The Rothacher clan has started intentionally "doing Advent" last year and we are excited to share with you what we'll be doing this year!
For years I thought Advent was either a simple cardboard calendar that had candies in it that you and your brothers fought to snag 1st OR a Catholic/Jewish holiday that had something to do with candles {aka menorah} but I've come to learn that Advent is anything you do in the weeks leading up to Christmas as a family that teach about or celebrating what has "come" an is "coming" can be considered part of Advent.
"The key to this entire advent celebration is to have a daily focus and meditation on God’s greatest gift. Your children will learn the ins and outs of the story because you’ve facilitated a time to discuss, play, and create. And in those moments, God will speak to their hearts and yours.
The little Baby is no longer in the manger but alive and sitting on a throne—waiting to have a relationship with you and your children. Help your children get to know Him this Christmas!"
So far this year, things we've done {or are doing} to begin preparing for Christmas are:
- Decorated the house for Christmas, including setting up & decorating our tree as a family.
- Wore fun Christmas-like clothing.
- Packed Operation Christmas Child boxes.
- Watching TONS of Christmas movies
- Visiting Santa at the mall in North West AR {the BEST Santa ever}
Things we plan to do in the coming weeks:
- Attending some fun activities in December including 3 Christmas parties, going to visit "Bethlehem", Christmas Eve service.
- Bake TONS of cookies & other snacks for our neighbors.
- Shop for gifts for family, friends, and others we've adopted for the season.
- See a Christmas play with our HIPPY group.
- Possibly see a Christmas parade
And the newest thing we are adding to our Advent adventure is THIS:

Oh, and I'm an affiliate for Truth in the Tinsel because I think it's that cool! They didn't tell me to say that.
I'm going to try and share lots of our Advent adventure this year but don't shoot me if I'm slack'n...I'm going to concentrate on participating more than sharing this year ;o)
What are you doing for Advent? Wanna go through the Truth in the Tinsel book with us? Grab the book today so you'll be ready Saturday!
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