Does anyone remember the 4th of July Block Party scene from the 90s movie Sandlot? Epic! The atmosphere of an entire community celebrating together, awe.
We may not have been able to create the same magical scene but as part of our attempt to minister to our new community we have been hosting block parties. Minus the "some-mores", our church plant, the valley, hosted 3 different block parties in different neighborhoods this summer. These block parties were fairly inexpensive yet tons of fun! Most importantly, they were easy to host. Ours obviously were in the summer but fall, back-to-school, and football season are some great excused to hang outdoors with your community!
I'm sharing our 3 basics of hosting a block party over on Homemaker's Challenge today. FALL will be a Great time to host community events: bon fire, BBQ, or something else fall-esk! These ideas will help narrow the overwhelming idea of hosting a large group 😀

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