Rothacher Dress-Up!

My kids LOVE dress-up! We have an entire "center" devoted to dress-up stuff. I can often find them helping one another into a dress or finding just the right hat for the day. I'm not just talking about my princesses either. My prince can't go a day without trying on a couple of hats and strut'n around in them.All kids come by this naturally. Pretending is a wonderful creative outlet! My kids are also learning that dress-up doesn't have to stop. God made us creative and fun so why should there be an age cut off for these kinds of things. I like trying funky outfits every-now-and-then and Matt and I both love using Halloween costumes as a good excuse to have fun. In the past several years, we've has annual Costume Parties with our youth groups. FUN STUFF!!! I love making our own costumes. I also love to make the adult Halloween costumes and kids' Halloween costumes go together: family costumes! Here are some examples from years past:

The Increadibles {2006}

Fireman, Fire Truck, Fire Dog- Dalmation {2008}

(pregnant) Cubby Farmer, Farm Dog, and Prize Winning Pumpkin {2009}

Picnic: Can of Diet Coke, Chicken Leg, Bag of Grapes, and a Lady Bug {2010}

The 3 Little Pigs: 3 little pigs, Big Bad Wolf, and the Brick House {2011}

The 3 Little Pigs: 3 little pigs, Big Bad Wolf, and the Brick House {2011}

When's the last time you played dress-up and enjoyed the creative side God gave you?

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The “Girl Room”, the art of sharing a bedroom

Last night we decided it was time to move the girls in a room togetherJules discribed the decission to move her girls into one bedroom together and all that comes with that. The girls room is about the struggle to keep nap schedules so everyone gets the sleep they need.

We'd tried this once before when Izzie 1st moved into a 'toddler' bed {aka a trundle-bed with a guard wall on it}. Magdalene, our oldest, would encourage Isabella to get up and run around the room all while she watched from the comfort of her bed singing loudly. Some nights Maggie would run over to Izzie's bed and mess with her. There was very little sleeping going on so the "girl" room didn't last long. We moved Izzie back in the nursery with Benjamin.

Now that my babies are all three on different, overlapping nap schedules it's become really hard for anyone to start or finish their entire nap without someone being woke up. For a few days we tried letting Iz just sleep in Mag's bed and Mag's sleep in the guest bed. Izzie hated it! She wanted to sleep in her bed.

This past weekend we had my parents and niece, Anna and nephew, David here for the weekend! We all had so much fun and Maggie got to have her cousins sleep in her room with her. Last night, when they left, Maggie was so upset! She cried and cried about not having "someone to sleep with" in her room. She often has trouble going to sleep; getting her mind to settle down. If she would just get still for 10 seconds she's pass out. When it's feasible, I lay with her for a few minutes to get her to sleep quickly.

The more I thought about it I realized I've rarely slept in a room by myself and never really liked it. Maggie's never said it but maybe she's scared? Uncomfortable? Uneasy? Lonely? Matt agreed that we could try it. I mean, we were going to try it when we moved anyways; who knows when that's gonna be ;o) I told Maggie this morning as soon as her sleepy, bed-head wandered into my bathroom, "Maggie, guess what!?! We're gonna move Izzie into your room." Maggie, half asleep, "Really?!? Today? Right now?" Me, "Yep, we're gonna have a girl room and a boy room. Are you excited to have Izzie sleep in a room with you?" Maggie, "Yes! {eeeek}"

I called Izzie upstairs to talk to her about it as we moved the beds. "Izzie, do you want Mamma to move your bed into Maggie's room?" "YEAH!!!!!!" {insert Dancing and jumping!} She watched, giggled, and danced as Matt and I moved her trundle-bed into the corner of Maggie's room. Izzie grabbed sheets in an attempt to help make up her bed. She threw her pillow on top and grinned from ear to ear as we told her this was now the "Girl Room"! She and Jamin jumped on the bed, pretended to sleep and wrestled one another after everything had been set up. Awe, the simple things.

The true test came this afternoon when it was...{dun dun dun}...NAP TIME! Jamin was finishing his nap in his bed and we told the girls it was their nap time. Grumbles. Then, we reminded them that we'd moved the bed so they could share a room. Zooooom, up the stairs they flew.

Izzie snuggled down into her bed. I was still unsure about Maggie singing and wiggling herself to sleep while keeping Izzie awake so we laid her down in the guest bed again. Izzie passed out immediately in her own bed in the "Girl Room"...Maggie, I found dancing on the guest bed ~30 min later. I went to tuck her back in and she ask why Izzie wasn't in there with her. She remembered that we said they could "sleep together". She was right, this was kinds defeating the purpose. I reminded her that Izzie was already asleep so she couldn't sing or talk because it would wake her up. I snuck her into her own bed. She grinned as she snuggled down into her covers, gazing across the room at her sleeping little sister. I kissed her goodnight and returned to Jamin in his highchair eating lunch down stairs.

Another 30 minutes passed. No noise. Hmmm, I snuck upstairs to gloat over my accomplishment only to find Maggie sitting up in her bed grinning. As I walked over to scold her she whispered, "I've only been over there twice to check on her. I just gave her kisses." Awe, how can you scold that kind of sweet disobedient child? I told her that Izzie would be fine and she needed to SLEEP with Izzie in her room.

20 minutes later, just now, I went to check on them. I WIN!!!! They were both snooze'n! In their beds. Still tucked in. Now we just pray Izzie wakes up peacefully and wonders out of the room without waking Maggie.

This thought is something new I'm mulling over: God didn't create us to be independent. WE make up the body of Christ therefore we are all incomplete without one another. God's persona is too big to be complete in a single person. Thoughts???

I've had several questions from friends about how/why we do certain things around the Rothacher house. I want to write about them but don't know which one(s) to start with. What do you want to know?
Why do you have that tacky brown sheet covering the wind?
How did you figure out your child's nap schedule? What is your napping schedule?
Why do your children share a room when you have a guest room?
Who made the name canvases for the doors?
How long do your children sleep?
How can you just take them to their bed(s), lay them down, and them go to sleep without getting up {minus the lonely one ;o)}?
Or any other questions not listed?

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Our 1st Sunday of “Unemployment”

Today was our 1st Sunday of "unemployment". Technically we have the title 'church planters' but it feels like unemployment. We don't have a guaranteed full salary. We have to make our own 'office hours'. And today, we had already decided we were going to take a Sabbath. {you might sit down for this} We didn't go to a church service. a...splash pad. Everybody still with me?!? GREAT! Now I'd love to share our relaxing day of enjoying our family .

You may need sunglasses for the glare off our pasty family...

THIS is the newly opened, FREEEEEE, splash pad in the War Memorial Park in Little Rock, AR! {There's also another FREE one in LR called the Peabody Splash Park} We met new friends and played on giant slides! This place was perfect for toddler and preschool water play!This was a GREAT place to have a picnic and make a day out of it {at least 1/2 a day}! We buttered these kids up with sunscreen and make them wear thier big floppy hats as much as possible. {Brought to you via Aunty Meg, THX!}After our lunch break it had gotten a little more crowded but it was never overwhelming! Some of the water shot out fast but they loved us swinging them through it or running with them. Mag's, Iz, and J were ALL fascinated by trying to catch these little springs.When it was about time to go we headed over to the swing area {connected} and did some swinging. This helped dry everybody off and lull us into nap time! Normally these bucket swings freak me out but it worked great with thier towels stuffed down around them!VERY shortly after loading the car back up and hitting the road, 2 of the 3 where zonked out! Ms Mags fought it a lil longer. I think Matt was fighting the nap as well ;o)We decided to head to the good ole Wal-Mart for a few supplies to let the kids nap a little longer while one of us drove around...then BAM: Blow Out!!! hehehe This tire was a little low this morning so we put a some air in it before the trip to LR. We'd even joked that unemployment would be a great time to invest in some new tires. Good thing we were almost to WM- cheap tires.

Did I mention I was loose in the back of the car, tucking in freezing babies and putting on neck pillows when the kaboom happened? Yeah, Izzie was starting to wake up and then freaked out wide awake. She was fine when I promised I'd put on a "moo-gee". I took 1 of my 2 tank tops {neon yellow} and flagged cars into the other lane away from us on the highway. 2 of our friends found us in the blazing heat, helped air up the spare and chat with me! J didn't wake until he heard the movie and Mags...Maggie slept through the Entire thing! She didn't wake up until we all started unloading at the Wal-Mart tire place.Kill'n time in Wally World!

This is what we originally went to Wal-Mart for: dog clippers and flea shampoo. Poor old man dog, Kiz and his grey hair/fur! More outside fun! {note the preschooler in 2 different dresses...I don't know if we can still call these 'accident's ;o)}The mark of a good Adventure: SUNBURN!


Did I leave out any details you're interested in? What have you been doing this weekend?

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Carpe Diem: Seize the…Opportunity {Five Minute Friday}

On Fridays over here a group of people who love to throw caution to the wind and just write gather to share what five minutes buys them. Just five minutes. Unscripted. Unedited. Real.

Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking Link back at the gypsy mamma and invite others to join in.

Please give me your best five minutes on:




Today I am grateful to have seized the day on more than one day this past week. It has flown by but not with a single missed opportunity! Last Sunday was our last day at our {potentially} last church as youth ministers. Our New Adventure has started.

Among Matt starting work at his new "office" with regular 'buisness hours', there has been tons of celebrating going on this week. We are exhausted and filled. God has filled us with so much love this past week from all those who love us so dearly. I know last weeks 5MF ended up being...contreversal even though I still not sure why. This week I wanted to share nothing but the positives of this past week.

Sunday night there were the Awana Awards! AND a going away party for us!Monday night we had a FUN staff going away cook out! Tuesday was officially Nakey Day! along with some Nakey Painting! Wednesday was Maggie's last night in Cubbies which included a PJ party!

Thursday night was our fellowship night with the Journey class!

Friday night was dinner with awesome friends!

Saturday was a birthday party at the park! AND Nanna's birthday, including dinner and icecream cake! Memorial Day Weekend and our fun has just begun. We're looking forward to slowing down but not until after the SPLASHPAD and picnic at the park tomorrow as we take our 1st true Sabbath in a long time! Fun way to celebrate our Freedom in Christ! Thanks to all those who are missing someone special today who gave their life for America. Let's be sure to remember The One who gave His life for Everyone's Eternal Freedom from sin!!!

Our fun will continue into next week as Matt and I go to a cabin for a couple nights {ALONE} to celebrate our 8-year-anniversary! {THANKS Nanna and Papaw!} So, if you don't hear from me...that's we're I am ;O)


Hope you enjoyed our life via my camera. {THANKS Aunt TeaLee for letting me borrow yours after the 'bad guys' took mine!!! I promise I'll get a new one of my own soon ;o)} What are you doing in memory of those who have given their lives for our American freedoms?

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You Don’t have TV?

There is a television sitting on a cute entertainment center in the corner of our living room.
It's a nice flat screen, my husband's reward for persevering through the 1st few baby steps of Dave Ramsay's Financial Peace University.

You may be surprised to know that we don't have TV. You may be asking yourself, "Then what is all your furniture pointing at?" {Friends circa 1990s}. We have that nice flat screen television set and we watch things on it but we don't have cable, or satellite, or any of those other providers. We've had a lot of friends, family, acquaintances, and complete strangers think we're nuts. I've heard it all. So...why don't we have TV?

When I moved to college my roommate and I chose not to pay extra for  cable in our dorm room. There was a giant TV in the lobby if we ever wanted to watch something. When I moved into my own apartment, my roommates and I again chose not to pay for cable, we never watched it in the dorm anyways. When I met my husband, he didn't have TV at his house either. Finances began our journey of being TV-less. Where your money is, there your heart will lie also.

We have always watched movies, select television shows on DVD, utilize HULU and other online providers and our children also watch children's movies once a day. We more strict after having children as well as growing in our knowledge of Christ. What you put in comes out, no matter how much you claim it doesn't. It sways your view on morality, absolute truths, cultural ungodliness, and so many other things. We are paying for Satan to enter our homes through pagan programming.

When Matt and I were newlyweds, we spend most nights watching TV via our good ole bunny ears or 'shows' on DVD. The more we piled on our ministry plates and then after having our 1st child we realized how much time we were spending in front of the TV. Reading books on baby's and their recommendations of <2hrs of screen time a day for baby's made us pay more attention to when and how long the TV was on. {recommendations have changed in just ~4 years, now saying under 2 should have NO screen time, after that it should be as low as 1-2 hours. Here are newer recommendation resources: effects of too much screen timelimit the number of tv-watching hourssetting effective screen time limitsLittle House on the Freewayis a book I'd love to read. "[This book] addresses the need to slow down for a minute or two for the sake of our families." If any of you have read it, please share! Even {pagan programmer} is writing article that include a section entitled "Limiting Screen Time Benefits the Whole Family". Our time is valuable! We are each given 24 hours each. Don't get me wrong, staring mindlessly at a TV can be quite relaxing; we just need to make sure it's wholesome. We need to be intentional with our time! Having a running commentary of noise in the background of your home just creates a mood of panic. Quiet and Rest is a gift from God. God's design for our lives is not stressed filled and rushing but rather peaceful and productive. Challenge: turn off the noise for a week and see what the difference is! Slow your family down through peace and quiet. Enjoy each other again.

Don't just take it from me. Cassandra, of The Unplugged Family is a Media Communications grad who walked away from the industry. In her contributing post at The Better Mom, She says,

I understand very well that TV, above all else, is a business. ... Today, advertising sells a lifestyle and a feeling. In the 70s, researchers realized something remarkable about what happens to humans, and especially children, when they watch television – our brains shut down.

One of her 5 "ways you can protect and equip your family to deal with and respond to the influence of advertising" is:

If you’re keeping the TV, at least limit your kids’ intake. This applies to time and content. Remove televisions from bedrooms and limit their viewing by time and content. DVDs are a good option for skipping the commercials, especially if you skip the previews.

Do you have TV? Why or why not? I enjoy learning more about readers/friends.
Have any other questions about our decision hit me up in the comment section. I'd love to share more!!!

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