have tried lots of methods but are currently weaning her off of the "parent sit in the room 'til she's alseep" method. My husband is about to leave for Super Summer AR for a week, I will be trying to anchor the ship while he's gone a week (I need my suitable helper!), and it will be impossible for me to sit for ~30 leaving the other babes (1.5-years-old and 5-6 months old) unattended. Ugg.
With that being said, yesterday went GREAT! She got up with a couple minor excuses but stayed in bed and went to sleep! Our afternoon was Be-A-U-tiful! Yummy shared snack of crackers, cheese, juice and DP (for me of course-we want her to sleep at night too ;O). Veggie Tale movie topped it off. Singing, bob'n heads, more crazy dancing, smiles, giggles, munch munch munch, and good old fashion goofiness- awe the Life!
TODAY- (pouty face) Not So Much! She slowly but surely lost all privileges for each sorry attempt at getting out of bed. This was supposed to be the funner day. My middle child was having a "Nanna Day" leaving me with just 2 sanely spaced in age children for the day. NOPE! Man, I don't get it. She finally passed out from excessive energy exertion she was putting forth in the battle of wills. WHY?
Well, we ended up having a lovely evening with a couple of friends because God's cool like that and there is always tomorrow... oh no, my hubs is gone all day tomorrow. Maybe it won't be all that bad. Practice for the week of Super Summer I guess.

*insert disclaimer: we have sought out, heard, and considered tons of advice from tons of source on this manner and as a couple, my hubs and I have decided she Does still Need a nap and we will work at making sure she gets one for her own good. It's not for my sanity; it would be a lot simpler to just let her run 'til she drops or something because it doesn't really give me a break. It's actually a little harder. She has a younger sister still taking 2 naps so they alternate awake time and the youngest is still working out his routine.

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Sweet Memories

I love when friends from Fayetteville (AR) High School dig through their photo albums and scan them on to the world-wide web for all our extended worlds to view! Seriously! I wish I had a scanner; I would spend hours to blow up my Facebook with memorial albums! Soon enough.

For now- a blast from the past via a good friend:

Share your memorable moments from days gone by. Best days of your life, Regrettable days, or Happy days but Living in happiER days? *COMMENTS*

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Teaching Character to Toddlers/Preschoolers

I truly believe teaching Jesus and the character He desires us to have is the MOST important thing we could be teaching our children; especially at such a young age! What better time to start instilling these foundational truths?
curriculum for those of us just learning to learn so we can share with our kiddos:


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Taco Soup

Hubs walks in at 4:15 from work. We usually eat around 5ish. I have not started dinner...TACO SOUP!

2 lbs hamburger meat (we use lean ground beef)
2 cans whole kernel corn (we use 1 large family size can)
2 cans rotel diced tomatoes
1 pkg dry taco seasoning
1 pkg dry hidden valley ranch dressing mix
1 small chopped onion (we use ~3 tsp of onion pwd- don't like the texture of actual onions)

Brown meat with onions and then drain. Combine all ingredients (can add water if you want it soupier), bring to boil, then walk away and let it simmer about 30 minutes. Make a bed of fritos, pile on the taco soup, and top with shredded cheese!









There is always more than enough for a couple rounds of left overs and this reheats fabulous!!! I didn't say it was healthy but it sure is quick and YUMMY! Enjoy!
*Thanks to Sally Hudson for this amazing receipt!

Do you have any favorite receipts you can share. Love to hear'm!

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