Back in August I had the privilege of helping host a shower from my life long friend how is growing a miracle, Amelia! In the next couple weeks I wanna show you how I crafted up a few of the decorations to pull off our own "Pinterest inspired Sugar & Spice Baby Shower. Today...The Poof Ball ;o)
I've seen these lots of places and think they are super cute. I searched and searched Pinterest looking for a simple tutorial. It was actually hard to find. In true Jules fashion, after finding one I kinda did it like them and of course tweaked it a little. I hope to be a simple (pic)tutorial for you to follow or tweak!
Here are the materials I used {you can of course switch it up!}:
- Tissue paper
- Scissors
- Wire
I used 2 sheets of white tissue paper. Yeah, just 2 sheets. Crazy, ehh? You can of course use more for a thicker poof or a different color. Our shower was already going to have orange and pink lanterns so I went with white.
Stretch out the paper flat then cut strips about 1-2 inches wide. I did Not measure. I just cut on the crease and in between each crease. Then cut the long strips in 1/2 or simply cut down the middle crease.
Here comes the complicated part. Gently twist each strip. hehe Grab each individual strip toward the center and twist just once or twice. There is no wrong way to really do this part. Make sure to be gentle or the paper will tare. This is time-consuming but I tried it without twisting and they don't quit flair out the right way.
There are two options for wire cutting: Cut your wire the length of how long you want the poof ball to hang or shorter and use something cuter to attach to the wire later for hanging.You can also use almost any kind of string. I tried thread but I was too rough with it so it kept snapping but curling ribbon could work and be better for cutesy hanging.
After all the pieces are twisted, begin gathering them. I just pinched them between my pointer finger and thumb as tight as I could. There were so few strips I gathered them all and then wrapped the wire around the center and knotted it. The next one I did, I wrapped the wire a little at a time. There was really no difference. If you can hold them all without dropping them, just wrap the wire at the end and save the wire.
Last step- fluff. You can just grab the wire and shack. For Real. This poofed the strips out pretty easily. Then I went back and pulledĀ a few pieces out where I wanted to fill in.
We used these at a shower but they could be cute in a bedroom or any party. Have fun!

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