Women of the Year: Readers’ Choice Award 2012 Elite Eight (Vote NOW!)



Kisses from Katie

Katie Davis' book Kisses from Katie details how a 2006 church trip to Uganda inspired her to move there, adopt 13 girls, and help create Amazima Ministries, which has matched 600 orphaned and vulnerable children with sponsors and feeds an additional 1,200 each week.


Please go vote for Katie! Just scroll to the bottom and click the box next to Katie Davis. They say it's perfectly exceptable to refresh and vote over and over again!


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100 Days ’til Christmas

In honor of there being 100 Days until Christmas {99 'til Christmas Day},
I want to start getting you in the mood with this Veggie Tale Silly Song!

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A Photo Fanatic’s Home

Do you have trouble finding your "style" when it comes to decoration your home? I do. I thought I needed one of those titles that you find in fancy magazines selling styles like "Sleek and modern" or "Country Cottage". Long story short, I finally gave up on that. THEN I discovered I was a photo fanatic! But you already knew that!

Are you a photo fanatic? I'm so glad my husband is a relational guy who also love pictures or my walls would be bare.

I am sharing how to use your "photo fanatic" style to decorate your home over at THE POPPY SEED PROJECTS' blog!!! {woot woot!} Come check it out! I'll tell ya what came in THIS box:

I also have a new "Liker's Only Section" on the asJulesisgoing Facebook Fan Page! Tons of FREE Printables! Check it out!

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So…my husband went back to prison yesterday…

It was his second time to grace the threshold of that place. Yesterday they wanted to see if he could walk, talk, & chew gum as my dad would put it. Really he had to climb stairs, drag around a limp body, and not die; pretty much the same thing.

I wish I could remember all the details leading up to this incarceration but basically Matt is being charged with loving his family too much and wanting to provide for them at any cost. Matt's been "self-employed" since the the May. Matt has been going to his "office" {McDs} and working via their WiFi as well as helping out TONS at home. With lots of travel and preparing our house for sale, Matt's been a busy man! Matt and I will be planting a church in Vilonia, AR. Our target launch date is Easter 2013! Until then, Matt is looking for work to supplement our income. The prison unit in Tucker is now hiring! Yesterday was the second 1/2 of the interview process. We'll keep ya updated on if Matt will be a permanent part of the Tucker unit ;o)

You can learn more about The Valley church HERE. Many of you have ask, "What does that mean." Well, let me try and answer the thousand different things that means:


The Valley will be a part of the AR Southern Baptist Convention. All that means is we agree with the "Baptist faith and message" and agree to give a percentage of our tithes and offerings as a church to the convention to use in furthering the gospel in even bigger ways. We currently get $1000.00 from the state as "church planters." The state convention has a budget set aside to help supplement church planters income during the prep time of launching a new church plant. The rest of our income comes from our savings that God so miraculously taught us to obtain over the past 2 years. It's not much but with a tight budget we are always provided for. We also have a few friends/sponsors who give either monthly or when they can. We don't budget any specific amount from these because they are not always guaranteed but God knows exactly when we need that boast. Birds of the air right, Jess?


The Valley church is currently live in White Hall. The "Church" are the believers/Christ followers, so yes, it's current "location" is White Hall, which is about an hour and 1/2 from where God has ask us to plant. I know it may seem odd to some that we are not just planting where we are but God has already done so many seemingly random things in preparation for our coming that we have no doubt that's where we are supposed to be. If you know anyone who wants an awesome house for a great deal, send them our way! I love this house and would take it with us if we could put it on wheels. It's great for hosting, entertaining, and ministering! I can't wait to see how God will provide a new home base to minister out of in Vilonia.

We are also traveling weekly to One Church in Conway, AR. They will be a sponsor church when we launch. That just means we are enjoying doing life with, worshiping along side, and getting to help minister to those God has called them to until we launch and get to focus all our energy on those in Vilonia. One Church exist to make disciples, and part of doing that for them is helping plant churches.  They are planning to help us financially when we launch as well as with people {the most important thing}. That means some people will help us on our launch day with simple logistical things; some people will commit to help us for 3 months {nursery workers, parking lot help, greeters, etc}; and some will commit to Go and Stay with us and The Valley.

We are working on and praying through where God would have The Valley church meet for weekly worship together. We still having landed on that yet. ;O)

Current steps in the Process:

I know it may be confusing that we "aren't working", haven't launched, and seem to just be siting. There are lots of things we've already established...Let me try and briefly tell you some of the things we've been doing/praying through in preparation to launch The Valley in a quick list.

  • Vision
  • Core Values
  • Structure
  • Sermons/outlines/series {lots of them}
  • Logo
  • Community involvement ideas
  • Possible ministry opportunities
  • Building a core team {leadership}
  • Learning/studying what God has for Vilonia
  • Meeting with contacts/
  • Web design
  • Formulating nursery processes
  • Sharing our vision within individuals & churches
  • Viewing options for space to meet
  • Obtaining PO box
  • Waiting through legal things
  • and probably lots of random things I don't remember right now

So...my husband went back to prison yesterday to help provide for our family until we secure more consistent sponsors. I'm sure I didn't fully answer everything. If you have ANY questions about what we've been doing or more about church planting, Please, ask away or click on one of the gazillion links to the website I've hooked to the words The Valley!

Do you want to find out more about being a part of The Valley?

give   prayerhands copy   JOINUS

Just wanted to give an update on The Valley!

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DIY Poof Ball/Lantern Decor {Thoughtful Thursday}

Back in August I had the privilege of helping host a shower from my life long friend how is growing a miracle, Amelia! In the next couple weeks I wanna show you how I crafted up a few of the decorations to pull off our own "Pinterest inspired Sugar & Spice Baby Shower. Today...The Poof Ball ;o)

I've seen these lots of places and think they are super cute. I searched and searched Pinterest looking for a simple tutorial. It was actually hard to find. In true Jules fashion, after finding one I kinda did it like them and of course tweaked it a little. I hope to be a simple (pic)tutorial for you to follow or tweak!

Here are the materials I used {you can of course switch it up!}:

  • Tissue paper
  • Scissors
  • Wire

I used 2 sheets of white tissue paper. Yeah, just 2 sheets. Crazy, ehh? You can of course use more for a thicker poof or a different color. Our shower was already going to have orange and pink lanterns so I went with white.

Stretch out the paper flat then cut strips about 1-2 inches wide. I did Not measure. I just cut on the crease and in between each crease. Then cut the long strips in 1/2 or simply cut down the middle crease.

Here comes the complicated part. Gently twist each strip. hehe Grab each individual strip toward the center and twist just once or twice. There is no wrong way to really do this part. Make sure to be gentle or the paper will tare. This is time-consuming but I tried it without twisting and they don't quit flair out the right way.

There are two options for wire cutting: Cut your wire the length of how long you want the poof ball to hang or shorter and use something cuter to attach to the wire later for hanging.You can also use almost any kind of string. I tried thread but I was too rough with it so it kept snapping but curling ribbon could work and be better for cutesy hanging.

After all the pieces are twisted, begin gathering them. I just pinched them between my pointer finger and thumb as tight as I could. There were so few strips I gathered them all and then wrapped the wire around the center and knotted it. The next one I did, I wrapped the wire a little at a time. There was really no difference. If you can hold them all without dropping them, just wrap the wire at the end and save the wire.

Last step- fluff. You can just grab the wire and shack. For Real. This poofed the strips out pretty easily. Then I went back and pulled  a few pieces out where I wanted to fill in.

We used these at a shower but they could be cute in a bedroom or any party. Have fun!

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