There is a television sitting on a cute entertainment center in the corner of our living room.
It's a nice flat screen, my husband's reward for persevering through the 1st few baby steps of Dave Ramsay's Financial Peace University.
You may be surprised to know that we don't have TV. You may be asking yourself, "Then what is all your furniture pointing at?" {Friends circa 1990s}. We have that nice flat screen television set and we watch things on it but we don't have cable, or satellite, or any of those other providers. We've had a lot of friends, family, acquaintances, and complete strangers think we're nuts. I've heard it all. So...why don't we have TV?
When I moved to college my roommate and I chose not to pay extra for cable in our dorm room. There was a giant TV in the lobby if we ever wanted to watch something. When I moved into my own apartment, my roommates and I again chose not to pay for cable, we never watched it in the dorm anyways. When I met my husband, he didn't have TV at his house either. Finances began our journey of being TV-less. Where your money is, there your heart will lie also.
We have always watched movies, select television shows on DVD, utilize HULU and other online providers and our children also watch children's movies once a day. We more strict after having children as well as growing in our knowledge of Christ. What you put in comes out, no matter how much you claim it doesn't. It sways your view on morality, absolute truths, cultural ungodliness, and so many other things. We are paying for Satan to enter our homes through pagan programming.
When Matt and I were newlyweds, we spend most nights watching TV via our good ole bunny ears or 'shows' on DVD. The more we piled on our ministry plates and then after having our 1st child we realized how much time we were spending in front of the TV. Reading books on baby's and their recommendations of <2hrs of screen time a day for baby's made us pay more attention to when and how long the TV was on. {recommendations have changed in just ~4 years, now saying under 2 should have NO screen time, after that it should be as low as 1-2 hours. Here are newer recommendation resources: effects of too much screen time, limit the number of tv-watching hours, setting effective screen time limits} Little House on the Freewayis a book I'd love to read. "[This book] addresses the need to slow down for a minute or two for the sake of our families." If any of you have read it, please share! Even {pagan programmer} is writing article that include a section entitled "Limiting Screen Time Benefits the Whole Family". Our time is valuable! We are each given 24 hours each. Don't get me wrong, staring mindlessly at a TV can be quite relaxing; we just need to make sure it's wholesome. We need to be intentional with our time! Having a running commentary of noise in the background of your home just creates a mood of panic. Quiet and Rest is a gift from God. God's design for our lives is not stressed filled and rushing but rather peaceful and productive. Challenge: turn off the noise for a week and see what the difference is! Slow your family down through peace and quiet. Enjoy each other again.
Don't just take it from me. Cassandra, of The Unplugged Family is a Media Communications grad who walked away from the industry. In her contributing post at The Better Mom, She says,
I understand very well that TV, above all else, is a business. ... Today, advertising sells a lifestyle and a feeling. In the 70s, researchers realized something remarkable about what happens to humans, and especially children, when they watch television – our brains shut down.
One of her 5 "ways you can protect and equip your family to deal with and respond to the influence of advertising" is:
If you’re keeping the TV, at least limit your kids’ intake. This applies to time and content. Remove televisions from bedrooms and limit their viewing by time and content. DVDs are a good option for skipping the commercials, especially if you skip the previews.
Do you have TV? Why or why not? I enjoy learning more about readers/friends.
Have any other questions about our decision hit me up in the comment section. I'd love to share more!!!

Love this insight! Thanks so much for your post submission.
I grew up in a TV household… We watched a lot of TV… I think most people my age did (do). We have gone back and forth over the years about cable. We sometimes have it and we sometimes don’t. It is usually a financial decision, not spiritual. We try to be good stewards of our time and try to make good choices about what we watch… The same goes for time and content on the Internet… We probably didn’t limit the girls TV time enough, but we did monitor what they watched too. It was our observation that the friends of our girls who came from non-TV homes had a hard time self regulating their viewing at our home. Our girls always saw TV as an entertainment source of last resort and would turn it off if they had anything better to do… Some of their friends would want to visit and watch show after show and dvd after dvd and this drove the girls nuts who just wanted to play with their friends… It was the same with snack foods in our house and I will never forget when Allison was 9 and having a sleepover. I heard something in the middle of the night and went downstairs to find her friend watching TV from about six inches away and eating froot-loops by the fist full straight out of the box. I turned it off, led her to the kitchen offered her a bowl and some milk and we talked about why she was up watching TV in the middle of the night alone… She knew it was kinda nuts but was tired of being the only kid who didn’t know what her friends were talking about. I respected what her parents were trying to do, but I admit I kinda felt sorry for her too. I think you have to decide what is best for your family, and go with it. It is my experience that these kinds of decisions change over the years… As far as “what the experts recommend” I generally ignore most of that… You are the parents of your children and the Holy Spirit will guide you in conviction as to how to raise them… None of these “experts” are God, so listen to him, not them. As far as things stand TV wise in our home now, we have cable since we are living with and taking care of my aging and ill parents. They watch it in their den non-stop but the TV in the living room is off more then it’s on. Katy watches more then the rest of us, but mostly on hulu and Allison and I watch some TV but more typically watch dvds, Paul watches very, very little but occasionally does watch a movie with us… We are too busy to watch too much, but it is nice to have it there when you are sick or snowed in!
Just realized I hadn’t posted my reply.
Thanks for not hesitating to respond even though your standards aren’t identical to mine. Some times that keeps people from joining the conversation.
We to have mainly done this for financial reasons and have decided to continue to budget our “extra”, hahaha, money toward ministries who are advancing the gospel overseas. I enjoyed hearing how your girls often chose other, TV-less, activities! Our girls too, often get bored with watching something during their afternoon screen time. The story about the sweet girl sitting 6 inches away from the tube soaking in all its goodness was sad. Our girls will be allowed to watch TV but by not having cable streamed into our home, it’s easier to make sure those scantily clad commercials are crossing their little eyes. And even more me, it’s healthier not to have constant envy juice running into my brain. I have to take Pinterest breaks often for the same reason!
I don’t mind if they feel odd bc they don’t have TV though. As Christians we’ll be persecuted for many ‘odd’ things we do. I’d rather them be holly little weirdoes than lukewarm and content within the world.Wow, that possibly sounds kinds self-righteous… let me regroup… I am just shooting for my kids to live a holier life than I have and to become more intimate with the one who is Holly. I want worldly things to feel odd to them and spiritual things natural. All attempts. I Do Not know what I’m doing. Just learning as I go and praying my convictions are Christ-centered.
As for the experts- although “God made man smart enough to…” is my answer to my 3-year-old, all with a grain of sand ;o) and always placed next to the Bible for true standards!
I really don’t mind that we have different outlooks. I think both of us have (more “had” for me as my nest is emptying out) the same goal. Training up our children in the way they should go, so that when they are old they won’t depart from it.
I think the way we achieve that goal is different in all households, but it is important that we share and encourage each other along the way.
I love reading your blog about your little ones… At the risk of sounding condescending (I really don’t mean to) I remember what it felt like to parent young children. I refer to those years as “parenting in the trenches.” At that age it feels like every decision is earth shattering and may effect their entire future. My advice (not that you asked) is to teach the big lessons while they are young, since it is easier to get to the heart of a six year old then to the heart of a 16 year old and to try to enjoy the ride… It is short and the finish line is closer then you think!
I think you seem to be doing a great job!
I agree that our goal is the same and that every family will have different ways to accomplish it!!!
I apprieciate your honesty and mentorship. Not too many woment these days will share pearls of wisdom with out a condisending ton. Us moms of young babes are just thrown into this life changing carrer with no guidance. We need more Titus 2 relationships!
I totally understand about teaching the big lessons and enjoying the ride! Today was our senior banquet at church and tried hard not to think aobut being the parent sittin in that chair as my baby{ies} are honored. I am trying to “ponder” and “treasure” all these things in my heart.