Don’t Sacrifice Your children

It's that time of year again. The ceremony begins. Those leading are ready with scripts memorized, instruments in hand, and audience in place. The drums begin. Those in attendance began tossing their jewelry, wallets, and anything of worth into a hot burning fire. The last man to walk up is pale, nervous, and uneasy. He tosses in that which is of the utmost worth in his life, his CHILD! The leader of the ceremony cheers and a new song erupts. Everyone shouting, screaming, beating drums just as the year before. Drowning out the horrific cries of that tiny baby. That man slowly creeps back to his wailing wife in an attempt to comfort her as they watch many other fathers walk forward to offer their babies. The drums, chanting and dancing only become louder and more wild in attempt to distract from the smell of burning flesh and the reality that you are sacrificing a helpless gift of life.

What the Crap! {I know you were all thinking it...I just typed it.} Who in their right mind would participate in such a thing? Who could stand by and let someone do that to their child? Who could cheer about it? Who could voluntarily offer their child?

God's chosen people.

The 12th century rabbi Rashi, commenting on Jeremiah 7:31 stated:

Tophet is Moloch, which was made of brass; and they heated him from his lower parts; and his hands being stretched out, and made hot, they put the child between his hands, and it was burnt; when it vehemently cried out; but the priests beat a drum, that the father might not hear the voice of his son, and his heart might not be moved.

21 “‘Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molech, for you must not profane the name of your God. I am the LORD. "

Leviticus 18:21

David conquered Jebusi, now Jerusalem, and he named it "The City of David" (II Sam. 5:6-7 & I Chron. 11:4-5). Israel never did completely separate from the pagans in the land as God had instructed them. Rather they intermarried and absorbed them into their culture (Ezra 9:1). And just as God's "called-out Israel" "served their gods," so likewise does His [many] "called-out Church" serve these same gods of old by teaching similar doctrines. {}

These seemingly barbaric people were sacrificing their babies to this god in hopes of gaining fertility {the ultimate sign of blessing then, ironically} or as a payment for their own sin or the sins of their people.

As barbaric as this sounds, we must remember that this is precisely what we do through abortion. With one obvious exception - today we don't honor or bury the children we kill.

Yep, I went there! As God's "called out" people, we the church need to start taking a stand for things that matter. Stop fighting over which denomination is better. Which churches withIn a denomination are better. Fight for those who need a voice. Those innocent being sacrificed to our gods of "rights", "choice", and "selfishness"! 

Even Jesus addressed this by alluding to the valley where these sacrifices took place as that of the fires of hell. He used this illustration because it for those he was talking to it "...seems to fit into most people's concept of torturous  infernal regions reserved for "evil souls of men,"..."

The best picture of Hell Jesus could give was that of His people sacrificing their innocent children to fake gods. WOW!

Abortion is sacrificing an unborn, helpless child to the god of selfishness, convenience, or pride to pay for the sin of sex outside marriage.

Abortion is sacrificing an unborn, helpless child to the god of fear to pay for the sin of rape, incest, or pedophilia.

Mothers asking their daughters to sacrifice their unborn, helpless child to the god of pride to pay for the sin of neglect.

Where will you your allegiances lie? Will you "completely separate from the pagans in the land as God had instructed"?


{start learning about the LIFE campaign HERE or HERE}


~~~~WARNING: there is a LOT of information provided here so please return when covenant to utilize these resources~~~~

Healing after abortion:

"Why [women who have had abortions] wall up, or cry around little children; why they sleep around, or suffer from depression, or think that God is punishing them by not giving them more children. I have a message for those women." -Sarah Mae

Citations and informative sites:

Abortion: Sacrificing to Molech

Personal Stories of abortion:


Graphic image of an abortion:

Amazing video on the important reality of abortion:
The 180 Video {post from the archives}

God's miracles despite abortion:

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Guess What

This pat weekend we continued out crazy month of travel and had an amazing trip to Birmingham!!!! We built deeper relationships with students, learned big truths at "Secret Church" { or secret}, and even got a chance to practice living in Christ when 'suffering'.

Insert blank

where you return readers would expect a picture

We we're headed home and stopped at a gas station. We all headed in to use the restroom and failed to lock all the doors to the church van. Someone stole 2 laptops, an iPod, and my purse which had the added bonus of carrying my iPhone and beloved camera {as well as all the other random stuff one carries in a purse: drivers license, sunglasses,a medicine, Chapstick, etc}?

If someone could come into my home and steal 3 of my most important Things, those would have been it: the phone I talk to people one and take pictures, the camera you obviously know I document our entire life on, and the laptop where I store all of those pictures and the other things/documents that keep our family running smoothly.

I am not being sarcastic facetious when I say that this Entire trip brought me Peace! Peace about how He has called us to minister her through building relationships and discipline students. Peace about His truth and where He is leading us next. And Peace about His sovereignty over everything! He was not surprised when I found my laptop bag and purse missing. he gave me an odd peace deep down in my gut. There was never a moment of panic, uneasiness, or fear. He peace she'd over me through the entire {very new experience} of filing a police report.?

Just wanted to let everyone know that updates, pictures, and blogging may be down for a bit while I enjoy the technology FREE life.

Thanks for your prayers. But i would like to ask, Please don't pray for my Stuff though. It's just stuff. Please pray for those who took it. We are commanded to love each other! Love our "enemies" and Pray for them. Not necessarily that they would bring junk back. Pray those thing bring as much joy to them as they did me. Pray that God would protect them.  Pray for soften hearts to His gospel! This is an amazing story of Gods sovereignty and I'm blessed to be a tiny part in it.

Side note: I hope to open up the fire hose of Biblical truth I've learned this weekend SoOn! Get ready- I will be borrowing Matt book since my was divinely  left in my laptop bag ;0)

sorry there are not more fun details and I'm sure there are LOTS of's super hard trying to type one m hubby's iPad ;0)

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Be A Part

A friend lead me to this song today and I've fallen in love with the message!


Change my heart oh God, make it ever true. Change my heart oh God, may I be like you!

Are you being intentional about "being a part of someone else's story?

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Every 24 Hours…


17, 297 students get suspended from school
7,883 students are reported abused or neglected
4, 248 students get arrested
2,861 students drop out of school
1,329 babies are born to teen moms
367 student are arrested for drug abuse
180 students are arrested for violent crimes
9 students are victims of homicide
5 students commit suicide
1 student dies of HIV infection

*based on calculations per school day (180 days of seven hours each) C Children’s Defense Fund
via Barry St. Clair’s “Jesus focused youth ministry”.


Yes, we know these are horrible stats but what are we going to do about it. We don’t need more programs. We don’t need more punishments. We need more relationships; Relationships that mean something; Relationships that are not manipulative but intentional; Relationships that lead to THE relationship with Christ. Not just to change behavior but to change the belief systems that affect actions. We don’t need a better acting world. We need a world transformed by the love of Christ fleshed out in His followers who trust His guidelines for a healthier, safer, fulfilling life.

What are you doing with your 24 hours?

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Skin Suit

What do you think of when you hear the word incarnational? This is my husbands new favorite term! {the idea}

Jesus with skin on. That was the 90s term along with other phrases like living for Jesus, what would Jesus do, being Jesus to the lost.

All of those are true. Incarnational is the newest description of the concept of dying to yourself and committing your life to the advancement of the gospel of Christ.

What is your God-given personality? Excluding your sinful habits and temptations your prone to. What are your interests? What makes you laugh, cry, hide, dance? Where did you grow up, go to school? Who did you marry? Where have you chosen to live now?

All of these things God want to use. He has created you a specific way and placed you in a particular way. All "for such a time as this". {Esther 4:14}

The body of Christ needs you to be Jesus with your skin on. How are you doing that?


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