I know things are looking a whole lot different around here! But, hopefully you'll quickly realize it's the same old blog at heart!
How do you like the new look? Is it me? Pray you're still comfortable here! Can you find things more easily now? Tried to clean up that silly sidebar mess for ya. Made some of the main categories available on the menu as well as the basics at the top. Let me know if you're having trouble finding anything in particular.
Now that we've chatted about that, I wanna say a HUGE thank you to Mindy from Simply Designs! For those of you who know me, you know I'm a pretty frugal girl. I would have never even thought about hiring someone to help me with this. I just did it all myself attempting to use picmonkey to appear professional. Honestly. I won a "design credit" from a friends blog giveaway. For Real!!! I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this process. Mindy is such a professional. She knew the perfect questions to ask to discover my personality, goal for my blog, and exactly what I was going for theme-wise. Knowing what I know now, paying a professional like Mindy is more than worth it! Check out her portfolio and tell her how much you love her work!
Please excuse the wonkiness for the next few days as I continue wrapping things up.

Pretty! 🙂
THANKS Jenni!!!
Oh wow, I actually came here to show my husband your old blog because I liked it but found it had changed. This is even better, love it!!! Bright and classy!! I only found your blog through Jessica Bowman’s dechurched article so not exactly sure all your content, but I love how the site looks 🙂
You are a just the encouragement I needed today! “Came back to show hubs” I”m so excited someone read something that was meaningful enough to come back and read!
I’m also excited that you like the new look even better. It is quite a bit different; I’m still getting used to it myself.
I am honored that Jessica chose to let me share her words here! She’s been a huge influence on me via the bloggerspher! Poke around, hopefully you’ll find something to encourage You. Thanks for being here!
It looks so pretty! I was thinking about doing something with chevrons on my blog too… I know they are the “it” thing right now, but I just love how chrisp and clean they look while still being fun! I love the color choices… So cheerful!!
THANKS! I’m still getting used to it. It’s totally different. I am love’n the chevron right now but don’t usually do ‘trendy’ stuff. Mindy assured me that backgrounds are one of the easiest aspects of the blog’s look to change up so we went with it! I really like the word cheerful! I think that’s something I was going with.