Sorry I've been MIA for a while now. This month has been crazy and is continuing down that same path.
The end of last month was single mom week while Matt was away at camp only to return for our crazy 4th of July weekend which included:
*a fun Zoo trip
*3rd birthday party with 14+ family members in attendance or visiting that weekend
The weeks to follow were full with:
*3 Well Baby visits and immunizations for all
*family doc and cardiologist appointments for me
*regularly schedule youth services
*summer youth events, lunch hang out times, and "after hours"
This week contains:
*dentist apt for Matt tomorrow
*packing our 5 person family to head out in 3 different directions for a week
-Mission Trip to Quad Cities IL for Matt, me, and our Relentless Students
-Nanna and Papaw's for Mags and Iz
-Ms Lynn for Jamin
August will bring:
*Yard Sale (1st weekend)
*Starting Preschool with Mags (explain more later)
*couple more youth things for the summer/back to school
*Big Duck Duck Goose Consignment Sale (consigning/volunteering last weekend Aug/1st weekend in Sept)
Maggie is now 3! She got butterflies for her birthday, is getting closer and closer to being potty trained, has the speech of a 10-year-old, and will be starting preschool in August!Izzie is 18 months old! She struts around the house playing big girl games with her big sis and trying to help take care of her baby bro. She is talking more and more every day- not new words but Phrases.
Jamin is 6 months old! He is rolling over, smiling and giggling none stop. He's now sleeping unswaddled on his tummy and is transitioning to formal and baby food.
Ugg, I hope they learn Nothing while I'm gone. I don't wanna miss a minute of it.
Your prayers would be much appreciates during all this...we are exhausted in this busy blessing.
Please bear with me over the next few weeks as I focus on my family. I'll try to post a few update pics. Thanks!!!!

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