Yep, selfishly exploiting my readers so I can get more entries for a giveaway on another blog... ;o)
Adorn Those Lobes! #frumpstopumps Finale and Vintage Pearl Giveaway!
You should go enter and give me some competition! Cute earrings at stake!
make disciples of all nations
Yep, selfishly exploiting my readers so I can get more entries for a giveaway on another blog... ;o)
You should go enter and give me some competition! Cute earrings at stake!
The Weymouth New Testament says in Acts 19:36 that "These facts, then, being unquestioned, it becomes you to maintain you...r self-control and not act recklessly."
Zeph. 3:17, "For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs."
Confessions of an undignified Christ Follower:
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What do your Sunday usually look like? I know ours are jam-packed and tiring most weeks. Are your's? Is it worth it?
*learn more about where we are and what going on by reading my older post: "What am I "called" to do?"
Kathryn, of! Congratulations! You are going to LOVE Sarah Mae's 31 Days to clean e-book. Please comment or inbox me which version you'd like to have and to what e-mail address you'd like me to send the book!
Thanks to all who participated in this contest! Hope to have many more in the future!
FYI: I literally wrote the number of comments on a piece of paper, put them in a box, and had my husband pull a number {#2}. ;o)
That's right everybody! I have Sarah Mae's "31 Days to Clean, Having a Martha home the Mary way" e-book to giveaway!
Many of you have heard me going on and on and on about 31 Days to Clean. Many of you may have no idea what I'm talking about. Let me tell you a little bit about the e-book:
“Life-giving is about receiving from God in order to give to others.” Barbara Mouser, Five Aspects of Woman
31 Days to Clean is about loving others well.
It’s about the “why” and the vision and the heart for taking care of our domains (Mary) with some spring cleaning thrown in (Martha).
The heart of our homes is not in the ability to keep it perfect at all costs; the heart of a home is love. We live in a thing, a non-eternal structure that needs to be maintained. The thing is worthless without the life we bring to it and through it. This book is about bringing life to the mundane in order to love well.-Sarah Mae {click here to learn more about the book, author, see the table of content, and read a sample "day"
Here are the ways you can enter to win this contest:
Thanks for playing and Happy Sharing!!!
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