Racking leaves and chop'n down trees
How have you spent your autumn days?
make disciples of all nations
What is this Social Vibe widget thing you're trying to get us to click on??
Their description: "SocialVibe is the easiest way to help the causes you care about, without having to spend any money. You and the community + your favorite brands = money for charity."
How do I do this?
It's kinda silly but basically all you have to do is click the "socialvibe" box on the left hand side of my blog, do some kinds of "activity" (the only one I've done so far was a vote choosing who Toyota would give cars to), and then some how the brands affiliated with this site give money to your chosen charity.
Why are you doing this?
I attempt (if at all possible) to have everything I do in life to be beneficial to God's eternal kingdom. If I can further the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ in Africa through Jars of Clay's Blood:Water Mission projects from a simple widget on my blog then WOOHOO!!!
What is your chosen charity?
Blood:Water Mission: Click this for basic info and this to learn more about the growing African church. Going to their site will allow them to explain it a lot better than me and help you connect better with this ministry.
What are the benefits?
If I understand it right, my chosen charity works like this:
20 clicks/completed "activity" I get on my site= 37 days of clean water for a person in Africa
****Correction...I guess I don't really understand this bc I've now done only 2 actities and have already earned 37 days???****
Join me and make a difference! You can do 1 activity a day. I will always have it available on here and am attempting to get a spot on my Facebook page.
Didn't cover something? Just leave a comment with your questions so I can lecha ya know!
*all images provided by google images ;o)
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