It's amazing how powerful words can be.

WORDS {post}

Simple utterings that many across the word couldn't even understand. Combinations of sound. Cadence pasted down among family and cultures.

Up-lifting. Ineradicable. Eloquent. Profoundly Tender. Passionate. Affection. Permanent. Strong. Powerful. Destructive. Simple. Terrifying. Heart-wrenching. Life-changing.

This morning as I remembered I had a scheduled interview with an online talk-radio personality, {download it HERE} and to quote a friend, "my stomach dropped out my butt." My nerves were running ramped. I was crazy nervous. I know it may sound silly but I was frozen with the fear that I wouldn't be able to articulate what I needed to when I was called on to do so. I've dealt with this all my life. That's part of the reason I'm a blogger, NOT a live TV host ;o) Blogging gives me time to think. Rethink. Determine if what I said was really what I was trying to say. This pure genius doesn't just spill out naturally {bw'hahaha}

Fear always comes out of ignorance.

Being uninformed. Having a lack of knowledge. Ignorance is why God ask us to have faith. Trust in what we can't see. With no foresight. Walking into the unknown. Believing in His character and promise. His promise being He will always be with us. Rest in that!

There is now a track around my living room from my pacing as I chatted with Vivianne McNeny. She was not harsh or intimidating, but actually quite sweet. I just felt the need to convey my thoughts in a coherent manor. We were of course talking about this new adventure of faith God is taking my family on, church-planting. Matt has typically been the one to take the lead on this topic but here I was. Speaking to someone who's denomination doesn't do church-planting per-say as well as an audience of  1500+ who may or may not have ever heard of church-planting, the de-churched, or might even Be the un-churched or de-churched.

Think before you speak has never felt so relevant.

All the while sitting in my fear in my very small bubble, the world was aching over real hurt. Over real trauma, terror, traumatic, heart-wrenching, life-changing news.

Just when I thought my worldview was big enough, a gunman opened fire in Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Connecticut killing dozens of students as well as some of the staff, and my heart grew two sizes today. These are a few of the gentle responses Facebook friends are saying:

How does a parent even begin to explain this tragedy to their child? What these kids saw today. Unimaginable. My problems are so small.

So heartbreaking. There are just no words that suffice. Come quickly, Lord.

I have never been so anxious as I am today to pick my babies up from school. Praying for the Community in Connecticut, teachers, students and their families. 🙁

Sweet Jesus, we come to you broken-hearted for the families and friends in Newtown, Connecticut. We have no words, only tears. So, we turn to Your Word... "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted," Matthew 5:4 NIV.
Oh God, comfort them. Hold them close. Restore hope. Lavish your most tender mercies upon every soul weeping in this midst of this deep sorrow.

We ask this in Jesus' Name, Amen.

There are really no


so please, it's okay to say nothing. It's better to hold your tong than to spew hatred, pain, and non-sense out of your hurt, confusion, and ignorance. Now is the time to mourn.

weep with those who weep

Scripture to consider before uncorking the power of our words ---> HERE


I've never experienced this personally but from a counselor, mom, and one who has, HERE are some tips on "How and What to Share with your Children When Tragedy Strikes"

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