Some times a momma needs to brag to feel accomplished with her routine tasks. Just say'n...
My girls both went to Nanna's for a sleepover last night leaving me and the lil man to hunker down for the night after heading to Lowes to grab some lemon grass {fail} and mums. We got home and I put Jamin straight to bed, sleepy boy!
When he was asleep I headed straight for the van to grab my plants and get them in the pots on the front porch.
I spot cleaned the living room carpet.
"Watched" Friends while writing a guest blog post.
Wrote a Thoughtful Thursday post {before it wasn't Thursday anymore}
And worked on my new "Virtual Assistant" job's site {more info soon} all while eating too many {not even very good} no-bake cookies and avoiding writing my #healthymomseries post for the week.
This morning felt like I slept in even though it was 7 {like normal} when the J woke up.
I cheated and we ate cereal in the living room and he watched Veggie Tales {laughing, cheering, and dancing} while I wrote 1 & 1/2 post for my blog.
When he got bored of the movie I brought in his Little People and he played forever.
THEN, J picked a fight with me so I'd chase and wrestle him. All B.O.Y. misses his daddy.
At like 10am, he ASK to sit at the table in his boaster I fed him lunch. While he ate
- I cleaned the kitchen
- put away clean dishes
- moved and started a new load of laundry
- took out 2 bags of trash
- checked the mail
- loaded the dishwasher
When he was down for his nap @ 10:30, I frantically cleaned all 3 upstairs {NASTY} bathrooms in anticipation of the girls coming home.
{you know it's time to clean when pink stuff starts growing on your blue shower}
Showering, making beds, and working on tagging my consignment items has yet to be checked off the list...
Now I am working on a few more VA details and just found out the girls are coming home around noon.
OOoooo, I almost forgot, I need to eat lunch! See ya later!

Good for you! Plus you are pumping out blog posts faster then I can keep up! You are amazing!
You are too sweet! This is why I’m a child and post things like the list of chores I FINALLY did- the encouragement. THANKS!