Begin {Five Minute Friday}

Begin. Beginning something new for me is always exciting. Some times it's hard. Some time it is just fun. Some times it is planned and other times is just...happens.


Furniture started as a fun side hobby I was enjoying. I sold a couple pieces and we realized it could help up get to our vehicle savings faster so we upped the production. lol

I'm usually a very planned person. I feel more comfortable, confident, and calm when things are researched, thought-through, and weighed appropriately.

I love lots of things I've been a part of in years past, including but not limited to writing. I LOVE writing. It's calming. It helps me work through things I need to think about. Keeps me focused. Gets things out of my head and out of my way so I can go on and be more productive.

So why is it so hard to come back here and jump back in?

I have a million thoughts started. Part of me is nervous to finish the thoughts. Nervous I'm not going to state my thoughts correctly. Nervous I'm not going to have the "right" thoughts/opinions on a certain topic. Nervous I'm going to offend someone. Nervous I'm going to have to back peddle and retake missteps.

So, here I am. On a Saturday night, trying to write for just 5 minutes to get back on the horse. See ya again in a few when I climb back up here for the next ride if I don't get bucked off and badly injured 😉

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Carpe Diem: Seize the…Opportunity {Five Minute Friday}

On Fridays over here a group of people who love to throw caution to the wind and just write gather to share what five minutes buys them. Just five minutes. Unscripted. Unedited. Real.

Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking Link back at the gypsy mamma and invite others to join in.

Please give me your best five minutes on:




Today I am grateful to have seized the day on more than one day this past week. It has flown by but not with a single missed opportunity! Last Sunday was our last day at our {potentially} last church as youth ministers. Our New Adventure has started.

Among Matt starting work at his new "office" with regular 'buisness hours', there has been tons of celebrating going on this week. We are exhausted and filled. God has filled us with so much love this past week from all those who love us so dearly. I know last weeks 5MF ended up being...contreversal even though I still not sure why. This week I wanted to share nothing but the positives of this past week.

Sunday night there were the Awana Awards! AND a going away party for us!Monday night we had a FUN staff going away cook out! Tuesday was officially Nakey Day! along with some Nakey Painting! Wednesday was Maggie's last night in Cubbies which included a PJ party!

Thursday night was our fellowship night with the Journey class!

Friday night was dinner with awesome friends!

Saturday was a birthday party at the park! AND Nanna's birthday, including dinner and icecream cake! Memorial Day Weekend and our fun has just begun. We're looking forward to slowing down but not until after the SPLASHPAD and picnic at the park tomorrow as we take our 1st true Sabbath in a long time! Fun way to celebrate our Freedom in Christ! Thanks to all those who are missing someone special today who gave their life for America. Let's be sure to remember The One who gave His life for Everyone's Eternal Freedom from sin!!!

Our fun will continue into next week as Matt and I go to a cabin for a couple nights {ALONE} to celebrate our 8-year-anniversary! {THANKS Nanna and Papaw!} So, if you don't hear from me...that's we're I am ;O)


Hope you enjoyed our life via my camera. {THANKS Aunt TeaLee for letting me borrow yours after the 'bad guys' took mine!!! I promise I'll get a new one of my own soon ;o)} What are you doing in memory of those who have given their lives for our American freedoms?

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