Valentine’s Day {party for PreK Homeschoolers!}

What's not to love about a holiday all about love?

I have fond memories of school day parties. You remember, back in the day when schools were allowed to throw a shindig for every holiday under the sun. Class lists were sent home, homemade treats were passed out personalized for each student, homeroom moms showed up and celebrated with their kids and fun games.

There have been a lot of positive changed in the past few years and some of those things are still happening. But since I plan to homeschool I don't have the chance to see if my kids are going to have the privilege of enjoying "party day" at school...I get to plan the party! Woot Woot!

Find our plans for "LOVE Month" on the Homemaker's Challenge today!

It includes pictures, ideas for teaching History, fun Foods, Crafts/Gifts/Surprises, and Activities, and some resource links as well!

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3 Cheese Bow Ties {recipe}

Some days I just am plain tired of picking what to make for meals. I don't really mind cooking. I just hate coming up with what to cook. During one of these many nights as I stared at the fridge, then at the pantry shelves with utter disappointment. I decided to get a little creative. I had grown weary of the same ole menu so I kinda combined a few recipes that are staples at our house to come up with a not so fancy meal but it was a winner with the entire family!

3 cheese bow tie yumminess

Find the recipe where I shared it on the Successful Homemakers!

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A Family Heritage

The holiday season can be fun, excited, stressful, and exhausting.

Christmas is a simple celebration of an extraordinary event, the birth of our Savior

Read the rest of the post on the Homemaker's Challenge today!
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The Real Homemaker’s Challenge {Day 5}

I think this has been the hardest post for me to write thus far in this series. There is so much out there right now, from big names with great reputations and big followings, talking to moms about turning-in to their families and ministering to them first and for most. I am going to try and just put it out there with no apologies because I believe its biblical but please hear me out. Many American Christian {SAHM} moms are making an idol out of their carrier. I don't believe our family should necessarily come first in all cases. I think some times we need to sacrifice our ideal family for living out gospel centered lifestyles.

Wanna see where this is going??? continue reading over at the Homemaker's Challenge on the last day of the series, The REAL Homemaker's Challenge.

Miss one? Catch up here:

INTRO to Heart Issues Series




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The Real Homemaker’s Challenge {Day 4}

I think comparison and envy some times come hand-in-hand. You compare yourself to someone else and when you don't feel like you measure up you all of sudden start to envy their life.

Envy is best defined as a resentful emotion that "occurs when a person lacks another's (perceived) superior quality, achievement or possession and wishes that the other lacked it.

Bertrand Russell said envy was one of the most potent causes of unhappiness. Not only is the envious person rendered unhappy by his envy, but they also wish to inflict misfortune on others.

Many times we excuse being envious as something normal, typical, or excusable. Just searching the Bible for the word envy you find that it is always listed among greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, arrogance, folly, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, slander, pride, foolishness, orgies, and drunkenness. Obviously God knows this and that's why envy is mentioned among such tragic offenders. ..... Keep reading on the Homemaker's Challenge today!

Miss one? Catch up here:

INTRO to Heart Issues Series



Here's the last one of the series {keep in mind, the link will not work until the post has been published}:


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