I plan to do an experiment with my kids this month to teaching the power of words; especially Love and Hate. I found it fitting to conduct this homeschool science experiment as part of our Valentine's Day unit.
If you want to join us, Please head over to the as Jules is going Facebook page to follow the progress through out the month.
The 13:13 Experiment
...and the greatest of these is LOVE...
Does what we say and how we treat other really affect them significantly and long-term?
According to Dr. Masaru Emoto, people are made up of at least 60% water therefore his discovery has far-reaching implications… can anyone really afford to have negative thoughts or intentions?
Click here for more information from other who have tried conducted this experiment.
Since God tells us words and affection are so powerful, we believe they will have an effect on any creation and that we can show this in the scientific world.
- "Loving on" the rice will make it flourish.
- "Hating on" the rice will destroy it.
- "Ignoring it" will rot it.
- 2-3 jars with lids
- white rice
- water
- little scientist
- loving and hateful words
- one month
- Share the hypothesis with kids.
- Get materials. We bought our plastic lidded containers at the dollar tree {2 for $1}. I didn't want to spend a lot so I don't feel bad trashing them at the end of the month.
- Eliminate all external factors.
- Label jars.
Write what you want to be said to the jars and how you want them to be "treated" so you don't mix them up- We chose to do all 3 jars and use white sticky labels saying:
- I love you
- I hate you
- ...
- You can just do "love" and "hate"
- We chose to do all 3 jars and use white sticky labels saying:
- Chose a space toconduct the experiment.
- same sunlight
- same temperature
- Separate containers a significant amount- we're doing about 2 feet.
{so they don't "hear" what we say to the other jars 😉 } - Fill with white rice: you can either fill with rice and water or cook the rice before filling. We're cooking it first.
- Seal up the containers to avoid contaminants
- Label jars.
- Interact appropriately with each containers daily. Express love toward the "I love you" container and hatred toward the "I hate you" container. Don't talk to or mess with the "..." container at all.
- Wait and observe. We are {attempting} ~28 days with no picking up, shaking, or moving the containers any way.
Draw Conclusion and report Results:
Follow this on the as Jules is going Facebook page during the month of February and I plan to update here when the experiment is completed.
Happy Experimenting 😀NOTE: I never did a follow up post on this...because they turned out kinda nasty. Sadly, our experiment didn't yield the same results as the one we were mimicking. There were several factors that could have influenced this: plastic containers that were possibly not air tight, a loud home with lots of children, a bright room with lots of natural light, or too much moisture trapped in the containers {ie I didn't cook the rice the right way: too much water}.

I saw your post on Facebook about this… I am in! I’ll post how it goes!!
Rebecca D recently posted..Blessed Beyond Measure…
Yay!!! I hope lots of people do it. I’m really curious how it turns out. Can’t wait to see how everyone else conducts it.
I’m bummed this didn’t turn out for you. We did this in our house for a science fair experiment and had pretty good results! The hate jar had noticeably more black spots while the love jar stayed white and didn’t begin to rot like the others. We used mason jars so maybe that helped. My kids had a lot of fun talking to the jars!
That’s encouraging that your experiment worked! We may have to try it again next year. We used cheap plastic containers from the dollar tree {just trying to be safer with lots of littles} but I think you might be onto something. The glass jar aspect might make all the difference. Thanks for sharing!