They Smell like…Manure

God sends word to them while they were disconnected from the rest of the town. No one thinks much of them. They are often looked down upon because they are thought to be uneducated. Their jobs are less than desirable. No one can really relate to them. No one wants to hang out with them. There was very little socialization in their field of work. Quite frankly, a lot of them are rarely clean, appear raggedy and smell like...manure. Their job is frequently persevered as "the worst job ever".

Nativity How did God speak to us in the birth of Jesus Christ

That's right, Stay At Home Moms.

As SAHM we some times feel disconnected from the rest of community. Even when trying to be purposeful about ministering to those around us, we just are incapable because of our job requirements. Rest in this season of life. Know that you are serving your community in a great way by being dedicated to raising godly children even when you are overtaken with the thoughts of being a lesser career women. Daycare workers are not expected to run field trips weekly. Parents would be ashamed if the child care provider was constantly overlooking the needs of their children; naps, meal times, education, reliable routine, nurturing. It is our job to protect our children. Discern their needs from our wants. Care for them with excellence just like we would expect someone else to do.

You may feel like the world looks down on because you are thought to be uneducated. Are you? No. I don't care if you have a masters degree in bladiblabla or if you have the street smarts of a veteran mom. You are educated in your line of work. Do you feel uneducated? Get out there learn. How can you do your job better? Better yet, how does God want you to do your job better? Read a blog, buy a new book, take a class, ask an older women how to ______. You are never too young to start being a great mother, and never too old to learn new ways to be a better mother. God created us in His image and we are no where near meeting that standard; that's half the fun, learning how!

Some may see your jobs are less than desirable. Who cares. The mundane, and exhausting aspects of this job are all worth it when you get to see your child's first steps, words, pretending, and even the first glimpses of learning to follow Christ. What may seem mundane to others is just the consistency our children need to learn love. Guiding our littles hearts to Jesus is our number one job. THAT is a big deal!

Sadly, I know all to well what its like to have few people {women} whom I really can relate. We're in the trenches. I encourage you to join {or create} a group of mom's can get together once a week or once a month, with or without kids, where you can spill your guts. The good he bad the ugly of your job. Other jobs have break-rooms so be creative, where would be a comfortable break-room for you and your fellow moms? Playground where kids can play? Someones home? A backyard? A restaurant? You need to know there are other women going through the same stuff. You'd be surprised at how many in your area would love something like this. You don't all have to be in the exact same stage of life or even parent the same {you're NEVER going to find someone who thinks exactly like you}. Online groups are alright but don't underestimate the need for face to face relationships- doing life together is is part of how we're made!

Let's be honest, some days we are un-showered hot messes and may even smell like...our child's poo. Our job can be persevered as "the worst job ever". God made this job. He approves. What more do we need. Lets bring up a generation who sees us love our job; take pride in our job; accomplish our job to the best of our ability.

God can and will breath life into your right were you are. In the fields guarding, watching, guiding your sheep, day and night. He has big things to tell you. He wants to use you in a powerful way as part of His grand plan.

Christ is our example. We are to love like He loved. He told us in  John 10:11, "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." Let's live that out as MOMS! Be willing to give up your reputation, stature, pride- give up your LIFE to be a good shepherd for your children.

Do any of your deal with feelings of having "the worst job ever"? Lets start the conversation in the comments below.

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It's amazing how powerful words can be.

WORDS {post}

Simple utterings that many across the word couldn't even understand. Combinations of sound. Cadence pasted down among family and cultures.

Up-lifting. Ineradicable. Eloquent. Profoundly Tender. Passionate. Affection. Permanent. Strong. Powerful. Destructive. Simple. Terrifying. Heart-wrenching. Life-changing.

This morning as I remembered I had a scheduled interview with an online talk-radio personality, {download it HERE} and to quote a friend, "my stomach dropped out my butt." My nerves were running ramped. I was crazy nervous. I know it may sound silly but I was frozen with the fear that I wouldn't be able to articulate what I needed to when I was called on to do so. I've dealt with this all my life. That's part of the reason I'm a blogger, NOT a live TV host ;o) Blogging gives me time to think. Rethink. Determine if what I said was really what I was trying to say. This pure genius doesn't just spill out naturally {bw'hahaha}

Fear always comes out of ignorance.

Being uninformed. Having a lack of knowledge. Ignorance is why God ask us to have faith. Trust in what we can't see. With no foresight. Walking into the unknown. Believing in His character and promise. His promise being He will always be with us. Rest in that!

There is now a track around my living room from my pacing as I chatted with Vivianne McNeny. She was not harsh or intimidating, but actually quite sweet. I just felt the need to convey my thoughts in a coherent manor. We were of course talking about this new adventure of faith God is taking my family on, church-planting. Matt has typically been the one to take the lead on this topic but here I was. Speaking to someone who's denomination doesn't do church-planting per-say as well as an audience of  1500+ who may or may not have ever heard of church-planting, the de-churched, or might even Be the un-churched or de-churched.

Think before you speak has never felt so relevant.

All the while sitting in my fear in my very small bubble, the world was aching over real hurt. Over real trauma, terror, traumatic, heart-wrenching, life-changing news.

Just when I thought my worldview was big enough, a gunman opened fire in Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Connecticut killing dozens of students as well as some of the staff, and my heart grew two sizes today. These are a few of the gentle responses Facebook friends are saying:

How does a parent even begin to explain this tragedy to their child? What these kids saw today. Unimaginable. My problems are so small.

So heartbreaking. There are just no words that suffice. Come quickly, Lord.

I have never been so anxious as I am today to pick my babies up from school. Praying for the Community in Connecticut, teachers, students and their families. 🙁

Sweet Jesus, we come to you broken-hearted for the families and friends in Newtown, Connecticut. We have no words, only tears. So, we turn to Your Word... "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted," Matthew 5:4 NIV.
Oh God, comfort them. Hold them close. Restore hope. Lavish your most tender mercies upon every soul weeping in this midst of this deep sorrow.

We ask this in Jesus' Name, Amen.

There are really no


so please, it's okay to say nothing. It's better to hold your tong than to spew hatred, pain, and non-sense out of your hurt, confusion, and ignorance. Now is the time to mourn.

weep with those who weep

Scripture to consider before uncorking the power of our words ---> HERE


I've never experienced this personally but from a counselor, mom, and one who has, HERE are some tips on "How and What to Share with your Children When Tragedy Strikes"

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Did someone say, Hoo-rag? {Thoughtful Thursday}

Okay mom- who out there has days {or months} were showering is not a top priority...or even on the list at all?

Yeah! I know lots of friends that can pull off the 2nd day hair or even have cool 'dry shampoo'. I can not. Although my hair is wicked thick, it's also super gree-say! I've tried the bang-pin-back, the pony, the fluff, and yes...even the {don't laugh!} baby powder on the scalp. Blaaak!

I used to snag my hub's hats but since he does everything but sleep in his hats and for reals can't smell a stank'n thing, after a while I couldn't stand the smell of them. I did how ever score this awesome hat from Union28. You KNOW I'm a big fan but when this not showering thing becomes a habit I need options to cover the not so blessed mess atop my noggin.

There is this lovely thing I've seen floating around Facebook on my gorgeous friends so you know a girls gotta steal a few ideas, right? Last summer, for our mission trip, I got this headband thingy off eBay {classy, ehh?}. It worked okay but still exposed most of the nastiness and was super tight on my giant melon.

In comes the Hoo-Rag!

This nifty little thing comes in a one-size-fits-all tube like thing that is super convertible. Me and the girls had lots of fun when it arrived in the mail!

The hide the hair

{IFY: this was not a 2nd day-er...not the clean bangs.
That NEVER happens on day 2. & sorry...all attempts were blurry}

The fluffy headband/earmuff

The cutesy painter

The second day-er

The day I wore the hoo-rag as a headband I lasted all day without having to pull it back up because it was running for it's life {aka squeezing off the back of my head} and it didn't give me a headache like most headbands do.

The day I stretched it from forehead back {partial ear coverage} I lasted most of the day until there was a break in the day large enough for a shower. I was going somewhere that night ;o). I was comfy. When I finally took it off it only left a slight mark across what my brother calls my 5 head {because it takes 5 fingers instead of 4 to cover it from eyebrow to hair line...but now, I don't have a complex or anything}. I think that was just because of the bunched up part I had underneath but it wasn't nearly as bad as all the other bandana things I've tried. I wore it out to "Cranberry's", the "car store" {aka 'Cranford's' grocery store around the corner that has those carts with cars on them}. I did feel slightly self-conscious because of my unusually tall couldn't quite see my hair if I was looking straight at you {since I'd covered a large amount of that nasty you-could-make-McD's-fries-in-that-junk hair. I got a couple sympathetic looks, which I'm used to because people are so sad they are not blessed as I with 3 tiny kids ;o) but that day I think they thought I was going through chemo. Although this would be a super cute gift for someone who is...!

Anyways. I like it. My kids like it. My hubs does not but I put it on him anyways, b'wahahaha! I think I might have gone with a different pattern/color just because I don't have much that goes with this one but other than that, 4.798 out of 5 stars!

Isn't he cute!?! Biker. Hippy. Snowboarder/gas station armed gunman. Hehe. Maybe it was the flowers...couldn't have been the "hey honey. put this on and let me play dress up and take pictures AND post them on my blog"..."HOO-RAG" That's just fun to say!

This cool company contacted me and ask if I'd try out this hoo-rag if they sent me one and tell you about it.
Heck to the YES! All thoughts about "The Better Bandana" are my own ;o)

contains U28 affiliate links
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What Does it Look Like to Give Biblically in Today’s Culture?

I think we often through around the term "biblical" too flippantly.

16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

-Tim 3:16-17

We attempt to tag "biblical" to every aspect of our lives. But the bible is not Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. It's not a manual for how to work your life.

God gave it to us for teaching. Teaching about our history. Who made us. Our lineage. The past. He gave it to us for rebuking. To know how he wants us to live. Not step by step directions for getting a perfect life as the outcome but to hear Him speak to others. Know His standards. Understand our place as sinners saved and redeemed by grace. Forgiven and not left in our heap. God gave it to us to know how we are to be corrected and trained in HIS ways of righteousness so we can be prepared to do good- His will. We are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good without it {Titus 1:16}.

We are to line our lives up next to the teaching, rebuking, correction, and training from God, not necessarily an exact "What would Jesus do" scenario. The truth is, the life of Jesus would have look significantly different if lived in this generation. Not because the principles of the bible or character of God changed but the culture did. His people did. God is relevant yet never changing. Reliable and not out of touch!

You would have never seen Jesus offering to give a ride to a homeless individual who needed to get to a job interview. There were no cars...not really such a thing as an interview. Therefor, dissecting God's word, His work, Jesus' life and applying that is the way to live righteously not Biblically.

#itsaboutgiving duet 16 17

So, what Does it Look Like to Give Biblically in Today's Culture? Dissect giving in the bible. Let's talk this out. I don't have this figured out but definitely want to practice using the bible for what it's useful for: thoroughly me {us} for every good work. Here are some questions I'd love to dialog about int he comment section or over on the Facebook community page.

  • What did giving look like when you were a kid?
  • What did giving look like before the Internet and PayPal?
  • How does giving look today with the resources we have available to us?
    Resources that hundred thousands of people around the world do not have access to.

Don't forget. I don't blog for myself or even you alone. I blog for Compassion. Help be apart of THIS good work. Compassion has a goal of $20,000 by December 31st 2012. If ONLY YOU, my twitter & FB friends give ~$14, their goal met! Give more or less. Just think about what the Lord has blessed you with. You're more than abundantly blessed aren't you? How will you give give extravagantly as you are able according to those extravagant blessings from HIM?

Who's In!?


Tweet about what biblical giving looks like to you in today's culture; use #itsaboutgiving and join the community.



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What Does Giving Mean to You?

Giving tastes sweet! It’s filling and nourishes.

Giving sounds like children’s laughter. Adults singing in harmony. Friends sharing conversation filled with honest & life.

Giving feelings are comfort. Contentment. Joy. Generosity. Gratefulness. Like a blanket straight out of the drier. A beautiful fall walk with crisp air and the warm sun on your face. Like your heart can’t take-in anymore and is about to explode.

Giving colors are rich, natural, and eye catching. Beautiful white lights on a giant fluffy ever-green among the rest of the forest.

Giving associations are community working together to glorify Christ; children enjoying finding the perfect something to bring a smile to someone other than themselves; family sacrificing wants to meet needs; Christ living through us.


Last week I offered up these questions to our Facebook & Twitter communities and here are a few things you contributed:

What was a gift you gave that was received with joy and deep appreciation.
What effect did that have on you?

A handmade quilt. I loved the time I spend praying for the receiver and the look on her face when she received it. I love giving time and love.... -Linda

And "adoption" certificate to a sweet friend who aged out of the foster system. Made me wish I could do more every single day -Billie

I made my boyfriend a booklet of "52 reasons why I love you" with a deck of cards. He looks through it periodically, and it never fails to make him cry. He says it's his favorite gift to date. And I have to say, it's brought me just as much joy to see him cherish it. -Sydney

I know it doesn't really fit but... The gift of sharing the Gospel with others. When someone accepts Jesus for the first time and you didn't give the gift (our Heavenly Father did), but you helped deliver it, the look of JOY on the face of a new believer....AMAZING! -Courtney

Why do you give?
What is the root behind the desire to give?

I love to see others reaction...especially when it is something they wanted or like. The root behind giving is love -Alison

I love to see the persons face when I give them a gift. Especially if it is something they really wanted or needed it. -Ashley

What have you learned from the Bible about giving?

better to give then to receive.lay up your treasures in heaven -Candace


#ItsAboutGiving is about painting a complete picture of giving using all our senses, but it's also about raising $20,000 for children in poverty this Christmas season. Go HERE to be apart of this awesome ministry!


Tell us in the comments what tastes, sounds, feelings, colors and associations YOU have with giving?

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