I walked into the living room yielding a razor in one hand and a wet washcloth in the other.
I was maybe 6th grade with immature blonde hair on my pasty legs but with a self-perceived maturity level of a college women. I looked straight into my mamma's eyes and said, "I am Going to start shaving!" Pretty gutsy huh? A 10 or 11-year-old speaking to her mother with such gusto. Such confidence. Such...wisdom?
This had been a long heated discussion among my mom and I. I was determined to hack those precious baby hairs down. I mean, ALL my friends were! She was determined to teach me true beauty, healthy hygiene, and responsibility. You are too young and you don't need to shave, she would say, If you start shaving, there's no going back.
This boost of confidence that came that evening, came as I watched my mamma answer a phone call from one of her good friends. I knew she would chatting a while and I would have at least some leeway in the normal expectations she had for me. And Thus...the razor! The glare. The smirk. The postponed lecture. The razor burn.
I tell you this silly story of disobedience to explain why my boss has the "Phone Free Work Zone" rule. I thought you were a stay-at-home-mom you might be asking, making you your own boss? That would be correct. I have chosen to work during the day without using my phone. I don't think that's an extreme rule. I mean, most places of employment don't allow cell phones to be used during work hours, why should SAHM be any different?
There have always been jokes about kids getting away with murder when mommy's on the phone but its only funny because there's some truth in it. When people are on the phone, those who are actually with them kinda get the shaft. If you have a teen, you know this often goes with texting as well. Its just a natural thing to pay attention to the electronic. I don't know why. So rather than try and figure out how to constantly tell my friend, "Excuse me while I go beat my child" or "Sorry, I need to go make lunch" or "___ pass poop...again" I just don't use my phone while my kids need me...which is like all the time right now.
Don't get me wrong, I have exceptions every-once-in-a-while when I have to make appointments, when my kids are napping, or my hubby is home. But for the most part friends, this is why I don't answer the phone during the day. Text replies are super delayed. And the habit all day make my phone easily forgotten when I'm "off work" {L.O.L.} Some times I may miss awesome lunch invites or time-pertinent questions but I'd rather miss those than these moments with my kids. Its hard some days but I think its totally worth it.
Disclaimer: I do partake in online work through out the day. I have found that texting, typing, and such can always be saved or dropped much easier than phone calls.
Sorry friends, family, and other random peeps who call me. You're gonna get the voicemail 90+% of the time. Texters...yep, delayed responses. Facebook messagers and emailers- I promise I check my inbox daily...most of the time. Thanks for your understanding. 😉
Any other mom's have a "Phone Free Work Zone"? Thinking of starting one? Think I'm completely crazy?

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