The life of a Christian isn't perfect, uncomplicated, or stress-less yet it comes with so much peace.
Like a small child promised a lollypop, I sit waiting. Many days turn into pouting. Wining. Sulking. Complaining. Most of the time I'd rather be ask to accomplish something weird to 'earn' the sucker than to simply wait. Suddenly, God treats me like the child I am...
Can you remember the end of summer. Pouting because you can no longer stay up late, swim all day, travel to fun places. Then you go to school that first week. You're either re-antiquated with friends you've missed all summer or meet new friends you never knew you could love so much in just a few short days. Yeah, that's me. God shows me much grace as I sulked in the corner waiting to head to Vilonia, the promised lollypop. He scooped me up and placed me among sweet sweet people. Helping me endure the wait. Showing me He's there. Already. He's here. With me. He knows my woos. He knows His plan. It makes me smile watching all that he is orchestrating!
Our future sponsor church we've been attending has welcomed us in to their family! From being a part of a fun D-Group {discussion group} to having lunch dates, we have been gitty little kids with Friends again! It may sound silly but simple texts, emails, and Facebook "likes" can make us walk around with goofy grins. It's weird being in no ones world. It makes our world more self-involved. Blluack! No one needs more of that.
For me, it's always been easier to step out onto the water and walk to Jesus. It's like an adventure.Many people have been worried for us in this new season. "Where will you get money?" "You know you have kids right? What are they gonna do?" "How will you start?" "When will you go?" "Why would you do that?" We may sound odd but those have never been our concern. Satan knows that. He knows we deal better with quick, in-your-face-stress. Maybe that's why we're waiting. Why doesn't really matter, though.
I'm learning to sleep. Not the kind of lame "sleep" everyone tries to feed singles about "Adam had to fall asleep before he got Eve." I don't think that's really how God works. I do think He wants me to learn to rely on Him in all things and learn to sleep through the storm until the wind runs out of breath and Jesus calms the storm. Jesus is my perfect example in Mark {4:35-41}.
Late that day he said to them, "Let's go across to the other side."
They took him in the boat as he was. Other boats came along. A huge storm came up. Waves poured into the boat, threatening to sink it. And Jesus was in the stern, head on a pillow, sleeping!
They roused him, saying, "Teacher, is it nothing to you that we're going down?"
Awake now, He told the wind to pipe down and said to the sea, "Quiet! Settle down!"
The wind ran out of breath; the sea became smooth as glass.
Jesus reprimanded the disciples: "Why are you such cowards? Don't you have any faith at all?"
They were in absolute awe, staggered. "Who is this, anyway?" they asked. "Wind and sea at his beck and call!"
That's my prayer today. Thanks for the glimpses of what's to come: Health. Revival. MY generation seeking HIS face, the God of Jacob!
Deep Breaths. Patients. Eye on the Prize. Steady. Remember the mile markers on our way to the finish line. Storms were made to sleep through. Relax. Enjoy the thunder knowing Who's in charge of it all. The joy comes in the morning. It Is Coming!

In our journey in ministry, my husband and I have learned that patience and trust is a huge part of God’s plan for any Believer. And yet it’s the most difficult part. I tend to be able to have a lot of faith in certain areas of life (like financial and God’s providing for us) but when it comes to waiting for God to fulfill His promises, I really struggle. We are currently going through a time of waiting, fully knowing that God wants to give us the desires of hearts in these areas, but the waiting is really difficult at times. Some days I’m all be-bopping around thinking, “God is in control and He is going to do this for us in HIs time” and other days I’m thinking, “What have I done so wrong that I can’t have this one thing?” I feel for you, Julie. It’s tough–but as you know, the refining process is difficult, but that lollipop will be so much better when you finally get it!
Carrie, you’re always such an encouragement! I love hearing what God’s doing in your ministry. I would totally agree; I usually don’t blink at trusting God for finances/provision, but waiting for an exciting promise- I still have a lot to learn. I love those be-bopping days and am so thankful for them. They help me get through those, what did I do wrong days! Refining is a technical process. I wish I could remember I’m not trained in that area and stop Googling my problem and just trust the expert! Can’t Wait to write more about how that lollipop finally tastes!!!!
You are too sweet! Thanks for being one of the friends God’s sent my way to help me hang out and wait for the lollipop! You rock! {insert childish grin!}