The Real Homemaker’s Challenge {Day 4}

I think comparison and envy some times come hand-in-hand. You compare yourself to someone else and when you don't feel like you measure up you all of sudden start to envy their life.

Envy is best defined as a resentful emotion that "occurs when a person lacks another's (perceived) superior quality, achievement or possession and wishes that the other lacked it.

Bertrand Russell said envy was one of the most potent causes of unhappiness. Not only is the envious person rendered unhappy by his envy, but they also wish to inflict misfortune on others.

Many times we excuse being envious as something normal, typical, or excusable. Just searching the Bible for the word envy you find that it is always listed among greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, arrogance, folly, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, slander, pride, foolishness, orgies, and drunkenness. Obviously God knows this and that's why envy is mentioned among such tragic offenders. ..... Keep reading on the Homemaker's Challenge today!

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INTRO to Heart Issues Series



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