31 Days to Clean Having a Martha House the Mary way
Day 1: Why Clean?
Mary Challenge: Make your “mission statement”. Mine states:
"I want my home to be a comfortable place to live;
where my children have fun throughout the day,
my husband is relaxed,
as a family, we are free to host guests at any time without feeling embarrassed about the condition of my home,
as well as be a good steward of what God has so richly blessed me with.
I want to Want and Love to live in my HOME."
My inspiration comes from a passage in the Old Testament every time I think about how I want to go about this hospitable thing:
My goal is to meet the needs of my family but right along side that to also create an atmosphere where any and everyone feel welcome, loved, comfortable and a desire to hang out at any hour of the day (this gets us in bind some days, hehe)! I also want to meet even the simplest needs: The text version, a bed and a table, a chair and a lamp, equates to our family providing a guest room (even if that means my kids will always share rooms), uncluttered space to bring in their things and/or a place at our table to eat, plenty of seating for conversation, and practical items: Extra toiletries, quick-fix food, etc.
Martha Challenge: Make your mission statement pretty and place it somewhere you can see it daily then organizing supplies.