Hello! You've reached as Jules is going.
Sorry, no one's in the office today due to the holiday. As we see it, if Jules daddy, the mail carrier, can take the day off so can we. We are super glad you're here!!! If you'd like to leave a message after the beep in the comment section, we'll get back to you when we return to the office tomorrow. I you want to start 2013 out by getting Jules updates in your inbox, go ahead and subscribe HERE.
Since Facebook is being fickle about who, what, when, where, and how much you see our stuff, we'll probably be posting a little less in the community page this year. To make sure you get everything fresh off the press, just snag the email updates. In case Facebook changes their terms on links in the status or if you just want to participate in our funky lil community, head on over and we'll keep ya entertained with randomness from our family. Thanks again for stopping by!!!

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