{free Printable (coming soon) to the "Only for Likers" section on the asJulesisgoing Facebook fan page}
Some times motherhood is hard!
But God knows, that's why He's also made motherhood just plan funny!
Last night, after the tsunami went through and the moat had formed in our yard to protect us from our neighbors behind us and we'd been trapped inside all day and Matt had formed a terrible headache, my sweet hubs headed outside to dig the...muck out from under the playhouse to relieve the neighborhood's newly formed private pool that was growing rapidly higher and higher in our backyard. Good thing, we don't know how to insure for that kind of property. The kids were NOT having fun just watching daddy from the back door...then the back deck, so I began stripping down my children to nothing but undies/diaper and rain boots.I'd planned to let them splash around now that the dangerous current had been taken care of. During this escapade, I discovered one of my poor Izzie's bug bites had gotten crazy infected! Now she had very sensitive skin and always had long lasting sores from any kind of bite, but This was NASTY!
My poor baby had to endure the pain as I popped the pimple-esk sore on her shoulder. There was a large, hard, red circle around the giant white head. The sore oozed and oozed puss and blood. It was swollen at least 1/2 an inch off her shoulder blade. She screamed, I cried, she cried, I hugged. It was AWFUL! We immediately ran inside for an early bath and hot compresses on the sore. She couldn't handle anymore. I snatched her up in a towel and rocked her in the living room. Within 5 minutes she passed out. Exhausted from screaming. Matt emerged with the other two kids to find me pouting as I rocked my curly toe head snuggled in a giant bath towel. I wanted to bawl but didn't want to wake my injured snorer. It SUCKED!
Why did our night have to end like this? Me and the Iz had just enjoyed a mommie-daughter date to the infamous wally world to snag some items for a care package. Goofing off in an untamed car seat. Checking out "spiders". Slurping back happy hour drinks. After long text and phone conversations with two sweet nurse friends, we were pretty sure Izzie, my newly potty trained toddler with bad hand washing skills who scratches incessantly had staph.
Today has been an eternal day. I woke at 6:45am to an my hubs saying, "Honey, that's your alarm." Ugg. I rolled out of bed only to sleep a little while longer while I showered. I finally climbed out, running late, and asked Matt to go grab my Izzie. With my hair 1/2 dried, only mascara on, and wearing what looked like a workout outfit {but we all know I don't workout}, I scooped my little Iz up and headed to the car. We were on our way to the Saturday clinic in Little Rock at our pediatrician by 7:15am.
Long story/morning short: they were closed for the 'holiday weekend'. Rrrrr, we drove in circles locating another clinic only to end up wondering the big fancy-dancey Wal-Mart until the newly found WM clinic opened. at 10am As annoying as this may sound, Isabella and I actually enjoyed out morning one-on-one! We chatted it up in the car with the windows and sunroof open, held hands while we walked around, tested out yard swings, and I got to watch my big girl pretend to be mama while she 'drove' a big wheel in the aisle at wally world. She did fabulous in the doctor's office, didn't scream when the doc had to touch her boo boo, and even scored a sucker on the way out! After grabbing the prescribed antibiotics, topical cream, and new bandages for her sensitive skin, we had a "chick Alay" lunch date and "crewzed" home with the windows open again around 1pm!
After all had napped long and hard we all piled in the living room {including our visiting adopted little brother, Mooney} for an afternoon movie... Here's where God redeemed the morning even more than he already had.
Leave it to little brother J to bump up the movie party a notch. Our fun snack for the Veggie Tale viewing was sliced, chocolate covered, bananas! Needless to say, EVERYone loved them!
How's your weekend going? hehe
UPDATE {for those wondering}: NO home sell {boo} Toddler Staph Infections {tear} We are still planting {eat that Satan} & God is in Control!
— Julie Rothacher (@JulesRothacher) September 1, 2012

Love your printable! That is such a great reminder. There’s just no way to make it throughout the day without a good laugh at ourselves and our little ones!
Thanks for linking up with the Tuesday Baby Link up. I hope you’ll come back tomorrow when the new link up goes live.
Thanks! You can grab it via my “likers only” section on facebook!
I will totally be back tomorrow! Thanks!!!