“It’s like a Waggon!”

Today we brought an entirely new level to my 3-year-old helping with major chores.

Before today I never would have considered asking Maggie to carry a laundry basket up our stairs but today...I did. That's right, I ask a short little, 25 lb, almost 3.5-year-old to carry 3 days worth of our entire 5 member family's laundry up the stairs. And she LOVED it!

Here's how we did it:

  • I attached a simple 4ft piece of twine to on handle on our laundry basket
  • I piled the children's laundry on the landing 1/2 way up the stairs
  • Mags then fill the basket up as much as she liked (and was able to heave up the stairs) 
  • After loaded, we strung the twine across the laundry (holding in the items)

  • When it was through the other handle, Maggie then pulled it thus toting the load up the stairs
  • She ran down the hall way pulling the basket behind her yelling, "Mommy! It's like a wagon!"
  • Finally she dumped their clothes (a load at a time) into her bedroom floor where we later sorted and put it away
  • {We continued this same procedure with Matt's and my clothing to our bedroom}


Share with us fun ways you involve your kids in daily chores?

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I have to sacrifice WHAT?

It's important for us to teach our children at a young age responsibility. Maggie, my 3-year-old, in 17 days tear :'O( LOVES "chores" or "jobs" that are hers. We've gone through spells of bossiness between her and my younger daughter (18 months apart) so we had several lessons on what her "job" was as a big sister and what my job was as the mamma.  Every time I reminded her that something wasn't her "job" she'd ask with a smirk, "what IS my job?" to which I'd respond with her list again or I'd ask her to tell me.

Maggie also has many "chores" throughout the day.

*Lunch and dinner she always sets the table: place mats for all, her and Izzie's (and any added little guests) plastic plates, little forks, sippy cups, as well as my prized fiestaware for adults, big silverware, and canned drinks. Izzie is starting to help with this one and LOVES it. She needs a bit more guidance for placement but getting better and Maggie thinks it's great to help her, since she's sooo experience ya know.

*Sorting laundry is something she helps with as well. Then she puts away things down stairs (i.e. kichen towels, her panties, burp clothes, and bibs) as well as upstairs items (i.e. clothes and big towels), if she happens to be up there with me (usually a chore I do myself).

*Unloading the dishwasher one of the 1st "chores" she was given. She was thrilled to be such a big help to me. Her job? Put away the silverware. She was meticulous at this. Originally sorting by type and size alone until we got new silverware which added the benefit of color sorting, Sweet! Just like any other person, this got boring...I guess. Now she often cons her sister into helping her which leads to mixed types/sizes/colors and sometime just up-side-down. Not a big deal, right? To you non-OCD types.

This was just one hurdle I had to overcome in able to allow my children to assist me as well as for me to be able to teach them valuable lessons on stewardship, service, and plain-ole responsibility.

What are you sacrificing in order to train your children? Leave a comment- lets chat about it.

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Thanks Hershey’s

How many of you have laundry stories? You know, the ones that involve pens, markers, wallets stuffed with valuable recites, gum, pictures, anything non-launderable. Yep, I have even washed a diaper! For real! The hubs apparently carries them in the cargo pockets of his shorts...so much for going the extra mile to checking the top 4 pockets for the infamous wallet (washed at least 3x before). But today's shout out goes to Hershey's!

THANK YOU Hershey's Krackel Miniatures for making(apparently) washable and inpinatraitable wrapping! My load of laundry was saved! How anyone could forget a Krackle in their pocket I'll never understand.

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31 Days to Clean: Day #22-26 Mary Challenges

31 Days to Clean Having a Martha House the Mary way

Day 22 – Developing a Workable Schedule

Mary Challenge: Write out a realistic routine for your family- something basic-and put it in a place where everyone can see it.

Ok, I have tracked our day in attempt to figure out where the gaps are that need more structure. We are good about simple parts of our routine like breakfast, lunch, dinner, 3 different nap schedule, and simple daily/nightly chores (dishes, laundry, pick up around the house) but there are definitely more gaps during the day where we could be getting a lot more accomplished! I'd like to set 1 day a week for grocery shopping and errands as well as more structure play with the kids which in turn will hopefully help us get naps in and keep the "mamma, come play with me" to a minimume...maybe ;o) Post a schedule soon but I'm also working on excel budget to make our lives run smoother so, in time.

Day 23 – Dealing with Distractions

Mary Challenge:What distracts you on most days? What can you do to lessen the distraction?

I think feeling the need to be "doing" something all day distracts me. The word tells me that as a stay-at-home mom I don't have a real job and therefore I spend my days doing things that maybe will justify me to the word. Now, isn't that stupid. Even typing just now, I can't believe my brain even goes there but it does, most days. I run in circles attempting to clean things, organize, do yard work, run errands, shower, look nice, dress my chill'ns, basically- accomplish something just like the rest of the world.

WRONG! I know the truth is that I, as a christian who is now living her life for Jesus, is not supposed to seek the world's approval. Way easier said than done most days. Just ask my husband...or maybe don't... I can talk a big game in the car while we are having a discussion on a subject I'm passionate about or maybe one I don't struggle with but when I'm faced with people "liking" me, I cave like a powdered sugar castle. I hate that about myself.

There it is in all of its awkward confession glory. BUT here is what I am continuing to strive for. I do want to accomplish somethings the world also considers worthy of my time but I am Also going to pour more quality time into the eternal souls God has blessed me with. Most days I don't feel like I am their best option but apparently God did. So, how am I going to strive to meet HIS standards? I'll attempt to improve my relationship with my hubby and kiddos everyday. Some days I will fail but if I don't try at all then I'm destined to fail.

Day 24 – Organization

Mary Challenge: Pick one hot-spot in your house and do something to bring about order. It doesn’t have to be huge. Maybe you should figure out how to keep track of bills and school forms. Maybe you should just put a pretty bowl by the door to keep track of your car keys.

If we've spent any time at all together (virtually or in person) you Know I love organization! Even what I like to call ghetto organization aka organization on a tight budget. For me, this challenge wasn't simple. I feel like the bulk of my house is orderly so this sent me to my evil "Monica Closet" which sent chills down my back. The dreaded closet. See more about this huge task in 31DtC: 22-26 Martha Challenges .

Day 25 –The High-Low Cycle

Mary Challenge: Pay attention to the times of the month when you have more energy and are motivated to clean. Get a calendar and spend three months writing how you feel each day; after that time see if you notice a pattern. Perhaps you can better prepare for your days if you know what’s coming.

Well, 3 months hasn't passed but I am working on "charting my nesting", as I'm calling it.

Day 26 – Laundry

Mary Challenge: Find a laundry system that works for you and your family. Perhaps you will take on one of the above tips, or come up with your own.

So far, the best laundry system I've found for my family is to include it in my chores Every Night! We make our girls clean up ALL their toys before they go to nap and bed. Everything has a general place it goes and even Izzie (~16 months old) knows where things go and can follow "on" shelf or "in" basket commands. Do what works for you family but in ours: Matt does bath with the girls and while he is doing that I start at least 1 load of laundry. I always do at least 1 large load a night. I keep the machine set on COLD, use a color catcher (which I should take out stock in), and I through Everything in that fits. The rest of my nightly routine includes, but is not limited to, collecting all the dishes that hadn't made it into the dishwasher yet and start it. Then I try to sweep and/or vacuum downstairs/living areas (every other day if I didn't get to during the day).

I'd LOVE your feedback! Leave a comment and let's see if we can get a dialog going about some of this. We and combined forces and take over the world, muhahaha...Ummm, I mean...at least conquer this "managing our families/homes" task we've been blessed with.

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31 Days to Clean: Day #14

31 Days to Clean Having a Martha House the Mary way

Day 14 –The Secret to Having Energy

Mary Challenge: Figure out your “jazzy,” what makes you come alive, and then see if you can find a way to incorporate it into your week.

To be honest, I am a little overwhelmed with the Mary challenges. They are all great goals to aspire to but I need to focus on one for a While, more than just a day. I think this is why I've never done well with daily devotional "thoughts". I need time to marinate. I can't even come up with my "jazzy"...maybe it's thinking. Long, Quiet, Uninterrupted, THINKING. hmmm I should make time for that! It would help me all around: learning in God's word, planning/organizing my entire family's days, appointments, activities, etc. I'll be working on this Thinking thing! Lecha know...

Martha Challenge: Bedrooms – Clean and store winter bedding. Bring out your summer bedding! Flip your mattress. Wash your pillows.

Check! Took me a while to actually get the blankets to the laundry mat with my littles but it was an experience...it was an ALL day thing where we spent $15.00 (not budgeted this month), learned a lot about a new place, got in a walk to the park around the corner we rarely get a chance to go to, met a new friend, and got the big blankets washed. Success!

Master Bedroom:

Girl's Princess Room:

Veggie Tale Nursery:

Guest Room:

(Any and Everyone is welcome to stay Any time!)

*Decor plans have been in the works for over a year. We LOVE paint, hanging pictures on the walls, curtains, and other decor. Some rooms are closer than others but still aren't "there" YET! Time, Dave Ramsay, and logistics just are not on our side right now, and that's ok.

How is your "spring cleaning" going? Any hiccups in your decorating ideals?

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