Advent 2012 Day 1 & 2

Well, I had high hopes off all this organization for advent this year...and then my hubs was finally off work! Who can think about planning and finalizing organization when your long lost best friend is home again. These 14 hour days are hard! I get to see my hubby about 3 hours a most of that I have to share him. Boo Hoo

So anyways, he was off Friday & we declared a "do nothing, go no where day"! Then Friday we decided to go to the Rothacher's favorite consignment event to see if we could score some great finds for a couple of families we're helping with Christmas. Deals found: brand spank'n new tennis shoes & an adorable caterpillar my kids really wanted to claim; but they were allowed to claim the Little People Noah's Arch for $1!

We went to the in-love's house for nap time and then caught a quick lunch in the nest Vtown eating establishment. When we were heading out-of-town to hunt for Christmas PJs and the practical stuff for the families, my keen observation skills identified families claiming spots for a parade. WHAT!?! We text a friend and confirmed that the Vtown Christmas parade was that night. Score! We ran our errand real fast and made it back just in time to lay our a blanket right next to the road where we enjoyed a night pretending we are already part of the community with giant waves, cheers, and LOTS of "Merry Christmas"es! {WARNING: I only used a few pic to spare you from Cuteness overload}

Our Sunday was pretty typical: wake up entirely too early to get everyone up and ready for church an hour way in another town. Prepping for an afternoon of lunch out and possible fellowship. Matt and I were so excited to get to participate in oneChurch's Advent candle lighting that morning. We were blessed to have lots of hang time with friends.

Needless to say, we didn't get to the organized Advent crafting I had planned but I wouldn't trade those days of celebrating His coming for all the funky ornaments my kids could make. I'm attempting to be purposeful this season yet not so caught up in "the book" that I miss moments and memories with my little bitty family and our friends.

Side Note: be looking forward to post about the crafts we actually have done as well as a #ItsAboutGiving post about helping Compassion International meet their goal of raising $20,000 for children in poverty this Christmas season.
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