With Matt leaving before the kids and I are awake these days I've had sto switch things up a bit. When I hear the first child screaming and kicking the wall from his crib stirring with little coos I fall back to sleep get up and run down stairs to heat up some frozen waffles and grab mild cups. When I climb back to my room I flip on the TV and the fancy dancy bunny ears for a little PBS action {score!} then go grab the munchin. When he's in place with the always-preached-against-TV-babysitter I start the shower. My girls trickle in and have become accustom to mom's new routine and actually kinda like it because it involves cartoons. Some days when I'm done grooming myself I fight at least one child to finish their waffle.
This is how this morning went. Except today, before my hair was even dry, Izzie came to me in the bathroom and ask if I had any more waffles. "Awe, no I don't have any more up here. Did you already eat all of yours?" She said yes, and after I completed a quick search of the prisms including the inside of my hub's guitar, I went down stairs and made her another waffle. While I was waiting for that lil toaster op I decided today I should eat some breakfast myself. Filling a cup with off-brand apples jacks with the toasted waffle in hand, I returned to my bedroom. When I gave Izzie her waffle Jamin immediately began begging/whining for one. "I'm starving my children." I thought to myself and then handed him some of my apple jacks.
All three kids ran to me with a vengeance. With a big sigh I handed Jamin a few more and Maggie a hand full but ask Izzie to eat the waffle she ask for first. Mags knowing this was my only breakfast yet still dissatisfied with her few cereal pieces ask, "Mamma, can I have a cup of cereal of my own when we go downstairs?" Heart= melted.
A few minutes later I handed her the cup and told her to share with her siblings. I heard Maggie explain to Izzie, "You have to finish that waffle first. Then I have some for you." That is our mantra. You ask for something, you need to eat it, not waist it. Eventually I ask her to finish at least 1/2 the waffle so she too could have the amazing orange and green goodness her siblings ere feasting on. She finished the entire thing and Mags had saved her a giant pile all her own. {they really do love each other- swoon}
This got me thinking. My poor Iz the biz wasn't getting to feast on what she really wanted but it was basically because she ask the wrong question. She didn't know what options there were for her to choose from. She didn't know there was a better option. Not saying waffles are chop liver {I sure wouldn't have turn one down when I was kid} but she and I both know she likes cereal better. She thought another waffle was the option for her still longing tummy.
If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
Matthew 7:11
I'm a slacker , evil according to Matthew 7:11, and didn't even think to offer her apple jacks and I say I love her?!? This whole, "Be careful what you ask for." I believe is a TERRIBLE thought process when it comes to Christ. Humans like me, maybe. I'm just dull enough to grab my kid a waffle when I knew she would be blessed even more by a cup of apple jacks. I know her! Awe, but how much more does our Father in heaven love us and give good gifts!?! How often do I think I know what will fill my growling tummy? How many times do I ask for specific things of God yet he doesn't give me what I've ask for because is smarter than me {duh} and God doesn't give me what I know to be good but gives me what He is BEST!?!
Asking God for what we think is the right solution to a problem is just scratching the surface of what He has in mind for how he wants and is able to bless me with. We ask for the basics. The bland. The mediocre. The selfish. By asking "Please fix everything." we're basically saying, "Can you make my days easy so I don't have to depend on you all the time? Yeah, thanks for that..." I'm thinking that asking for His will to be done in a situation might be is the wiser prayer.
In Luke 22:42, JESUS says, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”
Jesus knew we were doobers and that's why he talked about the older brother in Prodigal Son story in Luke 15:32. He's pouting outside not only because he was a bit self-righteous and thought his lil bro should have received a punishment but also because he was never thrown a party. His dad {a beautiful picture of Christ} responds, " All I have is yours." Dude had just never ask the right question.
I think I need to reevaluate if I'm asking the wrong questions! How 'bout you?

OUCH! Good stuff in this!!!
I love when God uses times in our life (and it seems to happen a lot with kids) to show us a Truth from His Word that we haven’t quite grasped yet. This is a great illustration!
It DEFinately happens way more often with having kids!