Picking Up All Those “Good Intentions” Laying Around

Embarrassment Post Alert: 

If you're like me, you have lots of sweet, compassionate, Pinterest-worthy ideas for loving others.


One day I walked through the house picking up and realized what was lying around my house.

Yep, ideas. Great plans. Good intentions.

My house had become home to beautiful intentions. Stuffed full and cluttering my life. The literal clutter was evidence of my heart and what I was trying to fill it with. Desire to serve, ministries with larger visions and great causes, moments of convictions left in a pile of inactivity.

  • Fabric- a gesture of help to make curtains for the local CALL Mall keeping me "involved" with foster care even though I was dragging my feet with what our family has been called to do
  • Bras- shallow proof that I care about those being trafficked across boarders
  • Birthday gifts- fallen attempt to show I had thought about dear friends and family at some point
  • Bagged Ponytail- tradition that has grown lukewarm from initial convictions
  • Thank You Card- supposed thankfulness for a thoughtful mailcarrier
  • Blue Jeans- desire to participate over a year ago in the zero gigers movement
  • Snack Ingredients- plans to treat neighbor-friends for fast approaching summer

This embarrasses me. Don't get me wrong, I know I'm in good company. I have a slew of friends who keep me warm at night as we all chat about our good intentions but I think as Christians we need to steer away from the 2 common extremes: shame and apathy.


We're all aware of what we are not calling "mom guilt". Living in a state of disgrace based on society's standards is not what God has called us to. Pinterest is ruining childhood and sanity of mother's across the world. It's not just a sin the housewives of the upper east side deal with, I see us all struggle with keeping up or worrying what others think about our life chooses every community. When we feel like we've failed someone and their expectations we settle on the extreme of Shame. Satan keeps us held hostage in the bondage of guilt and renders us useless.


Once we've worked through our "mom guilt" we often run to the other extreme. We feel so overwhelmed and guilty that we go into denial. The "I could never live up to ____" may be true for now but that that is not where God wants us to live either. He has promised to equip us completely. Just because someone else does something better than us, different than we could have even thought to do, grander than we could hope doesn't mean we through in the towel and complain that someone is accomplishing something.

To the mom who make adorable lunches complete with personal notes- more power to ya!

To the mom who barely made the cut off with proof of income to qualify your kids for free lunches- I'm proud of ya!

To the Christian mom with convictions of service and love for your community, state, country, and beyond- YOU CAN DO IT! How do we accomplish these inclines our heart is getting? We don't sit down. We chant, "NOT ON OUR WATCH!"

There are beautiful things going on all around us in this unfathomable adventure Christ has empowered us to be apart of. Get up. Do something.

Loose the shame when you fall short and applaud when you kick apathy aside. Do something.

What are the somethings I'm going to do?

  • Ask mother-in-love for help finishing the curtains
  • Collect friend's bras, add them to my own, and MAIL THEM
  • Stick the birthday gifts in the mailbox with 2 stamps when I can't drag the 4 littles out and pray it gets there
  • Make an appointment to chop my own hair and MAIL the bagged ponytails
  • Stick leftover brownies in the mailbox with the sloppy Thank You Card and breath
  • MAIL the scraps I have
  • Make some ghetto snacks and love the neighbors with a smile

What are the somethings YOU are going to do?

Good intentions laying around
Pick them up off the ground

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  1. Love your honesty! God knows your heart and He will give you the time to do the real things that need to be done. Like feed and cloth your 4 babies. (and homeschool them)
    You are doing a great job don’t stress the “EXTRAs”.

    • Thanks mom! I don’t want to stress these things but I also want them to be regular part of our lives; thinking of others and following through with service. I don’t want my kids to feel like we’re philanthropist, “good meaning people”, or self-centered so I need to live by example.

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