I Fake Moon People

There are a handful of you who are subscribers who receive emails every time I publish something. {We're talking toddler handful}

making Thanksgiving bags

You may have noticed I haven't been writing much...or at all. Most of those prolly hit click the box to "bulk delete" before even opening, hence the catchy title. LOL No really, it doesn't bother me. I delete most of the blogs I subscribe to right now.

I just wanted to share with you as I am going lately.
Ya know, all of November & now December.

Jamin finally got a "big boy bed" and is SUPER excited that his toddler bed was turned back into a crib for "baby Ellie" and will stay in his room.

We made turkey bags & snack mix with our "across the street" friends to give to all our other neighbors.Turkey Bags

There have been lots of days I'm just wooped so we come up with things like, "royal day" where we break out crawling tubes and pop-up tents that cover the entire living room and entertain the chill'n for hours.My Iz the Biz

Collected and packed TONS of Operation Christmas Child boxes with the valley peeps.

We stole our niece and nephew for a few days around Thanksgiving. It was fun and adventurous.
We caught a "field mouse"caught a mouseand gave this handsome guy a good ole fashion Thanksgiving haircut.David's Thanksgiving ChopOur valley family threw us an awesome baby shower for Ellie and we got some necessities AND cuteness!Ellie's ShowerWe decorated for Christmas an my J-man helped 'fluff the branches'...it was hard work 😉 fluffing branches

The rest of this stuff is pure random quirkiness that came to my awkward, off-track, pregger brain.

  • Sometimes when someone says something silly or that I don't like...I pretend to pull down my pants and pretend to moon them.
  • My living room is currently covered in that weird mess stuff people make pretty stuff out of in shades of green, red, and gold. I found it in a trash bag in my side-yard...it had been there for days and I think blew out of someone's trash guys truck.
  • We've been finishing Christmas shopping and have everything wrapped so far. We do 1 'spiritual', 'need', and 'fun' for each child. This year, we also let the kids shop for one another. When Matt and I sat down to wrap, it wasn't odd when he ask me what the plan was and if I was picking a specific wrapping paper for each child. I wouldn't do that...I wrapped each "type" of gift in a certain paper. lol

  • I have lots of things I want to write but with the personality of Rachel from Friends {season 8- mega preggers}... it might be best if I wait 😉

"I'm sorry, is the puffy pregnant lady disturbing your coffee sipping?!"
"I have to pee. If I don't come out in 5 minutes its because I choked to death on the potpourri stench."

I am getting oober jealous of all my amazing friends "getting their babies" before. I know this is completely irrational and selfish. I have lots of friends struggling through miscarriages and infertility.

"They're bringing in another woman." "Is she pregnant yet? It doesn't matter, she'll still have her baby before I do."
"3 Women have come and gone with their babies...you're at a 3." "WHAT!?! I'm a 3."

  • We've been trying to keep the house clean...in prep for bringing home baby. But it gets a little hard when your 5-year-0ld keeps urinating on the carpet. {a story...or lots of stories for another time}
  • cleaning the houseWe have 3 different "advent" like things going in my house: homemade countdown chain {started ~Thanksgiving}, veggie tale calendar with Truth in the Tinsel inserts, and a Jesus Storybook Bible scripture readings. Yeah, impressive right!?! Mags ask me today, "Mamma, so are giving up on the chain countdown or something?"

  • I am eating Edy's Butterfinger Grand Ice Cream out of the 1.5qts tub. Not because I'm that hungry but that lazy...I didn't want to dirty another bowl and the only reason I have a real spoon is because it was longer than the plastic ones and I didn't want to get my hand sticky.
  • I still have a giant blue frame on my wall that really bothers those in our valley group but its a major commitment- poster size 24x32. The biggest poster size Wal-Mart has is 20x30.
  • After 3 other pregnancies and claiming that my belly button was only a 1/2 outie or just a "lip"...its full fledged OUT-e this time!

Hope you're having a fun, random, adventurous holiday season and maybe I'll get back on track writing real soon. I really do miss it.

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P.J. Shopping Day!!!

Most of these deals are from my affiliates
{meaning, my family earns 1%-10% of the sales}
but some are just things I love & wanted to share!

advent-printable-jesus-storybookFREE Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Calendar Printables!!!



cyber mon dayspringSuper Deals- up to 70% off!

paperbackfront-copyClick here to visit Truth in the Tinsel.

Sam’s Club

MelissaAndDoug.com- Over 2,000 Unique and Exciting Toys for Children of All Ages! Click here!
FREE SHIPPING On Any Order Over $9.99 At MelissaAndDoug.com! Use Code: FREESHIP999 At Checkout! Click Here!

Pandora Towson

cyBear Monday Friends Only $8 Each Including Lil Fudge Pup, Salted Caramel Cub and Snowy Smiles Bunny! 12/2 Only at Buildabear.com!

Save 30% with code Cyber Paperless Home Management Binder

Holiday Hot Deals: Accessories Starting at $5, Games Starting at $10, Toys Starting at $10, Starting at Books $6. Offer valid 11.28 at 3 PM PST through 12.3. No promo code needed.

Wal-Mart.com USA, LLC

1104065_cyber_week_v1_20_01Shop Holiday Cards
Shop Photo BooksShop Calendars
Save an additional 20% on select items with code CYBER20. Valid 12/2-12/5.

Christmas Decorations and More on MNPartyStore.com

This sale begins at 8am on Friday, November 29th and ends at 11:59pm Monday, December 2nd!

$8.99 (50% off!) Use code: FRIDAY

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$.99 PDF (80% off!) Use code: HAPPYCOUNTING

Custom Photo Fleece Blanket - Just $20 - Save $24.99!
50% Off Wedding Announcements, Prints, and Books!
Free Shipping On Orders Of $20 Or More at YorkPhoto.com!
50% Off Everything On Orders Of $25 Or More!
4¢ Prints (4x6/4xD) - Unlimited Quantity!

Enjoy! Tell us what your favorite deal was today by leaving a comment!

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How-to “Take Them a Meal”

Do any of you have friends having babies? Coworkers losing loved ones? Family sick or loosing their jobs? Sometimes the holidays can just be hard. We all know providing a necessity, like a yummy meal, during times like these can be the best ways to help and comfort. We also know that lots of well meaning people can be overwhelming and disorganized when trying to all help and comfort the same people.

How-to Use Take Them A Meal

Today, I'm sharing one of my FAVORITE online FREE find on the Homemakers Challenge! Sneak on over and hear how to use "Take Them a Meal", a free online organization tool that's so easy to use for facilitating such a ministry.

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Operation Christmas Child, Duck Dynasty, and a GIVEAWAY!!!

Last week was Operation Christmas Child week here on the blog.

occ-logo-medMonday What is Operation Christmas Child?
Tuesday Operation Christmas Child FAQ Answered
Wednesday How-to Pack a OCC Shoes Box
Thursday How-to Pack a OCC Shoes Box
Friday Operation Christmas Child Packing Party!

Today, the beloved Si wants to share his passion for OCC with you::

For the GIVEAWAY, we will be joining oh Amanda's monthly mission.

ohAmandaHere are the options for GIVEAWAY entries:

  1. Show your kids, friends, and/or family at least one of the awesome videos of Si from above, Veggie Tales, or one about Alex- for the older audience. {comments about who you shared which video with for your 1st entry}
  2. Pack a box with your kids. Take pictures and post them on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, your blog, etc. Use the hashtag #OCC and #asJulesgoes {come back here and comment with a link to what you shared for a 2nd entry}
  3. Pray with your kids, friends, and/or family for the child that will receive your box. Ask God to lead you to the gifts that will minister to that child. Don't forget to DROP IT OFF. {come back here and share about your drop off location for a 3rd entry}
  4. Host a Packing Party {come back here and share stories you partied for a 4th entry}
  5. Come back here by November 27 and report back with how many boxes you collected. {come back here and share stories of who you may have encouraged to pack boxes with year for a 5th entry}

Everyone that packs a box and leaves a comment sharing about it will be entered to WIN---->

1 copy of Operation Christmas Child: The Story of Simple Gifts by Franklin Graham!!! To learn more about the book, Amanda shares here.

To order ohAmanda's awesome eBook, use the affiliate link by clicking the image below. LOVE THIS BOOK. We went through it last year as part of our Advent and will likely do it again 😀truthinthetinsel-leaderboard

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MORE of Alex’s Story {Operation Christmas Child}

Tonight I want to share an amazing story I was honored to hear pieces of at Allume a few weeks ago.

Alex's Story!

Love Your Neighbor: Gift of Forgiveness in Rwanda

Sharing God with a Gift

The Peace of Letting Go: How one Rwandan Forgave

I hope you've enjoyed hearing about how your simple gifts in a tiny shoe box are impacting the world for Christ!!!

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