Anyone who has known me for any short period of time knows that I hate clothes.
Not as in, I'm wish I lived on a nudist colony. I don't mind wearing clothes. I mainly hate clothes because the purpose of them has changed from "hiding our sinful nakedness" to "if ya got it {or even if you don't & wish you did} flaunt it".
God has fearfully and wonderfully made each of us. But somehow we all want to be like someone else. Even in our proclamation of individuality, we are attempting to obtain a standard set by someone {not God} and thus reach and ideally surpass said standard. We have put ourselves in competition with one another. {Ladies! This is why we create evil drama.} Like raw, thoughtless animals in the wild. Wanting to gain stature, labels, attention {negative or possessive}, and when those things are gained, somehow we have gained worth? False worth.
Modesty among women {and even men} has lost its meaning. Modesty used to be esteemed as a regard for decency of behavior, speech, dress;
lack of vanity! Clothing & Fashion (modifier) designed to prevent inadvertent exposure of part of the body a modesty flap. Lack of pretentiousness; simplicity.
Most females my age nearly roll their eyes at me when the topic of modesty comes up. Young women think that this word is some how "out dated". A foreign concept of decade past. They picture layered robes and head dressings. Then if you get past that idea, the excuse of "it's just too hard to shop for decent clothing."
Why have decency, prudence, and simplicity been labeled out-of-date? When did guarding those things in our lives become not worth the time?
Our world is in a state of constant decay; depravity of man has never been more onslaught than today. Tomorrow we will be even further down that road.
"Everything is heading toward decay, and we are striving against it." - Sarah Mae, author of 31 Days to Clean {Genesis 3:17-18}
Okay, if you are still reading, know that when I say the word modesty has lost its meaning, I am saying that we have chosen to view that word as a nasty, enslaving term that limits us. I am not saying you need to be enslaved to turtle necks, skirts, and long sleeves. I'm also not saying that if you simply wear things that cover your...boobs and butt then its modest. If there's nothing left to the imagination for only my husband to enjoy...I might reconsider the wardrobe. The full meaning of modest means clothing is not about you.
I am here to say, be free of the bondage if "fashion". As I would tell my kids, "Lets think looooong term." Does wearing the in-style thing today really have any impact on your eternity? If chosen wrongly, it could have a negative impact on those whom you are trying to impact for eternity... I had to learn a hard truth that applies to just about everything in life:
If your lifestyle makes sense to the world then its likely not a godly lifestyle. Live like no one else & let God be honored. [Tweet this!]
To help understand modesty further, watch the video below...let Science tell you about the physical aspects of modesty.
I looked as if I were trying to melt into the scenery and become invisible, like a giraffe standing motionless among sunlit leaves —Christopher Isherwood
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Clothing can be found {hunted for} in lots of stores, but I've found success at:
Old Navy, Forever 21, Maurice's, Target, JC Pennies, Ross, TJ Max, and Gordmon's
I do have trouble envisioning the potential modesty of an outfit if manikins & models are making seductive faces/posses at me...
"Can you be a Lady without being Modest?" -More Like Momma
"If She Only Knew: Thoughts on Modesty and Beauty" -The Time-Warp Wife
Note: If you know me personally, I am NOT saying my t-shirts are in any way fashionable. One of the many reasons you'll likely near find a "What I Wore Wednesday" post here... I am NOT saying you should dress like me to display modesty.
Although I do attempt modesty in all I do, there are lots of other ways to accomplish this.

Excellent thought on modesty and so true! I am almost afraid to think what modesty will mean twenty to thirty years from now. By the way, I thought it too funny that the ad on the bottom of your modesty post was an ad for swimwear with a gal pictured in a bikini! ROFL.
Oh No! I guess its one of my rotating google ads. Mine always shows Veggies Tales or What’s in the Bible so I hadn’t seen that one.