I love Pinterest! No, don't leave. This is a new post. I know I say "I love Pinterest!" a lot but it's true. My poor hubs has to ask, "Did you find this on Pinterest?" I always wanna yell, "NO!" in an annoyed creative voice but I can't...I prolly did find it on Pinterest.
Today's Pinterest find:
Yep, we made our own!!!
We put about 10 chick peas into our plastic eggs. We used empty eggs that came with Playdough in them. {Are you supposed to use those eggs as containers for the Playdough? I wouldn't think that would keep them moist enough...?} Then you cut enough tape to wrap around the spoons and egg. Place the egg between two spoons and wrape tape around. You may want to tape the handle end as well.
SUCCESS! This set will be part of a birthday present for a little BFF who will be turning 4 on Cinco De Mayo! {shhhhh}
Have you made your own maracas? What did you use? How did they turn out?

Glad to know I’m not the only one with a husband who asks, “Did you see this on pinterest?” every time I have a new idea or recipe or whatever!
I finally had to remind Matt I was creative bf Pinterest. So now he over exaggerated and says, “Wow, this is so cool! You should put it on Pinterest!” I do tweek a lot of stuff…does that count as ‘original’?
Hehe, really glad to know I’m not the only addict ;0)