Last month I shared some general statements of encouragement for new ministers' wives. This month I want to share a few more that relate directly to that beautiful relationship between husband and wife. Here goes...
Dear Young Pastor’s Wife,
For years, I've been searching for a blog, book, or just wise women who's been there, done that in the realm of being a pastor's wife. I have always come up short...until now.
Although I most often have nothing to offer in the way of wisdom, I do understand that God sends us through certain things and wants us to share them with others. I have always longed for "older women" to invest in me. I understand none of them are perfect but it would be nice to hear the successes and failures of their life.
Soooo, here I am, through one of those random connections in life, I am now sharing my successes and many failures by participating in something I've searched for nearly a decade: A blog devoted to encouraging, challenging, and supporting one another in this awkward life as a pastor's wife. Coincidence or Divine God thing? Yep- Divine!
Today, I'm over at A Common Bond sharing a letter to young pastor's wives that I think would have been helpful to me, years ago.