I have posted in the past about our system of centers. I've even created center labels as well as names for the kids to "check in and out of" centers to try and maintain organization and get them to clean their own toys up. This worked for a while and Definitely works with large numbers of children {ie daycares/preschools} but it got a little legalistic in our house and I wanted to simplify when we moved.
This time I made new tags {and still have some to be completed} to label the baskets. I LOVE the baskets, bens, tubs, whatever you call these canvas things. They keep everything organized while making it simple to put things away- chunk it back into the basket!
- Library Basket
- Home Library {sorted}
- Playdough Center
- Electronic Center
- Puzzle Center
- Computer Center
- Baby Toys
- Ball Center
- Music Center
- Dress-Up Characters
- Potato Heads
- Wooden Blocks
- Vehicles
- Mega Blocks
- Homeschool Supplies
- Little People Center {village}
- HIPPY School Work
- Dress-Up Accessories
Inside our closet we have the Doll Shelf & the Dress-Up Costumes/Outfits as well as extra books {for higher level reading}, large toys {pop-up tent & tube}, and scrapbook supplies on the top shelf.
In case you were wondering:
- red book basket {hanging on the wall}- $2 flea market find/spray painted planter
- black bookshelves- Wal-Mart {similar to THIS tall one and THIS short one}
- plastic book bins {on top of shelves}- oriental trading {wish I had a gazillion more}
- labels- homemade printable {available at the end of the month}
- square canvas bins {ON SALE}- target, home depot, anywhere I could find them cheap
- rectangle canvas bin {one in doll shelf as well as other places throughout the house}- Wal-Mart {years ago}
- doll house/shelf- handmade by my grandparents YEARS ago & revamped a few years ago
- quilt rack {dress-up storage}- Pier1 as a wedding gift years ago

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