Real {5 Minute Fridays}: The People Pleaser

{linked up over @ The Gypsy Mama!}

Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking

OK, are you ready? five minutes on:


Me. Right Now...long day of sweety errands

It's hard to be real. I am naturally a people please. No matter how many people remind of of the verse that says, "seek God's approval not mans" my initial instinct is to make people like me.

I am fighting hard to be authentic here, in this space especially. I want my life to be a transparent glimps into the life change that is Christ. I want people to see and honest person, tons of faults and all attempting to glorify God with her life. Being open about my struggles. Open about my convictions. Open about my attempt to grow in my knowledge of and relationship with Christ.

Our purpose in life is to glorify God and praise Him forever. I should not be looking to glorify myself. I should not be seeking praise for myself. Anything possitive in my life is HIM.

Recently I've been struggling with just writing bc I don't want this space to get messy. I don't want to step on toes. I want people to like me. I want Christ to be intising. He Does Not Need My Help. Christ is life changing. Saving. The world is intising. Jesus was constantly running off the crowds with His honesty. My prayer is that I can become for honest with you as readers. In my faults and convictions with out gaurds.



{here spell check, no re-reading, no...editing at all... Deeeeep Breath-Publish}

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